On Archazia’s Island, colorful strategies emerge into Disney Lorcana. With fluffy animal friends galore from iconic Disney series such as Bolt, The Aristocats, and Lady And The Tramp, the seventh set of Lorcana is one of its best.

Disney Lorcana: 10 Most Valuable Cards in Archazia’s Island
Which cards should you keep an eye out for when cracking packs of Lorcana’s Archazia’s Island?
The main thing this amazing set brought was the introduction of Dual-Ink cards, which have two Ink types and hence have the strengths of both. These cards shook up many popular decks and made them even stronger than before with powerful new abilities and effects to help them quest for victory. With so many great combinations of Ink types, there’s no shortage of wonderfully good decks for you to play.
Sapphire Amethyst Island
Powerful Dual-Ink Cards
Sapphire Amethyst Island Deck Profile |
Chernabog’s Followers, Creatures of Evil (x4) |
Merlin, Rabbit (x3) |
Madam Mim, Fox (x4) |
Belle, Accomplished Mythic (x2) |
Elsa, The Fifth Spirit (x3) |
Elsa, Spirit Of Winter (x1) |
Sven, Keen-Eyed Reindeer (x3) |
Sapphire Coil (x2) |
Belle, Apprentice Inventor (x4) |
Merlin, Goat (x4) |
Merlin, Crab (x3) |
Anna, Ice Breaker (x4) |
Madam Mim, Snake (x3) |
Friends on the Other Side (x4) |
The Library, A Gift for Belle (x4) |
Sail The Azurite Sea (x4) |
Magic Broom, Illuminary Keeper (x3) |
Tipo, Growing Son (x4) |
Sapphire has not halted its reign over the Ink types as one of the best, and this Sapphire Amethyst deck shows how well it can work with Amethyst. The core strength of Amethyst is its powerful abilities that can cause terror against any deck as long as they aren’t disabled.
From Archazia’s Island, there are two fabulously interesting Dual-Ink cards. Both Sven, Keen-Eyed Reindeer and Anna, Ice Breaker, are Sapphire Amethyst characters who help your allies gain more raw strength to challenge even the strongest of Ruby Ink foes. Anna has the Support effect that allows her to grant one ally her two strength when questing, and Sven has the Rush effect, meaning he can challenge on his first turn. These two work amazingly when used together and even better with the rest of the deck.
Steelsong Princesses
Steelsong Sings On
Steelsong Princesses Deck Profile |
Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation (x4) |
Rapunzel, Gifted with Healing (x4) |
Ariel, Spectacular Singer (x4) |
Lilo, Escape Artist (x2) |
Ariel, Sonic Warrior (x2) |
Daisy Duck, Donald’s Date (x3) |
So Much To Give (x2) |
Let the Storm Rage On (x4) |
The Queen, Regal Monarch (x4) |
The Queen, Commanding Presence (x4) |
Mulan, Reflecting (x3) |
Mulan, Disguised Soldier (x4) |
Cinderella, Stouthearted (x3) |
Prince Naveen, Ukulele Player (x2) |
And Then Along Came Zeus (x4) |
A Whole New World (x4) |
World’s Greatest Criminal Mind (x1) |
Strength of a Raging Fire (x3) |
I Find ‘Em, I Flatten ‘Em (x2) |
The wonderful Steelsong archetype has been a beloved staple of many players for its easy song casting and enjoyable strategies. With a focus on only Princess and Queen cards, it can soar even further. Steelsong decks are well known for their lack of anything outside of characters and songs, and in this deck, that is all you need.
Archazia’s Island brought along a whole cast of great cards for Steelsong to play around with. Many cards such as Aurora, Waking Beauty synergize well with the decks’ already tough warriors. The new Mulan, Disguised Soldier, even makes way for Mulan, Reflecting to fit its way into the deck it was made for, five sets after it was introduced in Rise of the Floodborn.
Amethyst Steel Burn
Melt Through Your Deck
Amethyst Steel Burn Deck Profile |
Pete, Games Referee (x4) |
Madam Mim, Fox (x4) |
Madam Mim, Snake (x4) |
Diablo, Obedient Raven (x4) |
Chernabog’s Followers, Creatures of Evil (x4) |
Magic Broom, Illuminary Keeper (x4) |
Maleficent, Biding Her Time (x3) |
Calhoun, Marine Sergent (x3) |
Mr. Smee, Bumbling Mate (x3) |
The White Rose, Jewel of the Garden (x4) |
Merlin, Goat (x4) |
Giant Cobra, Ghostly Serpent (x4) |
Benja, Guardian of the Dragon Gem (x2) |
Gathering Knowledge And Wisdom (x4) |
Amethyst Chromicon (x2) |
Friends On The Other Side (x4) |
Strength Of A Raging Fire (x3) |
As the name suggests, this deck is all about burning through your deck to accelerate your game and gain a ton of lore in the process. With a grand total of 47 character cards, it all revolves around the strategy in how you play and banish your characters. Only having a few songs and items for some extra draw support and damage, your characters are the most important things that make this deck work.

