How To Earn Incarnon Adapters

How To Earn Incarnon Adapters
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Warframe’s Duviri Paradox update added a new reward type that most endgame players will want to chase. Named Incarnon Genesis Adapters, this upgrade type allows you to unlock an Incarnon form and weapon tree on select weapon families. This serves as a massive buff to older, long-forgotten weapons in the Warframe sandbox that couldn’t be saved with good Rivens.


Warframe: A Complete Guide To Incarnon Weapons

Incarnon weapons pack a serious punch when evolved. Here’s how you unlock and evolve them.

A reward as powerful as this is going to require some serious work to earn. Getting your hands on Incarnon Adapters will require playing some of Warframe’s hardest content on a regular basis. This guide will go over what Incarnon Adapters are, how to earn them, and cover every Incarnon Adapter you can earn.

Updated March 14, 2025, by Charles Burgar: A new set of Incarnon Genesis Adapters was added in Update 37 in late 2024. To help you create the ultimate weapon and keep track of Warframe’s myriad of adapters, we’ve updated this guide to include the eighth set of Incarnons and updated the information of a few older entries.

What Are Incarnon Adapters?

Warframe Innodem Incarnon Weapon Incarnon Form

An Incarnon Genesis Adapter is a unique reward type that infuses a weapon with Incarnon abilities, granting it a new alt-fire and skill tree. Similar to the Incarnon weapons found aboard the Zariman, all weapons imbued with an Incarnon Adapter will gain access to an Incarnon form upon landing multiple headshots or reaching a certain combo multiplier. Activating the weapon’s alt-fire will morph it into an Incarnon weapon for a short period, greatly boosting its effectiveness.

Similar to Riven mods, Incarnon Genesis Adapters may only be applied to weapons that match the listed family name. For example, a Braton Incarnon Adapter may only be placed onto the Braton family of assault rifles—the MK-1 Braton, Braton, Braton Prime, and Braton Vandal. Adapters are installed into a weapon at Cavalero aboard the Zariman. Once installed, you’ll need to complete a series of challenges to unlock the weapon’s various Incarnon passive bonuses.

How To Earn Incarnon Genesis Adapters

Warframe Duviri Steel Path Circuit Rewards

Incarnon Genesis Adapters are obtained by completing Duviri’s Circuit game type on Steel Path difficulty. Before starting your Circuit run, you’ll be prompted to select two Incarnon Adapters out of a selection of five. This will determine which adapters you’ll receive from reaching rank five and ten in the Circuit, respectively.

Once you’ve selected your Incarnon Adapters, you’ll be presented a series of rewards that unlock as you play the Circuit, similar to how a Battle Pass works. The more missions you complete in the Circuit that week, the more progress you’ll make. You can see your current Circuit progress on the bottom of the reward UI before starting a run. You must complete your Circuit missions on Steel Path difficulty and successfully extract to progress this reward track.

Warframe Cavalero Incarnon Adapter Shop

Additionally, you may also purchase Incarnon Adapters from Cavalero for Platinum, Warframe’s premium currency. Cavalero currently sells the second and eighth sets of Incarnon Adapters in his store. Each adapter costs 120 Platinum.

Purchased adapters additionally come with Duviri resources for installation, although they do not include the adapter’s respective weapon. For example, if you bought a Boar Incarnon Adapter, you’ll still need to craft a Boar shotgun before you can use it.

Available Incarnon options and your Circuit reward track reset every Sunday at 0:00 UTC.

Installing Incarnon Adapters

Incarnon Adapters require Duviri resources to install. You can uninstall Incarnon Adapters at Cavalero at any time, but doing so will not refund spent Duviri resources.

Incarnon Adapters may be installed by speaking to Cavalero aboard the Zariman. Any weapons that are compatible with your owned Incarnon Adapters will appear in the “Browse Incarnon Weapons” menu. Installing an Adapter will cost a small sum of Duviri materials, most of which can be found in the Duviri open world or Undercroft.

Installed Incarnon Adapters will need to have their evolutions unlocked as well, similar to how standard Incarnon weapons behave. All Incanron Adapters share similar challenge requirements:

  • Evolution I: Install the Incarnon Genesis Adapter, granted by default.
  • Evolution II: Complete a solo mission with this weapon equipped. Mission level/difficulty does not matter.
  • Evolution III: Defeat 100 enemies with the weapon’s Incarnon Form.
  • Evolution IV: Defeat 30 enemies with this weapon while a certain condition is met (without reloading, while 30m+ from the target, et cetera).
    • This condition is unique for each weapon family.

