Roblox’s Untitled Boxing Game is an intense boxing simulator where you engage in fast-paced fights, utilizing a mix of regular punches and powerful abilities to dominate opponents. Unlike some other games in The Hunt Mega Edition event, getting a token here is no easy task. Instead of completing simple objectives, you will have to face off against two brutal bosses — Raiden and Raven.

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If you’re new to the game, adapting to the mechanics and fast combat style might be a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below, we will break down everything you need to know to defeat The Void Twins and get your token.
How To Get A Token
Before you can claim your reward, you will need to enter the game. You can find it through The Hunt Mega Edition lobby or simply search for Untitled Boxing Game in Roblox. Once inside, you must complete one crucial task — defeat the deadly twins, Raiden and Raven.
To start the boss fight, you need to talk to Coach Bringus, the NPC standing near the spawn area. You will recognize him instantly thanks to the giant “Event Quest Giver” sign above his head. As soon as you interact and have a small talk with him, you will be thrown into the arena for a battle against Raiden. But the challenge doesn’t stop there — after dealing with Raiden, you will have to face his sister, Raven. Let’s break down how to take down each boss effectively.
How To Beat Raiden
Raiden is the first boss you will face, and luckily, he’s not too tough. His attack patterns are predictable, and most of his punches are light shots that you can easily dodge.
The key to winning here is movement – keep dodging left and right to avoid his attacks and look for openings to counterattack with quick jabs and heavy blows. Also, don’t forget to use your Special and Ultimate moves whenever possible to drain his health faster.
During the third round, Raiden will pull out a sword and start using longer-range attacks. This phase can catch you off guard if you’re not careful. The trick is to continue to stay mobile, dodging sideways when he swings and then closing the distance to land your own attacks.
If you maintain your pressure and avoid his blade, you will take him down without much trouble. But also remember to keep an eye on your HP because after falling, bosses will get up several more times, fully restoring their health bar.
How To Beat Raven
Unlike her brother, the situation with Raven will be much more complicated. She’s faster, more aggressive, and far more unpredictable than Raiden. Right from the start, you need to be on the move, dodging her rapid strikes and avoiding getting cornered. She also has better stamina than her brother, meaning she won’t get tired as quickly, so be careful.
To defeat her, focus on blocking and wait until she runs out of stamina. When she slows down, hit back with a few light punches and follow up with a heavy shot to maximize damage. Keep repeating this cycle while staying mobile. With patience and the right strategy, you will eventually bring down Raven and get The Hunt Mega Edition token.

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