Best Cheats In Far Cry 5

Best Cheats In Far Cry 5
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The Far Cry series is easily one of the best and most notable IPs in gaming. Each game in the series delivers exactly what it promises — excellent open-world design, a tight narrative, and pulse-pounding action gameplay. In this regard, the latest game in the series is truly in a class of its own, featuring the stellar qualities of Ubisoft at its very peak.


30 Games To Play If You Like Far Cry

Far Cry was one of the first open-world first-person shooter games and has gained a large following. Here are some games to play if you liked Far Cry.

With the success of Far Cry 6, it’s only a given that you would want to revisit the franchise once again, with Far Cry 5 being as great a drop-off point as any. For those who want to have a good time in the game, the following cheats can certainly prove to be quite handy indeed.

Updated On March 17, 2025, By William Quick: Far Cry 6 is still the most recent entry in the main Far Cry series, but many of us are still milling about in Far Cry 5 to see what’s up. We may be trying to go for a completionist run, a casual playthrough, or need to blow off steam with some firefights or relaxing walks in nature, but any of these can lead to discoveries. Of course, it’s also good fun to instantly max out the character and unleash chaos against any who dare scowl at you. Here are the best cheat codes to do just that.

These cheats require the use of functions like the command console and Developer Mode. As such, they are only available on PC and not the console versions of the game.


Get All Vehicles

No More Walking For You

The 2008 Kimberlite Darrala screen in Far Cry 5.

Far Cry 5 doesn’t have the more difficult terrain since it takes place in the North American countryside, but it can still be pretty rough. What makes it even rougher is that you’ll have to walk everywhere! You’ve got places to be and people to fight, so two legs aren’t going to cut it. With this cheat, you’ll get access to all vehicles to blaze across the country with speed and style (even if they don’t control well).

To activate this code, open the command console and enter “give_all_vehicles”. With that, you’ll get the keys to every sweet ride that the game has to offer, and you’ll forget there ever was a time you had to use your own two feet to get anywhere.


Unlock All Skills

Who Has Time To Learn?

An Invent and Survive magazine in Far Cry 5.

The Far Cry protagonists are never in the best situation when things get started, and in Far Cry 5, it’s no different. You have above-average resistance to bullets and other forms of bodily harm, but you’re still a novice who needs to learn through failure and experience to learn skills and perks to get better. That’s why you need this cheat to fill out your skill tree immediately.

By opening the command console and entering “unlock_all_skills”, you’ll net every skill and be a master in seconds. With all the skills under your belt, you can experience all the play-styles the game has to offer and see which one feels just right.


Unlimited Ammo

Never Stop Shooting

Spinning the weapon wheel in Far Cry 5.

Despite all the chill country vibes, Far Cry 5 does plop you into a hot zone with wild animals and trigger-happy folks who are too happy to aim at you. While running and hiding is certainly a viable tactic for survival, it feels better to fight back until you’re the only one left swinging. Of course, that means your weapons need to be ready to go.

To make sure they’re always ready, enter “unlimited_ammo” into the command console to give your guns unlimited ammo. Without worrying about running out and no longer having to go hunting for stray bullets, you can now unleash a retaliatory lead storm with no risk.


God Mode

Can’t Touch This

A bomb goes off in the country of Far Cry 5.

It’s only a given that the first cheat that any of us would seek out in a video game is God Mode, allowing them to tank through enemies and blast past challenges without a care in the world due to their invulnerability. There are three ways to activate this cheat in the game.


Far Cry: 10 Best Character Designs Across The Series

Let’s take a look at some of the best designs across the Far Cry series.

The first one is more of a technical god mode, where you can reduce AI damage to zero by editing the parameters of the hex code in the GameRules.lua file.

The second method is to add the -DEVMODE command line parameter to the game — preferably through a shortcut to the game. This unlocks — fittingly enough — Developer Mode, where you can press the Backspace button to trigger God Mode.

The third way to unlock God Mode — and by far the easiest — is to use the ~ (tilde) button to open the console in-game and enter the command god_mode_count=1.


No Clip Mode

Walls Are Nothing

Guys fighting in front of Gluttony in Far Cry 5.

A legendary cheat code that has appeared in the land of gaming since time immemorial, No Clip Mode is a nifty little cheat that allows you to pass through any solid objects, barriers, or anything else with an otherwise impassable mesh.

The only way to toggle No Clip Mode is by enabling Developer Mode in the game — a method that has already been described before. Following this, you must press the F4 button to enable No Clip Mode.


Get All The Weapons In The Game

Fully Locked And Loaded

Night shooting at explosions in Far Cry 5.

One of the simpler cheats in the game allows you access to every weapon without any restrictions whatsoever. There are two ways to enable this cheat.

The first way to get these weapons involves using the reliable Developer Mode, following which you need to press the letter P to fill up their arsenal completely.

The second method uses the console command to give_all_weapons=1 to achieve the same.


Max Out Ammunition Of Every Weapon

Instant Ammo Dump

Armed and on the road in Far Cry 5.

Another useful cheat that allows you to go wild during a firefight is to easily max out the ammunition of all your weapons. There are three ways to go about this.

Going to the FCData folder and finding Scripts\Entities\Weapons will allow you to change the hex code of each weapon in the game and increase their clip size.

With Developer Mode on, you can press the letter O to get 999 ammunition instantly.

The final way to get ammunition for every weapon is to open the console with ~ (tilde) and enter the command give_all_ammo=1.


Gain Access To Any Level

Go Anywhere You Want

Hunting turkeys in Far Cry 5.

There are times when gamers would want to play a specific level in Far Cry 5 without having to do the busy work involved in unlocking said weapon.


Far Cry: Every Protagonist, Ranked

Far Cry is known for its chaotic gameplay and brilliant villains, but the protagonists have been pretty memorable too.

Those who want to access any level in the game can do the same by simply opening the console and writing the command /map, followed by the name of the level they want to access — such as “archive”, “boat”, “bunker”, and “carrier”.


Control Game Speed

Pick Up The Frames

Race or outrun bears in Far Cry 5.

Another cool Developer Mode cheat that you can use in Far Cry 5 to increase or decrease the speed of the game. It’s a cheat with some weird and hilarious effects on the gameplay. After activating Developer Mode, you can press the following keys to control the game’s speed.

  • = (equals) increases the speed of the game.
  • — (dash) decreases the speed of the game.
  • F5 brings the game back to normal speed.


Enable Quicksave And Quickload

Everybody Needs To Make Mistakes

A large battle with planes raining down in Far Cry 5.

While this might be one of the more mundane cheats on the list — given that Far Cry 5 autosaves at appropriate times in the game anyway — it’s nice to have full control over their saves in Far Cry 5 through cheats.

  • The first way to unlock this is to enable Developer Mode. After that, you can use F9 to quicksave and F10 to quickload at a moment’s notice.
  • The second method involves the use of console commands. Open the console with ~ (tilde) and use either \save_game or \load_game to perform the respective actions.


Toggle First And Third-Person View

Let Me See Myself

Seeing the sun through the trees in Far Cry 5.

Perhaps the coolest cheat in Far Cry 5 that most people had no idea about is that you can go through the entire game in third-person as well!

The only way to enable this cheat is through Developer Mode. After the command line parameter is set, pressing F1 will let you switch between first and third-person mode with ease.

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