Disney Lorcana: 10 Best Dual Ink Cards In Archazia’s Island
Dual ink debuted in Lorcana with Archazia’s Island, and these multicolored cards can give your deck a big boost.
Archazia’s Island brought the ridiculous Giant Cobra, Ghostly Serpent dual-ink card that made this deck able to burn through characters and gain tons of lore with slithering ease. The main draw of the card is its ability to gain two lore when played if you discard a card. This pairs perfectly with both Madam Mim cards, which can return a character in play back to your hand when played, meaning you get to activate any Giant Cobra once again.
Amber Emerald Island
The Quickest Lore Generators
Amber Emerald Island Deck Profile |
Lady, Miss Park Avenue (x4) |
Lady, Elegant Spaniel (x4) |
Cursed Merfolk, Ursula’s Handiwork (x4) |
Daisy Duck, Donald’s Date (x4) |
Olivia Flaversham, The Toymaker’s Daughter (x2) |
Rapunzel, Gifted With Healing (x4) |
Pegasus, Gift For Hercules (x4) |
Dale, Friend In Need (x2) |
Baymax, Low Battery (x2) |
Anastasia, Bossy Stepsister (x4) |
Flynn Rider, Charming Rogue (x4) |
Piglet, Pooh Pirate Captain (x4) |
Prince Phillip, Royal Explorer (x4) |
Chip, Friend Indeed (x2) |
Go Go Tomago, Darting Dynamo (x4) |
You Came Back (x4) |
Lilo, Escape Artist (x4) |
The main goal of the deck is to ready characters and quest as often as possible. It comes packed with characters and action cards to do this multiple times per turn and multiply how much lore each character gains in the process to swiftly get you to a win.
One of the best additions from Archazia’s Island from this deck is the Baymax, Low Battery card, which is a decent challenger with a nice three Strength and two lore who enters play exerted. However, the deck does run the action card You Came Back, which perfectly negates this and allows Baymax to be as nimble as the rest of his Emerald friends and take out common threats that this deck struggles against.
Dual-Ink Mushu
A Taste Of Dual-Ink Power
Dual-Ink Mushu Deck Profile |
Mushu, Majestic Dragon (x4) |
Calhoun, Marine Sergeant (x3) |
Goofy, Super Goof (x4) |
Maui, Hero to All (x3) |
Li Shang, Newly Promoted (x3) |
Raya, Kumandran Rider (x2) |
Vitalisphere (x2) |
Medallion Weights (x3) |
Fan The Flames (x2) |
Mulan, Imperial General (x4) |
Maui, Half-Shark (x3) |
Sisu, Emboldened Warrior (x4) |
Robin Hood, Beloved Outlaw (x3) |
Mr. Smee, Bumbling Mate (x4) |
Robin Hood, Champion of Sherwood (x3) |
Mulan, Disguised Soldier (x4) |
A Whole New World (x2) |
One Last Hope (x3) |
Fan the Flames (x2) |
For a long while, Ruby Steel has been underwhelming, with little worth playing and not much to synergize both types into one single deck, but that all changed with the introduction of one Dual-Ink card. The Ruby Steel Mushu, Majestic Dragon is not a card to be taken lightly, with two intimidating abilities that can help the deck burn away the competition and protect your allies when they challenge.
This deck is all about banishing foes with massive attacks in challenges to gain a ton of extra lore. Mushu’s first ability protects the already tanky Steel characters by giving them all Resist plus two whenever they challenge an opponent, reducing their damage by two. The second makes any banishes from challenges worth a staggering two lore. Gaining passive Lore for just banishing foes away in challenges is a strength that many decks wish they could do.
Too Many Puppies
How Many Puppies Is Too Many?
Too Many Puppies Deck Profile |
Pawpsicle (x4) |
Dalmatian Puppy, Tail Wagger (x11) |
Lucky, The 15th Puppy (x3) |
Patch, Intimidating Pup (x4) |
99 Puppies (x3) |
Perdita, Playful Mother (x4) |
Tipo, Growing Son (x2) |
Freckles, Good Boy(x4) |
Kanine Krunchies (x4) |
Thunderbolt, Wonder Dog (x4) |
Pongo, Dear Old Dad (x3) |
Pepper, Quick Thinking Puppy (x2) |
Lucky, Runt of the Litter (x2) |
Sail The Azurite Sea (x4) |
Pepper, Quick-Thinking Puppy (x4) |
Rolly, Hungry Pup (x2) |
This adorable Amber Sapphire deck has a grand total of 11 copies of Dalmation Puppy, Tail Wagger, which might seem like overkill, but they work extremely well to benefit the deck. Since nearly every character card interacts with Puppy cards, bringing a ton of them ends up being really strong, as you will get value out of everything in your deck nearly anytime you use a card.

Disney Lorcana: Every Set’s Enchanted Cards, Ranked
You may have your favorite style of enchanted card, but which Lorcana set has the best of these rare cards?
Dual-ink Perdita, Playful Mother is a card that gives this deck its true strength. This card comes with two separate abilities that help your plentiful Puppy cards become more useful. The first ability lets you pay two less Ink for the next Puppy card you play after questing. Then the second ability makes all Puppy cards gain the Ward ability, meaning they cannot be targeted by anything but challenges.
