Where To Find Cloudy And Coruscating Crystal In Monster Hunter Wilds.

Where To Find Cloudy And Coruscating Crystal In Monster Hunter Wilds.
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Monster Hunter Wilds makes quite a few changes to the core formula of the Monster Hunter series, from the interconnected world to the introduction of seasons. Another of these are a brand-new form of monsters, Guardians. These beasts do not hunger or sleep. They simply fight until they die, an unnatural construct.


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Guardian Monsters only appear in the Ruins of Wyveria, and come with a host of unique drops. Many of these are listed within their materials, though some are rarer still, such as Coruscating and Cloudy Crystals. You need to meet quite a few very specific conditions to get these rare items to even have a chance of appearing.

How To Get Cloudy And Coruscating Crystals

First and foremost is understanding what Cloudy and Coruscating Crystals actually are. These are like the significantly more common Crushed Crystal, though much more specific conditions before they drop. Crushed Crystals can be obtained from any Guardian Monster, as well as in the environment.

Cloudy and Coruscating Crystals can only be carved from Guardian Monsters, which in turn it means it can only be found in Wyveria. However, there are two specific conditions that you must meet – it must be during the Wyvern’s Wakening Inclemency weather, and the Guardian monster must die inside a Wylk Pool.

As long as any significant chunk of the monster is touching a Wylk Pool, they will have a chance of spawning Cloudy and Coruscating Crystals.

Once you defeat a monster inside a Wylk Pool, you must wait for it to decompose. Normally, this would result in the monster becoming a Rotten Carcass, but instead becomes a Crystallized Carcass in this specific scenario. You can carve from them after they have crystallized even if you already carved from them after they were freshly defeated. This doesn’t apply to just large Guardian monsters, but to Guardian Seikrets as well.

Most Guardian monsters retreat to Wylk Pools when they are almost defeated to heal their wounds, which is the ideal time to take them down. Many Wylk Pools are quite large, so this shouldn’t be too hard to achieve. However, because you must wait for them to crystallize, that means this is only effective from Field Surveys, and not Optional Quests or Investigations.

If you defeat a Guardian monster during the Inclemency, but it turns to the Plenty before they have crystallized, then they will rot as normal instead. On the other hand, if they crystallize before the weather changes, they will stay crystallized.

Despite Cloudy and Coruscating Crystals having the same rarity, the latter is much rarer than the former, and is most often dropped by large Guardian monsters rather than Guardian Seikrets.

The most important thing to keep in mind here is that this only applies to Guardian monsters. Defeating non-Guardian monsters in a Wylk Pool, regardless of the weather, will have no distinct effect and they will rot as normal.

Uses For Cloudy And Coruscating Crystals

The value of a coruscating crystal when used in melding in monster hunter wilds.

While the process is indeed complex, it shouldn’t take you too long to get your hands on some of these helpful crystals after a few Guardian monster hunts. These crystals, like the more common Crushed Crystal, are used in Wyverian Melding. Specifically, they are used for creating Relics to be used in making Artian weapons. Fitting, since Guardians were a creation of Wyveria.

Sadly, this does mean they cannot be used at all for making the arguably more useful Decorations.

Here is the value of each crystal when used to create Relics

  • Crushed Crystal – 20 melding points.
  • Cloudy Crystal – 60 melding points.
  • Coruscating Crystal – 300 melding points.

Despite the difficulty, they are rather singular in their usage, and nigh useless if you choose not to use the Artian weapons. At least it’s a cool use of the weather system, and a nice tie-in to the greater lore of the series.


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