Every Longsword Combo In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Every Longsword Combo In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
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Combos in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 allow players to chain attacks together in specific orders to perform moves that not only look great but often finish enemies off too. There are combos for each weapon type taught by various trainers, but many players will be most excited by the longsword combos in KCD2.


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There are 10 longsword combos, but without mods or console commands, players will only be able to learn 9 of these during a single playthrough, as two of them are exclusive. Many of these combos also require players to progress through the story, particularly the ones taught in the Kuttenberg region. While learning most of these longsword combos will cost Groschen, a few are taught for free as quest rewards.

Every Longsword Combo & Where To Learn Them In KCD2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Longsword Combos-1

Lower Left Strike (Left – Right – Left)

This combo slashes upwards from the left. Tomcat can be found early on in the game in the Nomad’s camp.

Lower Right Strike (Right – Left – Right)

This combo slashes upwards from the right. Tomcat can be found early on in the game in the Nomad’s camp.

Oben Abnehmen (Left – Down – Right)

  • Taught by: Menhard von Frankfurt

The Oben Abnehmen combo strikes opponents on their necks. To be taught this skill by Menhard of Frankfurt, players must side with him and win the tourney during the Ars Dimicatoria side quest. This will lock them out of learning the halfswording combo.


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Knee Strike (Left – Up – Left)

Knee Strike in KCD2 does what it says on the tin. Tomcat is an essential trainer, especially as he can teach Henry how to Master Strike. He is found in the nomad’s camp.

Zorn Ort (Right – Right – Right – Left)

Zorn Ort pierces the opponent’s face. It is taught by the Dry Devil at the Devil’s Den in the Kuttenberg region after completing the Speak of the Devil quest.

Kurzhaw (Up – Up – Left)

  • Taught by: Black Bartosch

Kurzhaw pierces the opponent’s stance to hit them in the face. Black Bartosch can be found in Trosky Castle after completing Wedding Crashers and the following main quest.

Mittelhaw (Up – Right – Left)

Mittelhaw slashes opponents across their bellies. It is one of many combos taught by Tomcat at the nomad’s camp.

Fiore Halbschwerten (Up – Left – Right)

  • Taught by: Master Nicholas of Prague

Fiore Halbschwerten is a move where the attacker grips the blade with one hand for a more controlled strike. This is otherwise known as half-swording. To learn this technique from Master Nicholas, Henry must side with the Kuttenbergers during Ars Dimicatoria and win the tourney.

Players can use this half-swording technique when playing as Godwin.

Pommel Strike (Down – Down – Right)

Strike opponents on the head with your sword’s pommel. The Dry Devil can be found by the training yard at the Devil’s Den after arriving in Kuttenberg as part of the main story and then completing Speak of the Devil.


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Rossen (Up – Left – Left – Right)

Knock an opponent’s sword aside before whacking them on the head. After progressing through a fair bit of the main story, Henry will be able to ask Godwin about battles he’s fought in. Via these dialogue options, the chance to learn the Rossen combo for free in KCD2 will appear.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II Tag Page Cover Art





February 4, 2025


Mature 17+ // Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity


Warhorse Studios

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