Diggy Diggy Hole
I Am A Dwarf And I’m Digging A Hole
Diggy Diggy Hole Deck Profile |
Doc, Bold Knight (x4) |
Pluto, Guard Dog (x2) |
Snow White, Fairest in the Land (x2) |
Ariel, Spectacular Singer (x4) |
Rapunzel, Gifted with Healing (x4) |
Daisy Duck, Donald’s Date (x4) |
The Troubadour, Musical Narrator (x4) |
Prince Naveem, Ukulele Player (x2) |
Mr. Smee, Bumbling Mate (x4) |
Seven Dwarfs’ Mine, Secure Fortress (x3) |
Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation (x4) |
Let the Storm Rage On (x4) |
Lilo, Escape Artist (x3) |
Pete, Games Referee (x4) |
Calhoun, Marine Sergeant (x4) |
Strength of a Raging Fire (x4) |
I Find ‘Em, I Flatten ‘Em (x2) |
And Then Along Came Zeus (x2) |
This iconic Amber Steel deck has risen in popularity very quickly and keeps getting better and better with each new set. With a ton of wonderful two lore characters with strong willpower’s such as Daisy Duck, Donald’s Date and characters that can even bring themselves back into play such as Lilo, Escape Artist, this deck is a fierce contender that can reach 20 lore in only a few turns.
Archazia’s Island introduced just a few cards that made a huge difference in bolstering the strength of this dwarf-themed Steelsong deck. The most important of which are Snow White, Fairest in the Land and The Troubadour, Musical Narrator, which both provide defensive power against any aggressive decks. Snow White has the brilliant effect of being unable to be challenged, and The Troubadour has Resist one to reduce all damage he receives.
Sapphire Steel Kiwi Bird
Strategically Stronger
Sapphire Steel Kiwi Bird Deck Profile |
Mr. Smee, Bumbling Mate (x2) |
Alice, Savvy Sailor (x4) |
Pete, Games Referee (x2) |
Calhoun, Marine Sergeant (x3) |
Hiram Flaversham, Toymaker (x4) |
Belle, Apprentice Inventor (x4) |
Tinker Bell, Giant Fairy(x3) |
Chicha, Dedicated Mother (x3) |
Pluto, Guard Dog (x3) |
Mulan, Disguised Soldier (x4) |
Sail The Azurite Sea (x2) |
Jim Hawkins, Stubborn Cabin Boy (x4) |
Let the Storm Rage On (x3) |
Grab Your Sword (x2) |
Pawpsicle (x4) |
Fortisphere (x4) |
McDuck Manor, Scrooge’s Mansion (x3) |
Lucky Dime (x4) |
Fishbone Quill (x2) |
In this deck, there is a wide array of Sapphire and Steel cards that work perfectly together to create a deck that can be strategically tricky to deal with. The main strength of this Sapphire Steel deck is its items, and with powerful characters who take advantage of them, it can easily deal with any early game threats and dominate the late game as well.
Archazia’s Island brought two cards that are some of the most useful of the Steel and Sapphire Ink types. Belle, Apprentice Inventor is a marvelous card and allows this deck to start using songs very early. Belle can be played for free, even on turn one, by discarding any item, which is a great combo with the Fortisphere item. The other card, Mulan, Disguised Soldier, is also perfect for the early game, as you can play it to potentially draw into one of your many powerful items and create a chain of drawing more cards.
Ruby Sapphire Rush
A Fusion That Is Stronger Than You
Ruby Sapphire Rush Deck Profile |
Belle, Apprentice Inventor (x4) |
Belle, Mechanic Extraordinaire (x2) |
Hiram Flaversham, Toymaker (x2) |
Tamatoa, So Shiny! (x2) |
Tamatoa, Happy as a Clam (x3) |
Maui, Half-Shark (x3) |
Tipo, Growing Son (x3) |
Maui, Hero To All (x3) |
Goofy, Super Goof (x4) |
One Jump Ahead (x4) |
A Pirate’s Life (x3) |
Unconventional Tool (x3) |
Hide Away (x1) |
Vision of the Future (x3) |
Be Prepared (x2) |
Lucky Dime (x2) |
How Far I’ll Go (x4) |
Pawpsicle (x3) |
Sail The Azurite Sea (x3) |
Sapphire Coil (x3) |
Vision Of The Future (x3) |
Ruby Sapphire has always dominated Lorcana’s best decks, and with the dangerous cards introduced in Archazia’s Island, it became even more of a threat to all. With the unbeatable strategy of Sapphire cards and the raw strength of Ruby cards, these two cover each other’s flaws to make undefeatable characters with a powerful item set to back them up.
The main part that makes these two clashing Ink types work so well is the plethora of songs, actions, and items that work to overcome each other’s weaknesses. The useful Sapphire cards help the Ruby characters become powerful pawns that can easily be manipulated using the two Tamatoa character cards and the strong Sapphire Coil item. Not much in the game can even compare to the sheer strength and willpower that the Belle, Mechanic Extraordinaire card brings to the table.
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