In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are several Guardian Monsters you will need to take down in order to get all the achievements for this title. If you are looking to bring down Odogaron, it can be a difficult fight to complete. This thing is fast and has a couple of attacks that can quickly kill you if you aren’t careful.
In order to win against this Monster Hunter Wilds enemy, you will want to know Odogaron’s moves, how to dodge them, and what it is weak against. You can find all that information and more in the sections below.

Monster Hunter Wilds: How to Catch Xu Yo
Here’s where to find Xu Yo, one of the rarest forms of endemic life in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Moveset
Odogaron thankfully has a pretty small moveset, but it hits quickly and without mercy, making it a difficult monster to kill in MHW. Here are all the different moves it might try on you and how to avoid each one.
Claw Attacks
The Guardian Ebony Odogaron has two different claw attacks. It will try to hit you with one hand, rearing back with that hand before it smacks into you. In order to dodge this one, it’s best to dodge to the outside of the attacking hand. The second claw attack is the same but with both claws. It will rear back, then slam into the ground with both claws, hitting first with one then the other. You can tell it’s coming when it stands up on its back legs. To get away you need to dodge roll backwards.
Tail Swipe
The tail swipe happens when the monster hops toward you. It will hop, land, then swing its tail around at you with lightning-fast speed. The tail will then bring up an explosion from the ground where it hits. This tail roll can either swipe to the front of itself or horizontal. To get out of the way of this move you need to roll to the left or right of the monster.
Bite Slam
Watch for the Guardian to open its mouth. When it does, it will build up dragon damage in its mouth, then leap forward and bite, then slam its mouth closed and upward. You need to dodge to the left or right to make sure you are out of the way of this move. Don’t get behind it, as it can make a blast of Dragon energy from its tail.
Tail Spin
When Monster Hunter Wilds‘Odogaron lifts up its tail like this, it will then spin a circle. Anyone standing in melee range will get smacked, so you just need to roll backwards away from the monster to avoid taking any damage from this one.
Spit Attack
When Odogaron leaps into the air near you, it will often spit a massive cloud of Dragon attack directly at you. It will be preceded by a hop and its mouth glowing with smoky red light. It will then throw up a bunch of red Dragon attack and spatter it all on the ground around you in a small AOE. Then it land in it. It’s best to roll backwards to get away from this move.
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Weaknesses and How to Fight
If you want to take down Odogaron easily, you will need to be prepared. Here are some helpful tips to take down this monster and farm all the Monster Hunter Wilds materials you need from it.
- This Guardian will inflict the status ailment Dragonblight, which will need to be treated with Nulberries, so make sure to bring some with you.
- Use projectiles to destroy the tendrils that come up out of the ground to deal more damage to Odogaron.
- If it passes out or falls down around piles of tree roots in the arena where you fight it, it can get pinned down by the roots, keeping it down longer. You can also break the ceiling of the arena to bring down rocks onto its head to deal damage.
- Anything that inflicts the status ailment Paralysis on Odogaron will be hugely beneficial to being successful against this monster. Shock traps are also a great way to get it to hold still for a few seconds.
- It will get the most damage if you hit it on the head with any Monster Hunter Wilds weapon type.
- Any element but Dragon is a good choice for taking this monster down.
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Drops
Guardian Odogaron can drop low-rank materials or high-rank after those have been unlocked. If you are looking to make Odogaran’s armor set in Monster Hunter Wilds, you will need to farm for the right materials. Here is a breakdown of how to get everything you need from it.
Low-Rank Mats |
Item |
Drop Rates |
Hight-Rank Mats |
Item |
Drop Rates |
Target |
Guardian Ebony Plate |
3% |
Target |
Guardian Ebony Gem |
3% |
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Certificate |
8% |
Guardian Ebony Plate |
7% |
Guardian Ebony Tail |
8% |
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Certificate S |
8% |
Guardian Ebony Fang |
8% |
Guardian Ebony Fang + |
8% |
Nourishing Extract |
8% |
Guardian Ebony Claw+ |
14% |
Guardian Ebony Claw |
15% |
16% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew |
20% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew + |
18% |
Guardian Ebony Scale |
20% |
Guardian Ebony Scale + |
18% |
Wound Destroy |
Guardian Blood |
8% |
Wound Destroy |
Guardian Blood+ |
8% |
12% |
Guardian Scale + |
12% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew |
35% |
Guardian Ebony Scale + |
12% |
Guardian Ebony Scale |
45% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew + |
35% |
Break (Hind Leg) |
Guardian Ebony Claw |
100% |
Break (Head) |
Guardian Ebony Fang + |
100% |
Break (Foreleg) |
Guardian Ebony Claw |
100% |
Break (Hindleg) |
Guardian Ebony Claw + |
100% |
Break (Head) |
Guardian Ebony Fang |
100% |
Break (Foreleg) |
Guardian Ebony Claw + |
100% |
Break (Tail) |
Guardian Ebony Sinew |
100% |
Break (Tail) |
Guardian Ebony Sinew + |
100% |
Carve (Body) |
Guardian Ebony Plate |
5% |
Carve (Body) |
Guardian Ebony Gem |
5% |
Guardian Ebony Tail |
11% |
Guardian Ebony Tail |
11% |
Guardian Ebony Fang |
13% |
Guardian Ebony Claw + |
13% |
Guardian Ebony Claw |
18% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew + |
23% |
Guardian Ebony Sinew |
23% |
Guardian Ebony Scale + |
30% |
Guardian Ebony Scale |
30% |
Carve (Tail) |
Guardian Ebony Gem |
7% |
Carve (Tail) |
Guardian Ebony Tail |
93% |
Guardian Ebony Tail |
93% |
Guardian Ebony Plate |
7% |

- Released
February 28, 2025
T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor
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