- Insert Decorations in armor for skills like Botanist & Geologist to aid item gathering.
- Use Healing Decorations like Recovery Up to boost item effectiveness for survival.
- Equip Elemental & Status Resistance Decorations based on monster attacks to improve defense.
One of the coolest things about Monster Hunter Wilds is discovering new armor. It’s not just about protection, as being stylish is also a bonus to hunting giant beasties across a wide range of biomes. That said, this is an RPG, and it is obviously important to be well-prepared before a mission.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Best Early Game Armor
Hunter monsters and look good while doing it with these armor tips.
At base levels, armor can only do so much in Monster Hunter Wilds, which is why it is important to insert Decorations too. Decorations will unlock once players reach the game’s third area, Oilwell Basin. Decorations come in the form of Jewels, each with one—or several—attached skills. All Decorations are randomized, but these are the skills to look out for whether players get them at base level one or higher.
Exploration And Material Gathering Decorations
Gather More Materials
- Botany Jewel
- Geology Jewel
- Ranger Jewel
- Specimen Jewel
Decorations can help with more than just staying alive longer in battle. Players can and should set up an armor build in the game for exploration purposes as well. These Decorations can help with item gathering or crafting, like the Botany Jewel, which has the Botanist skill attached. Botanist allows players to grab more plants like Herbs, which are used to craft Potions in Monster Hunter Wilds. The Geology Jewel with the Geologist skill gives players more Bones from Bone Piles or more Ore from Mining Outcrops, which are both used for crafting weapons and armor.
The Ranger Jewel has Outdoorsman, which can help players with food-based gathering and prepping, like fishing and grilling food. Finally, there is the Specimen Jewel with the Entomologist skill. Entomologist prevents players from destroying bugs completely, no matter how big their weapon is. This means that they can harvest the carcasses for parts, some of which can be used to craft armor like Vespoids.
Healing Decorations
Make The Most Of Items
- Enduring Jewel
- Friendship Jewel
- Medicine Jewel
- Satiated Jewel
- Survival Jewel
If players do sustain damage, then they will need some healing items to recover, and these Decorations will improve those items in one way or another. For example, the Medicine Jewel has the Recovery Up skill,, which increases how much healing items like Potions will provide. The Satiated Jewel will help players get more use out of the items in their inventory because it has the Free Meal skill. Free Meal gives players a random chance to not consume an item upon using it.

Monster Hunter Wilds: 10 Best Palico Armor Sets, Ranked
Palicos need armor too and these are the most beneficial and stylish ones.
The Survival Jewel will increase the healing power of bugs like Vigorwasps in Monster Hunter Wilds via the Survival Expert skill. The Enduring Jewel gets away from healing, specifically as it has the Item Prolonger skill. This skill can increase the effectiveness of stat-improving items like Armorskin, which will increase Defense temporarily. Finally, there is the Friendship Jewel with the Wide-Range skill, allowing items to be shared among teammates if they are close enough to each other upon use.
Elemental Defense Boosts
Withstand The Special Attacks Of Monsters
- Dragon Res Jewel
- Fire Res Jewel
- Ice Res Jewel
- Thunder Res Jewel
- Water Res Jewel
Players will need to protect themselves from the five elements in Monster Hunter Wilds: Dragon, Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Water. There is a Decoration based on all five elements, so players should check the guidebook before entering or during a mission to figure out what Decorations to put on their armor to help defend against their target monster’s attacks. At makeshift camps, Decorations and armor overall can be changed, so don’t forget to utilize pop-up camping areas when the need arises.
Back to elements, let’s take a look at the Quematrice. This large bird can spew flames from its tail feathers. If players equip the Fire Res Jewel, they will get the Fire Resistance skill, which boosts defense against Fire-based attacks. Another example is the Thunder Res Jewel with Thunder Resistance imbued inside. Equip this Decoration when facing a Thunder-based monster like Rey Dau. The Dragon Res Jewel, Ice Res Jewel, and Water Res Jewel work in the same fashion.
Defense Against Ailments
From Poison To Webbing
- Adapt Jewel
- Antidote Jewel
- Escape Jewel
- Perfume Jewel
Protecting from the elements is all well and good, but status effects are more of a problem. They can drain HP over time or prevent players from using items. That’s something to be more afraid of than a few puffs of fire or electrical bolts. For example, the Antidote Jewel has Poison Resistance attached, which doesn’t prevent players from sustaining Poison in Monster Hunter Wilds. Instead, it makes the Poison pass quicker, and equipping it when facing a Rathalos is a good plan. The Escape Jewel has the Bind Resistance skill, which helps players escape ice clusters formed by monsters like Jin Dahaad or webbing sustained from Nerscylla.

Monster Hunter Wilds: 7 Best Palico Support Abilities, Ranked
From healing you to attacking monsters with airships, there’s nothing these kitties can’t do.
One of the worst status effects in the game is Stench, which is the aforementioned ailment that prevents players from using items. The Perfume Jewel has Stench Resistance, which will prevent players from catching this disease, and players should watch out for it when facing a monster like Congalala. Finally, the Adapt Jewel has the useful Adaptability skill. Some biomes require certain items to survive in Monster Hunter Wilds. In the Oilwell Basin, players will have to consume a Cool Drink to prevent heat exhaustion, and they’ll need a Hot Drink to stay warm in the Iceshard Cliffs. Adaptability negates the need to use items like that, freeing up space in the inventory.
Boost To Defense Stats
Withstand More Attacks
- Defense Jewel
- Growth Jewel
- Potential Jewel
- Protection Jewel
Last but not least is a good set of Decorations to boost defensive capabilities across all types of armor. The best and most obvious one has to be the Defense Jewel with the Defense Boost skill, which will boost the Defense of any given piece of armor. The Protection Jewel doesn’t boost a set stat with the Divine Blessing skill. Instead, Divine Blessing has a random chance of blocking damage, which could prevent death if players are so lucky.
The Potential Jewel is great for players wishing to become stronger and feel more protected, as it has the rare Heroics skill. This skill increases attack and defense power once their health gets low enough. Players should treat their wounds with items as soon as they sustain large injuries, but having a boost like this just in case they can’t access items right away is valuable. Finally, the Growth Jewel is a very situational Decoration. It has Self-Improvement, which is a skill that will improve attack and defense the further players get into a mission. So, if players are on the hunt for a particular larger beast, like the aforementioned Jin Dahaad, and it is taking forever, this skill will help in the long run for Monster Hunter Wilds.

- Released
February 28, 2025
T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor
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