Best Events To Complete For Farming Junk

Best Events To Complete For Farming Junk
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  • Radiation Rumble is a great event for gathering lots of junk from various enemies.
  • Eviction Notice is the hardest yet popular event for farming legendary items.
  • Seismic Activity offers rare ultracite scrap by defeating the Ultracite Titan.

There are plenty of great events to complete in Fallout 76. Some are great for farming legendary items, others are perfect for gaining XP, and there are a few that are perfect for collecting large amounts of junk. There are also some great events that offer less common junk and instead award players with some of the rarest crafting components in the game.

From Battle Bot to Radiation Rumble, there are a few events that stand head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to how much junk players can receive. This article will go over some of the best events for farming junk.


Fallout 76: Best Events To Complete For Farming Legendary Items

For players looking to collect legendary items in Fallout 76, keep an eye out for these events.


Battle Bot

Destroy Three Robots For A Stockpile Of Junk

Battle Bot Location
  • Junk Items: Adhesive, steel, and a healthy mix of junk components

Battle Bot can be completed in as little as 60 seconds. Seasoned players know this event by heart and can get it done in virtually no time. To complete the event, head to Mount Blair Trainyard. If the event hasn’t been completed recently, it will automatically start.

Players need to kill the security robot, recover two keycards from two nearby Mr. Gutsy Robots, and hit the keypad on either side of the locked building. Doing this will open the door to the building, allowing the player to loot all the valuable junk that is lying on the countertops and inside the various cabinets. Players typically walk away with adhesive, steel, circuitry, and a plethora of other goods.


Uranium Fever

Defend Extractors And Take On Endless Waves Of Mole Miners

Uranium Fever
  • Junk Items: Steel and black titanium

Uranium Fever has a good balance of difficulty, XP gain, legendary enemies, and the amount of junk available, making it a popular public event. To put it simply, players need to defend three extractors to mine uranium ore. As the extractors do their job, endless waves of Mole Miners attempt to destroy them.

Mole Miners are great for gathering loot. Not only do they drop weapons that can be scrapped for steel and other basic components upon death, but players also have a chance of getting some black titanium from downed Mole Miners.


Moonshine Jamboree

The Best Event For Farming Acid

Bathtub At Moonshine Jamboree
  • Junk Items: Acid and assorted junk items

Moonshine Jamboree is one of the more difficult public events that can pop up on any given server. To complete the event, players will need to protect three moonshine stills from waves of Gulpers, Fog Crawlers, and other tough enemies. They’ll also need to fill a bathtub inside the main building with Acidic Gulper Venom.

While the event is relatively difficult, players will receive some pretty great rewards upon completing the event, such as rare plans, legendary items, and Raider Reputation. However, putting the rewards aside, more often than not, gulpers can be looted for lots of acid. Completing Moonshine Jamboree is the fastest way to get lots of acid.


Seismic Activity

Take On The Ultracite Titan

Ultracite Titan in Fallout 76
  • Junk Items: Steel, black titanium, and ultracite scrap

Seismic Activity is one of Fallout 76’s nuked events. Because it requires the player to launch a nuke in order to start it, the player will need to complete a large portion of the main storyline first. However, since this is a public event, if another player launches a nuke over Abandoned Mine Shaft 2, all players on the server are able to join the event.

To complete the event, players will need to work together to take down the Ultracite Titan, which has the ability to summon endless waves of Mole Miners. As mentioned in the Uranium Fever entry above, Mole Miners are great for farming steel from weapons and black titanium. Also, once the Ultracite Titan has been taken down, players will be awarded some Ultracite scrap. This is a rare resource that is very handy for crafting many late-game items.


Eviction Notice

A Hard Yet Rewarding Event

Eviction Notice Event Location in Fallout 76
  • Junk Items: Components From Scrapped Weapons

Eviction Notice is the hardest public event in Fallout 76. Thankfully, it’s also very popular, so there are usually plenty of players that attend the event when it pops up. Eviction Notice is also the best event in the game for farming legendary items. However, it’s also pretty good for getting a healthy amount of common junk.


Fallout 76: How To Farm Scrip

This guide explains the best methods for farming Scrip in the latest season of Fallout 76.

To complete the event, players will need to keep a small army of Super Mutants at bay and defend the Rad Scrubber. Since Super Mutants typically drop a weapon and other random loot upon death, it can be pretty lucrative for farming junk.


A Colossal Problem

Take On Earle Williams

Earle Williams in Fallout 76
  • Junk Items: Screws, fiberglass spool, random flux, and more

Launching a nuke over Monogah Mine will trigger the event A Colossal Problem. This event sees players head inside the collapsing mine and take on Earle Williams, a hugely mutated Wendigo Colossus.

As players attempt to take down Earle Williams, Wendigo will pop up all over the place. These creatures, when killed, have a very high chance of dropping screws and fiberglass spools, plus other junk items. However, the screws and fiberglass spools are the best items to pick up from these creatures. Upon completing the event, players will also be awarded with some random flux, which is one of the most useful and rare components in the game.


Scorched Earth

The Original Boss Battle

Dead Scorchbeast in Fallout 76
  • Junk Items: Random flux and random enemy loot drops

The Scorchbeast Queen was Fallout 76’s first main boss battle. While there have been several new bosses introduced throughout the years, Scorched Earth is still one of the most popular events to attend in the game.

While it’s not particularly lucrative for gathering large quantities of junk, successfully taking down the Scorchbeast Queen does provide the player with some random flux. Players can also scoop up various random loot from enemies that have spawned during the battle. Despite being a very tough enemy, veteran players can take down the queen in just a couple of minutes. This makes Scorched Earth a quick stop for quality components, provided that veteran players are in attendance.


Radiation Rumble

A Great Event For Lots Of Junk

Radiation Rumble Location
  • Junk Items: Components vary

Radiation Rumble is another tough public event. However, like many of the other tough events in the game, it tends to be popular. The more players that attend, the easier the event becomes. To complete this event, players will need to defend Scavengers while also collecting and depositing ore. During the first few minutes of the event, players will be swarmed by Radiated Ghouls. These, when killed, tend to drop a variety of junk items.

As the event progresses, more difficult enemies such as Snallygasters and Deathclaws start spawning. These enemies also have lots of valuable junk items that can be looted. For those who like to pick up lots of loot, this event is perfect as there are so many enemies, each one dropping various junk items for players to snap up.

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November 14, 2018


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol

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