Selecting Evolution upgrades may be done at either Cavalero’s shop or from your arsenal screen. Doing so costs no resources.


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Every Incarnon Adapter

Warframe Kunai Incarnon Form

Certain Incarnon Evolutions might be weaker if installed onto a stronger weapon base (Prime, Vandal, et cetera). Incarnon values listed in tables are for the weapon’s base variant.

The Duviri Paradox update has released 30 Incarnon Genesis Adapters for players to earn, with an additional five added with the Echoes of Duviri update. These are released in groups of five each week, totaling seven different sets of Incarnon Adapters. Since you may only obtain two adapters per week, it will take multiple months to obtain every Incarnon Genesis Adapter in the game, assuming you do not purchase any from Cavalero’s shop.






Ack & Brunt









Ceramic Dagger


Dual Toxocyst

Dual Ichor












Nami Solo









We’ll be listing all Incarnon Adapters in order of group appearance (as shown in the Duviri Paradox patch notes). Use the expandable tables in each section below to see the Incarnon evolutions for each weapon. Incarnon alt-fire behavior is also included.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 1

Warframe Duviri Incarnon Adapter Options

This set of rewards includes Incarnon Adapters for the Braton, Lato, Skana, Paris, and Kunai. You may install Incarnon Adapters onto the standard, Prime, and Vandal variants of these weapons—including the Founders-exclusive Skana Prime and Lato Prime. Prime and Vandal variants feature weaker Incarnon evolution upgrades, although the Incarnon alt-fire is left unchanged.

As for Incarnon functionality:

Week 1 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Fires explosive bullets that detonate in a 3m radius. AoE deals Heat damage.

200 Shots


Bullets ricochet to a nearby target. Fires twice as many bullets.

24 Shots


+100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Significantly increases arrow size and damage. Gains base Heat damage.

20 Arrows


Knives seek the target’s head. Release twice as many knives.

20 Knives

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below. Values are based on the standard variant of each weapon.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 2

Warframe Incarnon Adapters Week 2 Echoes Of Duviri

This set of rewards includes Incarnon Adapters for the Boar, Gammacor, Angstrum, Gorgon, and Anku. You may install Incarnon Adapters onto all variants of these weapons, albeit with slightly weaker Incarnon Evolution upgrades; Incarnon alt-fire behavior is the same for all versions.

As for Incarnon functionality:

Week 2 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Fires a beam that can chain between two enemies, similar to the Kuva Nukor.

108 Shots


Fires projectiles that pull in targets before detonation, dealing Cold damage.

15 Shots


+100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

Slide attacks feature increased Slash damage and Range.

180 Seconds


Bullets embed into targets and explode, dealing Heat damage. Behaves identically to the Lenz.

20 Shots


Becomes a full-auto pistol that fires target-seeking fireballs. Projectiles ricochet to the closest target.

120 Shots

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below. Values are based on the standard variant of each weapon.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 3

Warframe Steel Path Circuit Week 2 Rewards

This set includes Incarnon Genesis Adapters for the Bo, Latron, Furis, Furax, and Strun. Wraith and Prime variants of these weapons may benefit from Incarnon Adapters as well, although their evolution passives might be weaker.

As for how the Incarnon alt-fire works:

Week 3 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


+100% Melee Damage, +4 Range, +50% Heavy Attack Efficiency, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

120 Seconds


Fires energy projectiles that ricochet off hard surfaces, exploding in a 4m radius on each bounce. Ricochets up to 6 times.

40 Shots


Fires a continuous, short-range beam that deals massive damage, similar to a T7 Amp Prism.

280 Shots


Heavy slams release a field of fire. +100% Melee Damage, +25% Sprint Speed, and +25% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Turns into an Arca Plasmor that explodes on contact, damaging targets in a 4m radius.

40 Shots

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below. Values are based on the standard variant of each weapon.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 4

Warframe Steel Path Circuit Incarnon Adapters Week 3

This set includes Incarnon Genesis Adapters for the Lex, Magistar, Boltor, Bronco, and the Ceramic Dagger. Syndicate and Prime variants are compatible with Incarnon Adapters, although their evolution passives might be weaker.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Week 4 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Releases a wide projectile (similar to the Catchmoon) that deals massive damage with a guaranteed Impact proc. Gains base Radiation damage.

