Most Adorable Archetypes In Yu-gi-oh!

Most Adorable Archetypes In Yu-gi-oh!
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The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG has no limit to the style of cards it can print. In the early days of Duel Monsters, many monsters were based on Egyptian mythology, while more modern cards took inspiration from the Kaiju genre or even Alice in Wonderland. With so many neat monster designs, it makes you wonder which exactly are the cutest Yu-Gi-Oh! archetypes of all time?


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Not every monster looks scary; in fact, some are downright adorable due to their designs or their theming. These archetypes are so cute that you don’t even want to see them go to the grave. Now that’s just mean.



Adopt A Cat

Purrely is a cute archetype due to its two main monsters. These are Purrely and Purrelyly, which are just two cats waiting to be adopted. The entire archetype’s Spells revolve around giving Purrely different memories after you find them on the streets.

These memories include giving them a meal, giving them a bath, or allowing them to play freely. This allows them to evolve into stronger forms from the extra deck with the memories you gave them, determining what they’re capable of. This archetype turns Yu-Gi-Oh! into a pet raising simulator.



A Fantasy World Of Deserts

The Madolche are a top-tier deck, not on the competitive scale but on cuteness. These monsters blend Lolita fashion with various desserts from pudding to tiramisu. They also have names that often serve as a pun for their inspiration.


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Cards in this archetype include Madolche Hootcake, Madolche Queen Tiaramisu, and Madolche Anjelly. While not the strongest deck, it can be played casually with its excellent resource recycling mechanics. Some decks are just too sweet to put down, and Madolche is one of them.



Halloween Lovers Rejoice

Ghostricks are the first archetype that come to mind when you think of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Halloween. Every Monster Card within the set is inspired by some classic monster from our own history. You’ve got mummies, werewolves, and even Bloody Mary-inspired phantoms.

Ghostricks also offer a mischievous play style that suits them well. They like to flip face-up while on the field, like a jumpscare, as they kick off various effects. This can mean milling cards from your opponent’s deck, attacking directly, or forcing your opponent’s monsters face-down.



Melffys Melt Your Heart

The Melffy cards are downright adorable. These pastel creatures are anything but monstrous, and their Spells reflect their playful nature. After all, they’re all here to have a good time, such as playing tag, hide-and-seek, or having a staring contest.


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Their extra deck members usually consist of a gathering of various Melffys rather than one bigger monster. From tiny horses to friendly bunnies, your opponent would have to be a real monster to destroy any of these cards, let alone send them to the graveyard.



A Mascot For Yu-Gi-Oh!

The further back you go into Yu-Gi-Oh! history, the more monstrous the cards become. However, there is one card in particular that has always been cute since the Duel Monsters era. Kuriboh is solidified as cute, thanks to its various anime appearances.

As an archetype, Kuriboh is the closest thing Yu-Gi-Oh! has to a Pikachu-type mascot. Kuriboh also has various versions of itself, usually in costume or under a different name. Some of the most popular include Winged Kuriboh due to its role in the GX anime.



Beatrix Potter Meets Yu-Gi-Oh!

The Vernusylph look like something straight out of Beatrix Potter’s stories about animals in clothes. However, they are more akin to old tales about fairies that watch over nature. As seen in the artwork, the fairies transform other animals into honorary ones by giving them halos above their heads.


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This also reflects their playstyles since they can be used to buff other monsters within their archetypes or if they have the Earth Attribute. This is a small archetype, but the art style is some of the cutest in the entire game.


Rescue Squad

Animals To The Rescue

If any cute archetype has had an impact on the meta, it’s the Rescue Squad animals. These monsters all resemble small animals like hamsters, rabbits, and ferrets, and they have the ability to summon more monsters from the deck.

One of the more popular monsters in this archetype is Rescue Rabbit, which has been splashed in various decks throughout Yu-Gi-Oh! history to swarm the board with material. Rescue Squad is a classic archetype with a cute theming. They are only here to help you win games.



Jellyfish Can Be Cute Too

The last thing you want is to be stung by a jellyfish. In fact, if you see your opponent discard one of these cards from their hand, it usually means bad things for you. However, when you take a closer look at these monsters, they’re actually quite cute.


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There are only three monsters in this archetype, but each one brings its own flavor of cuteness. Meowls is a cat, Fuwalos is based on birds, and Purulia is a true jellyfish. They even have big eyes that stare into your soul.



The Show Must Go On

Performapals consist of animals and clowns that are just here to entertain. From singing birds to hip hippos, there are plenty of cute monsters in this archetype. However, these cards can also be powerful in the right meta.

In the past, they have been used to swarm the field with monsters through extended combos and Pendulum Summons. So their playstyle fits the theme so well. Think of their combo as their performance and the swarm of monsters that get Pendulum Summoned as their final encore.



Can Be Cute Or Creepy

The Fluffal archetype is inspired by the many plush toys you can find inside claw machines. These are all animals with wings that look huggably soft. The funny thing about this cute archetype is that it can be made creepier with the help of the Edge Imp archetype.

This is because Fluffals are meant to combine, and if they fuse with some of the Edge Imp monsters, they become Frightfurs. This makes them deadlier and harder to get rid of with immunity to destruction or multiple attacks per Battle Phase.


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