Moments When Characters Admire Goku’s Strength In Dragon Ball

Moments When Characters Admire Goku's Strength In Dragon Ball
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  • Vegeta admitted Goku’s superiority in a poignant moment before his sacrifice in the Majin Buu Saga.
  • Gohan realizes his hidden potential, surpassing even Goku, during the Cell Saga with his father’s belief.
  • Even Lord Beerus, a God of Destruction, shows genuine respect for Goku’s achieved strength in the Tournament of Power.

Goku has always been the kind of warrior who turns doubters into believers. Whether it’s longtime rivals, former enemies, or even gods, his relentless pursuit of strength has earned the admiration of some of the most powerful beings in the Dragon Ball universe.


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These moments aren’t just about Goku flexing his power, they’re about the impact he leaves on those who witness it. From the battle-hardened Saiyan Prince to the literal God of Destruction, here are some of the most striking moments where characters couldn’t help but acknowledge Goku’s strength.



Majin Buu Saga

Vegeta’s rivalry with Goku has always been built on pride, but that pride took a hit during the Majin Buu Saga. When Majin Buu was unleashed, it became clear that brute force alone wouldn’t be enough. That’s when Vegeta faced a bitter truth: Goku had surpassed him yet again.

Hang in there Kakarot… you’re number #1

The real moment of admiration came before Vegeta’s sacrifice. After their battle as Majin-powered warriors, Vegeta realized that Goku had hidden the ability to transform into Super Saiyan 3, something he couldn’t even fathom. He wasn’t just a step behind; he was leagues away. And in his final moments before self-destruction, he finally admitted what he had spent years denying: that Goku was better. His whispered confession, “You are better than me, Kakarot,” carried the weight of a lifelong rivalry.



Cell Saga

The Cell Games marked a pivotal moment for Gohan and his perception of his father’s incredible power. When Cell pushed Gohan to his breaking point, the young half-Saiyan finally understood what his father had known all along, that Gohan’s potential far exceeded even Goku’s strength.

During those critical moments, Gohan experiences a flashback of his father’s unwavering confidence in him. “Dad always believed I had the power to defeat Cell,” Gohan realized as his hidden strength began to surface. The memory of Goku’s sacrifice and his steadfast belief in his son’s abilities helped trigger Gohan’s transformation into a Super Saiyan 2, a feat not even Goku had achieved at that point.



Dragon Ball Z: The History Of Trunks

Piccolo has never been one to hand out praise, especially when it comes to Goku. But sometimes, even he has to acknowledge the obvious. In Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, as the remaining Z Fighters watch from afar, powerless against the rise of the Androids, Goku, even with his body ravaged by a fatal heart virus, fought with everything he had, refusing to back down until he physically couldn’t stand anymore.


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Piccolo had battled him as a rival, fought alongside him as an ally, and watched him defy logic time and time again. At that moment, he wasn’t just acknowledging Goku’s power; he was recognizing something deeper. Goku wasn’t like them. He had never been.


Future Trunks

Android Saga

When Future Trunks arrived from his apocalyptic timeline during the Android Saga, he carried with him stories of a warrior whose legacy had inspired resistance against seemingly impossible odds. Despite never having met Goku in his timeline, Trunks had grown up hearing tales of the legendary Super Saiyan from his mother, Bulma, and his mentor, Gohan.


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He’s way stronger than the stories said.

Upon finally meeting Goku in person, Trunks couldn’t contain his awe. After witnessing Goku transform into a Super Saiyan with ease, a feat that had taken Trunks years of anguish and loss to achieve, the time traveler was visibly stunned. “So this is the power my mother and Gohan talked about,” he remarked, his eyes wide with wonder. “The legends didn’t do it justice.”



Frieza Saga

Few moments in Dragon Ball history carry the satisfying weight of Frieza’s realization that he had finally met his match. The self-proclaimed emperor of the universe, who had casually destroyed planets and committed genocide against races, found himself trembling before a “mere monkey” during their legendary confrontation on Namek.

After Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, triggered by Frieza’s murder of Krillin, the tyrant’s smugness quickly dissolved into disbelief. “What… what are you?” Frieza stammered, his composure cracking for the first time as golden energy crackled around his opponent. The being who had never known fear was suddenly experiencing it firsthand.



Tournament Of Power (Episode 131)

The Tournament of Power’s conclusion in Episode 131 delivered one of the most hard-earned acknowledgments of Goku’s strength in the entire series. Jiren, the seemingly invincible Pride Trooper who had spent the tournament dismissing Goku’s power-ups, finally found himself forced to reassess everything he believed about strength.

After Goku mastered Ultra Instinct, a technique even the Gods of Destruction couldn’t perfect, Jiren witnessed something that defied his understanding of power. “How can someone like you surpass me?” the Pride Trooper questioned as Goku’s silver-eyed form moved with divine precision. It wasn’t just Goku’s raw power that impressed Jiren but his ability to achieve it through bonds with others rather than isolation and self-reliance.


Lord Beerus

Tournament Of Power

For a God of Destruction to acknowledge a mortal’s strength is nearly unprecedented in the Dragon Ball universe. Yet, during the Tournament of Power, even Lord Beerus couldn’t contain his astonishment at what Goku had achieved. The same deity who had once casually defeated Goku with a mere flick found himself standing in awe as the Saiyan mastered Ultra Instinct.

This mortal really is… something else

“He’s actually done it,” Beerus muttered, his usual sarcastic demeanor replaced by genuine respect. The God of Destruction, who had existed for millions of years and seen countless warriors rise and fall, was witnessing something truly extraordinary.


Dragon Ball Z

Release Date

1989 – 1996


Daisuke Nishio


Akira Toriyama, Takao Koyama

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