- Top open-world games let players use vehicles as weapons, resulting in chaos and creative mayhem.
- Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 6, and Watch Dogs: Legion showcase unique ways to use vehicles in-game.
- Games like Just Cause 4, Mad Max, and Grand Theft Auto 5 emphasize vehicle combat and destruction.
Open-world games are all about giving the player as much freedom as they can muster, but in massive worlds, the player’s probably going to need a vehicle to get around. The very best open-world games throw caution to the wind and let the player use their vehicle as a weapon, too, resulting in all kinds of chaos.

8 Most Complex Open World Games, Ranked
These are some of the most complicated open-world titles to play.
Whether it’s futuristic hot rods with machine guns attached to the hood or remote-controlled trucks being used like battering rams, plenty of open-world games have great creative uses for vehicles as weapons.
Cyberpunk 2077
Automobiles With Minds Of Their Own

Top Critic Rating:
Critics Recommend:
- Released
December 10, 2020
Though Cyberpunk 2077 was released in a bit of a sorry state, it’s hard to deny that Night City and the driving experience were anything less than exceptional. CD Projekt Red worked hard to imagine what the automobiles of the cyberpunk future would look like, even the free four-wheeled menaces, resulting in all sorts of mayhem.
Of course, any of the game’s vehicles can be used as a battering ram against foes galore. Still, several of the fancier vehicles have autonomous weapon systems and can be remote-controlled. In Night City, the player’s ride is their fortress.
Far Cry 6
La Revolucion!

Top Critic Rating:
Critics Recommend:
The Far Cry games, particularly post Far Cry 3, have been adored for their chaos-generating game design where simple encounters can turn into impromptu action movies as things get increasingly chaotic. While each game differs in approach, Far Cry 6 takes an interesting retro approach to vehicles.

Far Cry: Every Game, Ranked By Map Size
From fairly small play areas to gigantic explorable islands, these are how the Far Cry maps compare in terms of size.
That’s because the game takes place in a fictional parallel of Cuba where the majority of vehicles are actually outdated compared to modern day. That means the old-school cars take center stage as the distinct voice of the game and can act like brutal battering rams as the player careens through the humid streets at top speed.
Watch Dogs: Legion
RC Mayhem

Top Critic Rating:
Critics Recommend:
- Released
October 29, 2020
From the very first reveal of Watch Dogs, the implicit fantasy was that the player could hack anything in the world and take control. While that fantasy has waxed and waned throughout the franchise, none has gone quite as hard as Watch Dogs: Legion in trying to deliver on that original promise.
In Watch Dogs: Legion, not only can the player play as almost any NPC on the streets of dystopian London, but a whole range of hacks become available where vehicles can become remote-controlled death-dealing machines where the player doesn’t even need to drive them. Every vehicle is a theoretical weapon, resulting in some genuinely creative setpieces.
Mercenaries 2
Leave Nothing But Rubble

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
- Released
August 31, 2008
- Developer(s)
Pandemic Studios, A2M
Even for 2008, Mercenaries 2 was a little old-fashioned. Where games like Call of Duty 4 and Assassin’s Creed were trying to push AAA video games into the realm of the cinematic telling of Hollywood-style stories, Mercenaries 2 was a much simpler proposition from a bygone era. Just have as much fun as you like.
Mercenaries 2 is a massive sandbox where everything is susceptible to being torn down by explosions. In the sheer chaos of utter destruction, players can pilot all manner of offensive vehicles to assist in the chaos. In Mercenaries 2, players are responsible for their fun, making it a quiet cult hit among its fans.
Saints Row: The Third
Upturn the Toybox

Before Grand Theft Auto 5, other game devs were still trying to out-compete the brilliance of Rockstar open-world crime simulators, and Saints Row was the main competition. However, while Grand Theft Auto tends to counterbalance its silliness, Saints Row: The Third leaned into absurd comedy and chaos, which separated it from the pack and helped it become one of the most beloved entries in the entire series.
Naturally, the absurd comedy doesn’t just come from weapons or the story, but also from the wide variety of crazy vehicles that become the Boss’s most fearsome weapons. Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror are all on the table, with a toybox sensibility at every juncture.
Just Cause 4
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

- Released
December 4, 2018
The Just Cause franchise has always prized massive maps, fast mobility, and chaos at every turn. These games are all about causing the biggest explosions imaginable while navigating a massive map with countless hours of fun. While protagonist Rico Rodriguez has his trademark grappling hook and parachute to play with, vehicles also play a big role across the entire franchise.
In the latest entry in Just Cause 4, the vehicle list is just as big as it’s ever been, stretching from rickety three-door cars all the way to military-grade tanks. Vehicles are one of the best ways to cause massive destruction in Just Cause 4, especially when they’re rigged to blow with a small country’s worth of C4.
Mad Max
Witness Me!

- Released
September 1, 2015
Most open-world games tend to fuse vehicles and on-foot action, giving equal attention to both. However, particularly in modern open-world games, it’s increasingly rare to find a game that prioritizes vehicle combat over on-person combat, so Mad Max still stands out today as one of the best vehicle-based open-world games ever made, and it remains surprisingly well-connected to the movie series too.
In the game, players are encouraged to upgrade their Magnum Opus, Max’s signature car, which will become their primary weapon in the game from the first hour to the very last. Grappling hooks, weapons, wheels, and roaring engines are where the fun is found here, and the Magnum Opus is one of the best open-world vehicles ever designed.
Grand Theft Auto 5
Los Santos Livin’

Top Critic Rating:
Critics Recommend:
- Released
September 17, 2013
- Developer(s)
Rockstar North
Despite being over ten years old, open-world games are still struggling to compete with Grand Theft Auto 5. Los Santos is the ultimate playground for players looking to let loose, and its ever-growing roster of vehicles largely defines it.
While the base game has its share of military vehicles, the continuing success of Grand Theft Auto Online means that increasingly wild vehicles populate players’ garages, ranging from flying cars to gun-toting mobile fortresses. At this point, it seems that only the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 could surpass it.

Open World Games With The Best Motorcycle Gameplay
Cars are nice and all, but games like Days Gone and Cyberpunk 2077 let gamers ride swiftly through open worlds on motorcycles.
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