Where To Find The Stall Supplies In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Where To Find The Stall Supplies In Disney Dreamlight Valley

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Your first adventure with Aladdin in Disney Dreamlight Valley was helping Scrooge test his new security system, and giving him a good challenge. Next up was a treasure hunt and journeying back to Ariel’s island to look for a gift for Jasmine. Business partners and romantic partners aren’t all Aladdin’s focused on, though.


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Now he’s looking to do something nice for one of his friends, so your adventures with the diamond in the rough aren’t over just yet. First you’ll have to hunt down a few gems, but that simple mission is going to turn out a whole lot more exciting in the end – for you, Aladdin, and the whole valley.

How To Find Gems For WALL-E

Player character talking with Aladdin who asks for help with a gift for WALL-E in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

To access this quest, you’ll need to bring Aladdin to the valley after completing the Aladdin Realm quests, get him to Friendship Level ten, and complete his three prior Friendship Quests: As Good As Gold, Bring Your Own Carpet, and All That Glitters. Alongside that, you’ll also need to meet a few other requirements:

If you need some Dreamlight quickly to unlock the Forgotten Lands, you can craft extra Dream Shards into Dreamlight at any Crafting Bench at a rate of ten Dream Shards for 250 Dreamlight.

Player character breaking a mining node with red gem pieces on it behind a windmill in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

When you meet the requirements, talk with Aladdin to start the quest. Your first task is going to be finding some gems for WALL-E. You’ll need to find three red, four blue, and five green, and the gems can be any kind as long as they’re the right color, but some easy ones include:

  • Garnet and Peridot, which can both be found in Peaceful Meadow.
  • Aquamarine and Emerald, which can be found in Dazzle Beach.
  • Ruby and Sapphire, which can be found inside Vitalys Mines.

You’ll need to mine the gems from mining nodes specifically, and ones from your storage won’t count towards the quest.

Bring all the gems back to Aladdin once you have them, and then watch the scene between WALL-E and him. Once it’s over, talk to Aladdin again, and he’ll get a pretty great idea.

How To Get Stall-Building Supplies

Go back into the Aladdin Realm and head to the South Market area of the city by either using the shortcut through the double doors on the eastern side of the Central Marketplace, or going the long way around, if you haven’t unlocked it before.

You’ll need to find eight items in total for Aladdin in that area: one Marketplace Stall Signage, one Marketplace Rug, and six Marketplace Baskets.



Marketplace Signage

On the ground by the stall to the left of the double doors with a pink lantern hanging from the wall.

Marketplace Rug

On the ground by the Agrabah Crafting Bench to the right of the double doors with a pink lantern hanging from the wall.

Marketplace Basket 1

Marketplace Basket 2

On the ground by the stall across from the double doors with a pink lantern nearby.

Marketplace Basket 3

Marketplace Basket 4

On the ground by the stall next to the wooden beam leading up to the second level of the Southern Market.

Marketplace Basket 5

Marketplace Basket 6

On the ground on the right side corner of the staircase with the three wooden beams fixing it.

Bring the Stall Supplies back to Aladdin for inspection, then he’ll need you to make him some storage and signs to go along with his new stall.

How To Make The Storage And Signs For Aladdin

Player character at their crafting bench about to make a Large Marketplace Chest in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

You’ll need to make one Small Marketplace Chest, one Large Marketplace Chest, and two Custom Signposts for Aladdin. The easiest to make are the Custom Signposts, as they only need ten Softwood each, for a total of 20.

You can get more Dark Wood by placing only tree types originating from the Forgotten Lands down, like Dead Forgotten Lands Tree, Sinister Tree, and Frozen Twisted Dead Tree, and leaving plenty of room for the wood to spawn.

Both the Marketplace Chests will need the same materials, but in different amounts:


Amount Needed For Both Chests

How To Obtain

Tinkering Parts


Refine two Iron Ingots in a Crafting Bench in the Refined Material Tab.

Gold Ingot


Refine five Gold Nuggets and one Coal in a Crafting Bench in the Refined Material Tab.

Dark Wood


Collect from beneath trees in the Forgotten Land.

Dry Wood


Collect from beneath trees in the Sunlit Plateau, Frosted Heights, or Forgotten Land.

Once you’ve made the four items he asked for, return to Aladdin again and hand them over to him to progress to the next step.

How To Set Up The Marketplace

Player character talking to Tiana and asking her if she wants to join Aladdin's market in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

While Aladdin’s getting things together, he’ll ask you to talk with five villagers and get them to join the market: Goofy, Mulan, Kristoff, Beast, and Tiana. You can get a bit of optional info from each before inviting them, or just go ahead and ask them to join in.

Return to Aladdin one more time when you’re finished and talk to him. He’ll hand over the Gem Stall, both Marketplace Chests and Custom Signposts, and a few other decorations you’ll need.

Go into your inventory, navigate to the Furniture Tab, and then place the Gem Stall wherever you’d like, but you’ll want to put it in an area with quite a bit of space due to the next quest step. Once the stall is down, you’ll need to place the various decorations nearby:

  • Both the Small Marketplace Chest and the Large Marketplace Chest.
  • Both Custom Signposts.
  • Any six of the other decorations he gave you, which include the Marketplace Fruit Baskets, Clay Marketplace Jars, and Marketplace Vessels.
Player character in furniture mode and placing down the Gem Stall, Mulan's Stall and market decorations in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

You can put Tiana, Kristoff, Mulan, or Beast’s stalls nearby as well, but it’s optional and not required to complete the quest.

Use Scrooge’s Sign to unlock the Gem Stall once you’re finished for a whopping zero Star Coins, then purchase at least one gem from the selection offered, which should only cost between 350 and 500 Star Coins, depending on what’s offered.

Talk to Aladdin to get the Grand Opening Balloon Arch from him, and place it down in front of the Gem Stall. After you take a celebratory picture with everyone, talk to Aladdin one last time to get the Diamond In The Rough clothing set as a reward.

To get the next set of three Gems available for purchase at the Gem Stall, it’ll cost 15,000 Star Coins and that will be the only upgrade for it, unlike most other character stalls.


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