- Most fans believe in the existence of God Fruits in One Piece, potentially transforming users into different Gods.
- The only currently confirmed God Fruit in One Piece is Luffy’s Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika revealed during the Wano arc, though Loki likely also has a Sun God fruit.
- The Sea God Fruit, possibly controlled by Imu, could be the most powerful Devil Fruit and a Logia Type that assimilates into the ocean.
God Fruits are a relatively new concept introduced in One Piece. Although this is still a term that is mostly used by fans and hasn’t really been given a name within the story, it works with everything else that is known about the world because there are confirmed to be multiple Gods in the mythos of this series, of which the Sun God is born due to the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika.
As such, most fans believe in the existence of God Fruits in One Piece, which are essentially other Devil Fruits like Luffy’s that allow their users to transform into other Gods. However, this begs the question; are all of these specific fruits Mythical Zoans? While this does track with what is known about the world, let’s take a look at how some of the remaining God Fruits could possibly be Paramecia or Logia types.

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How God Fruits Can Be Paramecia Or Logia Types
The Different Kinds Of Devil Fruits
First Shown God Fruit |
Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika |
First Appearance |
One Piece, Chapter 1, “Romance Dawn – The Dawn of Adventure” |
Story Arc |
Romance Dawn |
As of the current era of the One Piece story, the only confirmed God Fruit is Luffy’s Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika. While it was introduced in the story as a Paramecia that allowed Luffy to essentially turn his body into rubber, the Wano arc revealed that it was hiding its true power this entire time. This Devil Fruit had the power to turn Luffy into the mythical Nika, a God of Liberation who went around the world spreading freedom.
The first mention of Nika was a vague one, which happened in Mont Blanc Noland’s flashback during the Skypiea arc, where he was only mentioned as the Sun God. Coincidentally, this is also where the God of the Rain, God of the Earth, and God of the Forest were spoken about, which is the main basis behind why fans believe there to be multiple God Fruits in the first place. Most shockingly, however, is the fact that Loki currently also has a legendary power which he and all the Giants of Elbaf consider as coming from the Sun God Devil Fruit.
I am the Sun God who will bring about the end of the world!
The most likely part of this theory is that Loki’s Devil Fruit is another Mythical Zoan that lets him transform into a Sun God of some kind since even Elbaf recognizes the legend of how Nika looks. So this brings up the question of how the other God Fruits could function in the One Piece world and who possibly owns them. Firstly, most fans of the series believe that the only other God Fruit of which there is substantial proof of existing with a known character is the Rain God Fruit, who they believe to belong to Monkey D. Dragon.
This would make sense since the only display of Dragon’s mysterious power was in Loguetown many years ago. Due to his strange and incredibly formidable ability to summon powerful storms that could blow away entire ships and groups of people, many believe that Dragon’s Devil Fruit allows him to control the weather, which would make perfect sense as being a Rain God Paramecia Type Devil Fruit.
This would be one of the greatest abilities for one to have in the One Piece world, easily putting it up as a possible Devil Fruit power worthy of being a God Fruit. Similarly, Whitebeard’s legendary Gura Gura no Mi could have been another Paramecia God Fruit, perhaps even the Earth God fruit. This is due to its unrivaled strength and the ability to shake the Earth, which is hinted at being enough to rip the entire world apart if the user truly wants to. The Elbaf mural in Chapter 1138 and the nightmare of Elbaf’s children in Chapter 1142 also hint at a counter to the Nika fruit.
While this is mostly speculated to be another Mythical Zoan ‘Dark Nika’ fruit, it’s possible that it could even be Blackbeard’s Yami Yami no Mi, which is a Logia Type that can negate the powers of any other Devil Fruit, Luffy’s Nika fruit included, making it the perfect thematic opposite to Luffy’s powers. If this is to be the case with these fruits, it would be a great way to turn the FInal Saga into something more than just another Mythical Zoan-fest and to have Devil Fruits of all kinds make a huge difference at the end of the series.

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The Sea God Fruit Could Be A Logia
Perhaps The Strongest Fruit Of Them All
The mural at the end of Chapter 1138 of the Elbaf arc came with one of the biggest reveals in the history of the franchise that spoke about the nature of the previous worlds and shed the most light on the Void Century. Here, there was a mention of a previously unheard-of Sea God, whom many fans believe to be Imu. The title of Sea God seems to hint at unmatched power, so the prevailing opinion is that Imu has a Mythical Zoan that allows them to transform into something that can control the Seas.
However, a counterpoint states that the Sea God fruit may actually be a Logia Type that allows the user to assimilate into the ocean, which goes against everything that’s known about Devil Fruits in the first place. If this is the case, then this would, by far, be the most powerful Devil Fruit in the history of the franchise that would make just about everyone else susceptible to their power, including Luffy in his Nika state.
One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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