Best NPC Romances – Dragon’s Dogma

Best NPC Romances – Dragon's Dogma
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Romance in Dragon’s Dogma isn’t like other RPGs. Rather than fulfilling certain requirements to get a casual scene of intimacy, a la Dragon Age, making someone into your beloved is an ongoing process that involves accumulating affinity points for almost any NPC in the game. You also won’t see any real result of your romance until you face down the Ur-Dragon.


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You will accumulate affinity and gain a beloved regardless of whether you’re aware of it or not, so it’s probably best to take a proactive approach unless you want to accidentally have Fornival move into your house. There are quite a few more NPCs worthy of your love.

Updated on March 15, 2025, by Alfredo Robelo: Dragon’s Dogma continues to be a classic that is ahead of its time, and the release of Dragon’s Dogma 2 hasn’t changed that. With nearly any NPC being able to become your beloved, we decided to bring this article up to today’s standards so you can better envision who to woo in your next playthrough.



A Romantic Comedian

Dragon's Dogma image showing Feste.

Almost anyone in Dragon’s Dogma can become your beloved, so why not a tiny jester with an even tinier mustache? Sure, he humiliates you when you first visit the Duke’s Demense, but he cuts a pretty striking figure in that skin-tight motley. Plus, he’s funny, which will get you a lot further in a relationship than you might think.

Feste isn’t the easiest to romance. There aren’t any specific quests to raise his affinity, and it’s hard to go on dates when he’s just hanging out on the Duke’s floor all the time. But, give him enough fish, and you’ll be rewarded with the funniest of all possible endings to the game.



The Most Cost-Efficient

Dragon's Dogma image showing Caxton.

A no-nonsense purveyor of arms and armor, Caxton’s shop is one of the places you’ll be visiting the most during your time in Gransys, so it makes sense that a romance might blossom between the two of you. He’s not the most charming man in the land, but he’s a snappy dresser, and passionate about what he does.

Caxton is also the best choice if you’re looking for a marriage of convenience. He might not exude romance, but having someone in your bed who manufactures weapons is pretty useful, especially if you continue your life as an adventurer.



The Old Friend

Dragon's Dogma image showing Quina talking to her father.

As your childhood friend, Quina seems like an obvious choice for romance. There’s chemistry between the two of you from the beginning, and she’s concerned enough to sit by your side for hours after your heart’s been removed by a dragon.


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Sweet, lovely, and kind, Quina radiates the simplicity of your hometown, Cassardis. She’s the perfect companion to go back to after a hard day of adventuring, or retire with if you want to go back to the simple life.


Mercedes Martin

The Shining Knight

Dragon's Dogma image Mercedes and five soldiers.

The daughter of the ruler of Hearthstone, Mercedes wants to be a knight, even though her leadership of the Enlistment Corps is a political appointment. She’s not exceptionally well-trained, but she has a heart for the job, and desperately wants to make a difference.

There seems to be a bug during the Griffin’s Bane quest where Mercedes’ affinity lowers if there are no casualties. Avoid talking to her after the quest if no soldiers were killed.

Watching Mercedes struggle to find her place in the world will endear you to her from the beginning. It’s one of the most compelling arcs in the game and will make you like her, even if she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. With a little help, it’s easy to see the two of you becoming Gransys’ power couple. Come for the accent, stay for her noble heart.



The Lazy One From The Village

Dragon's Dogma image showing Valmiro.

Like Quina, Valmiro is a childhood friend from the seaside town of Cassardis. Unlike Quina, Valmiro doesn’t seem to have a care in the world. Rather than doing his job, he forgoes the fisherman’s net and goes exploring. He’s got a sharp mind for studying the patterns of life, and a curiosity that has him wandering across the wide land.

Sometimes, Valmiro’s curiosity does get him into trouble, since he’s not particularly interested in the martial life. You’ll have to rescue him from himself more than once after he wanders off into goblin territory. Still, you can’t help but like him for his enthusiasm and his lovable lack of practicality. He’s also got incredible hair, and a willowy grace unique to men in Gransys.



The Walking Entrepreneur

Dragon's Dogma image showing Reynard.

A traveling peddler, Reynard can be a bit difficult to find, but tracking him down can be well worth it. His shop boasts one of the most extensive lists of purchasable materials, making his acquaintance invaluable if you want to take advantage of the game’s extensive crafting system.

Reynard is easiest to find in the Inns of Cassardis and Gran Soren at night, although he isn’t guaranteed to be there every day.

If you do manage to nail him down and nail him to your heart, Reynard will spend a lot more time at home, giving you access to his extensive inventory much more easily. Just make sure you save him from that group of goblins early on in the game. Unlike a character dying in an escort quest, he’ll die for real, and rob you of the chance to run your hand through that heavily-gelled faux hawk.



The Greedy Trader

Dragon's Dogma image showing Madeline.

Madeline is a lady who knows what she wants, and exactly how to get it. It’s how she has become so successful as a merchant, and so successful at winning your heart.

Madeline often has escort quests in the notice boards, so keep an eye out for them if you want to romance her.

Madeline’s one downfall is her obsession with money. She was raised as an orphan and came to hate living in poverty, which sometimes means she makes questionable choices with who she associates. It also means it’s difficult to see beyond the surface level, but if you’re willing to put up with her sometimes abrasive personality, she may be a diamond in the rough.



The Former Pawn

Dragon's Dogma image showing Selene.

Selene’s not actually a witch, but her presence can be bewitching. Though she’s a hermit, she has an introverted charm that gives of goth-girl energy for days. Couple that with her involved questline, which involves rescuing her from a group of angry villagers intent on her death, and you’ll soon find yourself invested in this mysterious woman who would rather spend her days with the toadstools than other people.


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Selene’s also unique among your options for beloved in that she is initially a pawn. Throughout your time together, you’ll watch as she gains her humanity, which opens up some frightening possibilities as to the true nature of pawns. Her dialogue at the end of the game is also unlike any other, which makes romancing her a necessity if you want to see everything the game has to offer.



The Dark Knight

Dragon's Dogma image showing Julien.

The prototypical bad boy of the bunch, Julien has got some serious combat chops and some serious loyalty issues. Though he’s supposed to be supporting the kingdom of Gransys, he’s actually part of a grand conspiracy seeking its downfall. While he’s not a true believer, he aids the Salvation cult with their aims, one of which happens to be letting the dragon destroy everyone. It may not be the most auspicious match, at first.

Behind all of this darkness, though, Julien has a really good heart. He’s so invested in the health of his nation, Voldova, that he’s willing to pursue any ends to help it thrive. Once you get past your differences, he’s a loyal companion with serious Alucard vibes.



The Classic Princess

Dragon's Dogma image showing Aelinore.

Though she’s technically the Duke’s wife when you first meet her, Aelinore seems tailor-made to be the beloved, and, if the game were a bit more linear, you could see her just filling the spot as a default. Bound to the Duke in a politically expedient marriage, she seems to fall for you at the first opportunity, and it’s hard not to return her affections. She’s just as good a flirt as Madaline, but has a deep sadness that lends her depth that other characters lack.

In Speed Run mode, Aelinore is almost always the default beloved even when never spoken to, likely due to her high starting affinity.

Getting involved with Aelinore is a dangerous proposition, and will get you thrown into prison after you witness the Duke’s dark secret. Persevere and release her from the Blighted Castle, though, and she’ll reward you with a romance for the ages.

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