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The Hespar is Warframe’s
first Heavy Scythe, a cross between a traditional scythe and a greatsword. While these weapons aren’t as quick as your typical scythe, they make up for this with hard-hitting attacks and a comically large base range. If you want to cleave an entire group of enemies in one swing, the Hespar is worth a look.
You won’t find any notable gimmicks on the Hespar itself, yet this weapon’s great base stats and strong stance make it a good option as a daily driver or dedicated heavy attack weapon. Today, we’ll be looking at how to get the Hespar, cover its base stats, and showcase some strong builds for this weapon.
How To Craft The Hespar
The Hespar’s components are obtained from bounties and activities aboard the Zariman. You’ll unlock this zone upon completing the ”
Angels of the Zariman
” quest. Three components are needed to craft the Hesper:
- Blueprint: T4 bounties.
- Handle: Void Cascade (Rotation C)
- Blade: Void Armageddon (Rotation C)
Hespar Crafting Requirements |
Hespar Handle |
Hespar Blade |
Hespar Blueprint |
50 Thrax Plasm |
Credit Cost: 15,000 |
Build Time: 12 Hours |
Hespar Stats And Features
Hespar Stats |
Base Damage |
Impact |
112 |
Puncture |
33.6 |
Slash |
134.4 |
Total |
280 |
Other Damage Stats |
Follow Through |
40% |
Attack Speed |
1 |
Critical Chance |
24% |
Critical Multiplier |
2.2x |
Status / Hit |
28% |
Misc. |
Weapon Type |
Heavy Scythe |
Range |
2.8m |
MR Requirement |
Mastery Rank 12 |
As Warframe’s first Heavy Scythe, the Hespar is a wide-reaching melee weapon that cleaves through targets with sweeping blows and AoE slams. The only stance for this weapon archetype, Galeforce Dawn, has numerous guaranteed Slash procs through heavy attacks and your weapon’s neutral combo.
The Hespar itself has no unique gimmicks or synergies to speak of. Since it’s a scythe, you can opt for a heavy attack build for devastating Slash procs or a more conventional melee attack build for everyday content.

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Hespar Builds
We’ll be looking at two Hespar builds today, one with minimal investment and another that’s tailored for
Steel Path content
. You don’t need any specific Warframes or external loadout components to make this weapon powerful, although feel free to do so if you want to push the Hespar to its limit.
Starter Build (Zero Forma)
Forma |
None |
Variant |
Hespar |
This Hespar build focuses on light attack spam by scaling our critical stats as much as possible. We highly recommend you use Condition Overload on this weapon, as the forced status procs from Galeforce Dawn and your moderate status chance make for a strong primer. Inflicting three or four ailments is fairly easy, giving you a massive damage boost.
Melee Exposure is a great choice for this build, granting 240 percent bonus damage as Corrosive for casting abilities. This also gives you an extra status ailment for Condition Overload.
For critical hits, we use Amalgam Organ Shatter to scale critical damage, Blood Rush for critical chance, and Galvanized Steel for a little of both. Berserker’s Fury greatly buffs your attack speed upon landing critical hits, making this weapon fairly smooth to use for light attack spam. Finish the build with an elemental combo of your choosing.
Heavy Attack Build (Four Forma)
Forma |
4 (3V, –) |
Variant |
Hespar |
Scythes are great melee weapons for heavy attack builds, and the Hespar is no exception. This build focuses on maximizing the damage of your heavy attacks through combo scaling, critical damage, and heavy attack stats. Since we aren’t inflicting a myriad of status ailments this time, we’ve opted to use Sacrificial Steel and Sacrificial Pressure to scale our base damage and critical stats over Condition Overload and Galvanized Steel.
Amalgam Organ Shatter remains a good choice for scaling your critical damage here. Corrupt Charge acts as a damage multiplier to your heavy attacks by forcing your combo to start at x2, doubling your heavy attack damage. Killing Wind gives you even more heavy attack damage, and Primed Reach makes it easier to hit targets with your heavy attacks. Finish the build with your favorite elemental combo.

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