Endgame content is where you can get the best possible gear that is currently available in World of Warcraft. Whether you are doing Raids, Mythic+, or Delves, this how you improve your character’s power once you’ve hit level cap. Yet no matter how good you are, there is one thing that will always stand between you and endgame loot: RNG (short for random number generation).
The gear that drops is entirely random. As such, you are at the mercy of whether something that drops is an upgrade or not. Fortunately, there is a way to alleviate the pain caused by RNG and that is through the Great Vault.
Updated on March 12, 2025 by Paul Woodward: The Great Vault gets updated every time a new Season starts. Whether you are a dedicated Mythic+ dungeon runner, a raider, or someone who just likes to do Delves, there is always a reason to fill out as many slots in the Great Vault as possible. Even if there is nothing you want, you can add another socket to your gear or get some upgrade materials if needed.

World Of Warcraft: War Within – Best New Pets
In World of Warcraft: War Within, players have the opportunity to acquire several new pets to add to their collections.
Great Vault, Explained
The Great Vault has been around since Shadowlands, and it is essentially a weekly reward system. The location of the Great Vault varies, but for The War Within, it is located at the bank in Dornogal. When you right-click on the Great Vault, you will see a menu with three rows with the following information:
Raids |
Defeat two Raid Bosses (World bosses don’t count) |
Defeat four Raid Bosses |
Defeat six Raid Bosses |
Dungeons |
Complete one Heroic, Mythic, or Timewalking Dungeon |
Complete four Heroic, Mythic, or Timewalking Dungeons |
Complete eight Heroic, Mythic, or Timewalking Dungeons |
World |
Complete two Delves or World Activities |
Complete four Delves or World Activities |
Complete eight Delves or World Activities |
When you complete one of the objectives above, an item from the loot table of that activity is added to the Great Vault. This is indicated by the check mark and glowing sphere as depicted in the image above. The item level of each item is determined based on the difficulty of the activity you completed. The item level can be improved by completing activities at a higher difficulty.
For example, say you killed two bosses in the most recent raid on LFR difficulty (Liberation of Undermine in Season 2). The result will be an item with an item level of 624 being added to the Great Vault. Later that week, you go into Liberation of Undermine with your guild and kill two bosses on Normal difficulty. This will upgrade your previously unlocked item in the Great Vault to item level 636.
Despite being able to add items to the Great Vault, you won’t be able to claim them until the next weekly reset. At that point, you will be able to pick one item. The amount of items in the Great Vault will depend on how many activities you complete or raid bosses you killed. If you complete six of the nine objectives, you will have six items to choose from. Alternatively, if you did everything you will have nine items to choose from.
What To Do If Nothing Is An Upgrade
As the Season progresses, it is entirely possible to end up in a situation where all of your available rewards are not upgrades. If that happens, you can choose the reward at the bottom of the menu, and you will get Algari Token of Merit instead. You can earn up to six Algari Tokens of Merit per week. Algari Token of Merit can be used to purchase items from Ardgaz, the NPC that stands right next to the Great Vault. His inventory is as follows.
Item Name |
Cost |
Chest of Gold |
2 Algari Tokens of Merit |
Golden Valorstone |
1 Algari Token of Merit |
Triumphant Satchel of Carved Crests |
1 Algari Token of Merit |
Celebratory Pack of Runed Crests |
2 Algari Tokens of Merit |
S.A.D. |
6 Algari Tokens of Merit |
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