One of PC’s greatest survival games, Pacific Drive is now cheaper than ever

One of PC’s greatest survival games, Pacific Drive is now cheaper than ever
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It’s one of the biggest questions that hangs over the Fallout series (barring of course Fallout 2): why doesn’t anybody have a car? It seems possible, at least in the worlds of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, that somebody could weld one together, but then again, it’s contrary to the grime and ardor of the greatest survival games. The Long Dark. The Forest. Stalker 2. Vehicle travel would just undermine the mood and the pace. But then there’s Pacific Drive, which is just as focused on crafting, scavenging, and struggle, but almost exclusively takes place behind the wheel of a car. Unique and tough, you can now get it for cheaper than ever.

In our own Pacific Drive review, Nat calls it an “essential driving sim for roguelike fans”. It’s that combination of influences that makes Ironwood Studios’ debut stand out – exploring an irradiated, horror-filled wilderness while struggling to keep your car operational, Pacific Drive is part survival game, part simulator, and part racing game. Over a sputtering, tired old radio, your handler directs you to investigate anomalies that could help to explain the phenomenon that has overtaken the Olympic Exclusion Zone. But every journey is perilous, and you need to scrounge for supplies and fastidiously maintain your vehicle if you want to keep breathing.

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If you haven’t tried Pacific Drive yet, thanks to a new deal at Fanatical, now is definitely the time. You can get a Steam key for the survival driver (drivival game?) at the historically low price of $15.89 / £13.24. Pacific Drive has never been this cheap on Valve’s store before, so if you want to finally give it a shot, just hit the button below.

Otherwise, you might want to try some of the best simulation games, or maybe the best games like Fallout that you can play today.

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