20 Shots


+100% Melee Damage, +30 Initial Combo, +50% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed, +10% Sprint Speed, and +10% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Fires triple the bolts, effectively turning into a shotgun with enough multishot. Greatly increased critical stats.

160 Shots


Pellets ricochet to a nearby target. Features 24% critical chance and 25.7% status chance.

20 Shots

Ceramic Dagger

Heavy attacks release two projectiles that explode when near enemies. +100% Melee Damage, +25% Sprint Speed, and +25% to Bullet Jump

180 Seconds

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can all be found below. All values listed are for the weapon’s base variant.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 5

Warframe Steel Path Circuit Week 4 Rewards Screen

This set includes Incarnon Genesis Adapters for the Torid, Dual Toxocyst, Dual Ichor, Miter, and Atomos. Since these weapons don’t have any variants, you’ll only have base variants to install these adapters onto.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Week 5 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Becomes a beam weapon that deals pure Toxin damage. Chains between five targets on hit. Gains substantially higher critical and status chance.

102 Shots

Dual Toxocyst

Becomes full-auto and gains critical chance, critical damage, and status chance. Shots chain to a nearby target.

Frenzy buff still works in Incarnon Form but does not give infinite ammo.

270 Shots

Dual Ichor

Melee kills spawn Toxin clouds. +100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +10% to Bullet Jump

180 Seconds


Becomes full-auto and gains higher critical stats and status chance. Sawblades track targets and ricochet up to five times, exploding on contact.

20 Shots


Becomes semi-auto, morphing into an RPG. Fires projectiles that explode on contact, dealing Blast damage.

21 Shots

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 6

Warframe Incarnon Adapters Week 5

This set includes Incarnon Genesis Adapters for the Ack & Brunt, Soma, Vasto, Nami Solo, and the Burston. Prime variants are compatible with Incarnon Adapters, although their evolution passives might be weaker.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Week 6 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge

Ack & Brunt

Aerial attacks release energy projectiles. +100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Turns into a full-auto shotgun, firing 8 pellets per shot. Lowered critical chance, higher base and critical damage.

200 Shots


Fan the hammer in six-round bursts, dealing 420 damage per burst. Greatly improved critical stats.

24 Shots

Nami Solo

+3 Range, +100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Becomes full-auto, firing explosive bullets. Damage is reduced and converted to pure Heat. Greatly improved critical stats.

600 Shots

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below. Listed values are for a weapon’s base variant.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 7

Warframe Incarnon Adapters Week 6

This set includes Incarnon Genesis Adapters for the Zylok, Sibear, Dread, Despair, and Hate. Dread, Despair, and Hate may be obtained as a random drop from the Stalker or the ‘What Stalker?’ store bundle.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Week 7 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Becomes a charged weapon, releasing an explosive shot that deals primarily Heat damage. Improved critical and status stats.

12 Shots


+100% Melee Damage, +50% Heavy Attack Wind-Up Speed, +10% Sprint Speed, and +10% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds


Significantly increased arrow size and critical damage. Gains base Heat damage. Improved critical multiplier.

20 Arrows


Knives embed into the target before exploding, dealing Heat damage.

20 Knives


Light attacks release a projectile that explodes when near enemies.

+100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below.

Incarnon Adapters: Week 8

Warframe Ember Prime Featured

The eighth set of Incarnon Genesis Adapters are for the Dera, Sybaris, Cestra, Sicarus, and Okina. These adapters can be applied to the base and Prime variants of these weapons, although the Prime verisons will have lower stat buffs from the evolution effects. Should you miss this specific week, you can purchase all Week 8 adapters from Cavalero aboard the Zarmiman for 120 Platinum each.

Values are listed for the weapon’s base variant. Any stats that modify base damage, critical chance, critical damage, or status chance affect the weapon’s base stats. Base modifiers are affected by weapon mods and buffs.

Week 8 Incarnon Modes

Weapon Family

Incarnon Effect

Maximum Charge


Fires high-powered laser projectiles, dealing Magnetic damage.

50 Shots


Becomes a four-round burst with added Blast status.

200 Shots


Gains damage and critical stats as it fires, but the fire rate gradually lowers.

150 Shots


Bullets ricochet to a nearby target. Increased critical stats.

120 Shots


Spawns daggers on kill, seeking out targets and applying 10x Cold on hit.

+100% Melee Damage, +20% Sprint Speed, and +20% to Bullet Jump.

180 Seconds

Specific Incarnon evolution upgrades can be found below.


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