The Best Dragon Ball Transformations Only In The Movies

The Best Dragon Ball Transformations Only In The Movies
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Dragon Ball is one of history’s most successful media franchises and the most famous manga and anime series, recognized by hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide. The late, great Akira Toriyama created Dragon Ball in 1984, and it has stood the test of time, cementing both the creator and his creation in history. The story of Son Goku has been a wild ride, from the early beginnings of the Red Ribbon Army to the interdimensional battles fought among the gods of different universes.


8 Dragon Ball Arcs With The Best Stories, Ranked

The Dragon Ball franchise has showcased some incredible battles and stories. These powerful arcs make up the best that the series has to offer.

Over the decades, Goku and his allies have grown immensely in power, reaching new levels in every installment. Among the new powers achieved by Goku, Vegeta, and the like are a myriad of transformations that have become the backbone of the franchise. There have been countless transformations in the Dragon Ball franchise; however, outside of the main anime, some are just as popular in the animated films. Here are some of the best transformations only in the Dragon Ball movies, ranked.


Super Android Thirteen

Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!

Super Android 13 in Dragon Ball Z

Dr. Gero’s history is long in the Dragon Ball universe. Androids Seventeen and Eighteen were not the only mechanical monsters to be unleashed against the Z-Fighters, nor were they the last. In the animated movie Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, three androids appear on the battlefield, and while all very powerful, Android Thirteen was a cut above.


Dragon Ball: Frieza’s Best Forms, Ranked By Design

Frieza has had some interesting looks over Dragon Ball’s storied history. These are some of his best.

With a combined effort from Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku, two of the three androids were destroyed. Unfortunately, Android Thirteen used this as an opportunity to absorb the vital parts of his allies and transform into a more powerful threat. Android Thirteen’s power increased dramatically, and his appearance became almost feral. This shocking turn of events from the movie was short but impactful because it turned the tables on the Z-Fighters.


Garlic Jr.

Dragon Ball X: The Dead Zone

Dragon Ball Dead Zone Screenshot Of Gohan and Garlic Jr With Dead Zone

Garlic Jr. is one of the most underrated villains in the Dragon Ball universe. Having appeared multiple times across several Dragon Ball media, Garlic Jr.’s first appearance was his best. In the movie Dragon Ball Z: The Dead Zone, Garlic Jr descended on Earth to claim the dragon balls, seeking immortality. This resulted in Garlic Jr. kidnapping Gohan and fighting against Goku. This is when the short-statured Garlic Jr. revealed a more robust and powerful form with a slew of overwhelming abilities.


Vageta Super Saiyan God

DragonBall Super: Broly

Vegeta Super Saiyan God Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball Super: Broly reintroduced the Legendary Super Saiyan into the main timeline of Dragon Ball in an epic clash between Goku, Vegeta, Broly, and Frieza. However, there were more than just a few surprises in the film besides Broly. Vegeta was given a fair amount of screen time, and during his own bout with Broly, he revealed he was capable of transforming into Super Saiyan God. The sequence in the animated film was seamless as Vegeta went from regular Super Saiyan to God as the red flames engulfed him, and he turned the tables on Broly.


Cooler Final Form

Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge

Dragon Ball Z Cooler

One of the most shocking villains in Dragon Ball history was the first appearance of Cooler, Freiza’s brother. Seeking revenge and retribution for his brother’s death and his family’s embarrassment, Cooler attacked Earth and openly challenged Goku. After a brief exchange, Cooler compliments Goku and realizes he should take the fight seriously. Cooler reveals that he was more powerful than his brother and that he obtained a fourth form, eclipsing his brother in power. Cooler’s final form was a juggernaut of strength and speed and one of the coolest villain designs in Dragon Ball to date.


Orange Piccolo

Dragon Ball Super Hero

Dragon Ball Super Super Hero – Orange Piccolo

Piccolo is one of the most powerful beings in the Dragon Ball universe. Unfortunately, over the many years of the franchise, many characters have been left behind by the Saiyans and their growing power levels and transformations. In Dragon Ball Super Hero, it was a pleasant surprise to see Piccolo get more screen time, another team-up with Gohan, and a new transformation. After asking Dragon Shenron to unlock his potential and being pushed to his limit against Android Gamma 2, he unleashed his full power and obtained a new Orange form. Orange Piccolo is just the right addition to the character and was delivered very well in the movie.


Broly(DBZ) Legendary Super Saiyan

Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan

Broly in Dragon Ball Z-Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan

Broly is one of the most well-known and feared characters to ever come out of Dragon Ball. While the character has been re-debuted in the current Dragon Ball Super series, in Dragon Ball Z, Broly was a very different beast. Goku and the rest of the Z-Fighters are sent to find a Super Saiyan by King Kai, who is responsible for destroying a galaxy. Upon arrival on a strange planet, they encounter Broly and his father.


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Dragon Ball Daima, the latest entry in the Dragon Ball anime pantheon, features—as expected—several extremely powerful characters.

A fight quickly ensues, which grows out of hand and results in Broly completely losing himself to rage. The anger pushes Broly to his full power, and he ascends to a Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly is the only character in Dragon Ball to obtain this transformation, and it is one of the most terrifying forms in the universe.


Super Saiyan Gogeta

Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn


In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, the afterlife comes under threat when an accident turns an Oni into a dangerous monster. This throws the afterlife into chaos as the newly formed Janemba terrorizes the spirits and inhabitants within. Janemba obtains reality-warping powers and begins reviving the deceased, which sends waves of chaos through multiple dimensions.


Dragon Ball: 8 Strongest Super Saiyan 2 Transformations, Ranked

Here are the strongest Super Saiyan transformations in Dragon Ball, ranked from weakest to the strongest of them all.

This results in both Goku and Vegeta, who are both currently deceased, stepping in to combat the monster. Fighting side by side, Vegenta and Goku are barely a match for Janemba, who continues to evolve and grow stronger. To end the fight once and for all, the two decide to fuse using the dance method and bond to forge the devil with the face of an angel, Gogeta. Gogeta’s presence places him levels above most others, and his first appearance in Dragon Ball is one of the best in the franchise.


Beast Gohan

Dragon Ball Super Hero

beast gohan super movie

Dragon Ball Super Hero was an unexpected gem and breathed much-needed new life into the Dragon Ball franchise. The story follows Gohan and Piccolo, who are placed against the revitalized Red Ribbon Army, which has constructed two powerful androids with whom Piccolo and Hogan engage in battle. However, the grandson of Dr. Gero has another ace up their sleeve, and he has made a new version of Cell called Cell Max. Both Piccolo and Gohan are overpowered by the bioweapon. Gohan is forced to watch as Cell brutalizes Piccolo and snaps, unleashing a new power. Beast Gohan taps into a more primal power, fueled by Gohan’s legendary rage, which is delivered amazingly in the movie.

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