Best Weapon In 33 Immortals

Best Weapon In 33 Immortals
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33 Immortals is a co-op MMO roguelite with heavy inspiration from games like Hades. You battle it out across different stages with up to 33 other players, hence the name. There are currently four weapons in the game: the Daggers, the Sword, the Bow, and the Staff. Each has its pros and cons, though we think the Sword is the best weapon in the game at the moment because you can block all incoming damage. This is great for boss fights and Torture Rooms.


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We’ll go over each weapon in detail below, covering their main abilities and combos.

Best Weapon In 33 Immortals – The Sword

We’ve played around with all four weapons in the game and have come to the conclusion that our favorite, and hence the best, is the Sword.

Your experience may vary – the Daggers are a lot of fun, too.

Your real damage will come from the Relics and Perks you find on your journey, rather than a specific weapon. All weapons can be good if you’ve got a decent build.

With the sword you can combo light attacks, gain Justice from hitting enemies, and then use that Justice to either Guard or Heavy Slash which are both useful.


Guard consumes 20 Justice per second, but while you’re channeling it all blocks all incoming damage. Yes. Even massive boss attacks. Time your blocks well, and you should be able to live longer than most of your allies.

Heavy Slash

Heavy Slash also consumes Justice and will Stagger enemies when you hit them with the charged attack. This is great for single-target enemies, but you need to be careful if there are lots of enemies in front of you as the charge time takes a while.

The Daggers – Fun And Mobile

The Daggers are a bit harder to use than the Sword, but they’re much more mobile and thus very fun if you can pull off some combos.

You can combo light slashes with the Daggers, accumulating Greed as you attack enemies. Once your Greed bar is full, you can use your jump to Takedown enemies. The more greed you have the more damage the daggers do.

You can use your jump Takedown to get out of danger alongside your dash! You can also combo your Dash with your Takedown to cover a lot of distance.

The Bow – Beginner Friendly

The Bow is the starting weapon in 33 Immortals because it’s the most beginner-friendly. You don’t have to worry about too many extra mechanics, and you’ll play from range, which means you’re less likely to get hit by melee monsters.

The Bow mechanic is very simple: you fire arrows, then recall them with your Guiding Light ability. Any arrows that are recalled will pierce enemies and deal damage.

The Staff – AoE Damage, But Harder To Use

The Staff is an excellent weapon in 33 Immortals, but it’s a bit more situational. You can throw either Light Orbs or Heavy Orbs and accumulate Sloth as you damage enemies.

Once you’ve accumulated enough Sloth, you can cast Torpor – this is an AoE attack that slows monsters. The more Torpor you use while casting the ability, the more monsters are slowed.

Torpor inflicts damage-over-time and effects on the enemies. For example, if you pick up the Oxidized Flagon (all your attacks inflict Weak), you can make whole groups of enemies weak with a single attack. This is a really good combo!


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