How To Get The Duct Tape Grenade And Human Grenade In R.E.P.O.

How To Get The Duct Tape Grenade And Human Grenade In R.E.P.O.
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After clearing the first level, and every other level, in R.E.P.O., you’ll be brought to the Service Shop. This is the area where you can use your hard-earned money to buy health, upgrades, or gear to help you in later levels.


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The assortment of goods will be different each time you visit the shop, but there is always a secret room waiting in the ceiling. Inside you’ll find a Human Grenade and a Duct Tape Grenade. Let’s go over exactly how to find the secret room and how to get in there.

How To Access Secret Store Room

When you enter the shop, the layout will always be slightly different, as will the assortment of items. However, the tile leading to the secret room is always facing the endcap with the health packs.

To open the tile, you must stand on the edge of the shop shelf, then grab the far end of the tile and pull it towards you. If there’s a gun in the service shop, you can also just shoot the tile open with it.


Getting inside while playing solo can be tricky and may take a lot of trial and error. There are a few options, though.

  • Feather drone: The easiest way to enter on solo. This will make you light as a feather, allowing you to simply fly up through the opening.
  • Zero gravity drone: While this one is activated, you will float upwards a little when you jump, like you’re jumping on the moon. It won’t take you all the way through the opening from the floor, so we suggest making a small pile of items or using one of the loot carts to give you a height boost.
  • Shockwave mine: Activate a shockwave mine, then drop it on the ground below the hole. Once it’s armed, jump on it, and it should shoot you up through the opening. However, you might have to try this one a few times to get the aim right.
  • Stacking stuff in the room: If there’s enough stuff, you can try stacking and parkouring your way up through the opening, but this will be the hardest method to try.

If you can’t find the items you need to help you get into the secret room, just restart your game from the same save file while you’re in the shop, and each time the items in the shop will change.


Having friends around will be the best way to get up into the secret shop room.


First, to get a friend into the room, once you’ve opened the tile, have your friend press Q to make themselves small. Then, pick them up and carry them up into the secret room.

If you can’t quite reach to get them all the way through the hole, even when using your mousewheel to push them up, try standing on the shop shelf.

If you want to go up there, just make yourself small with Q and one of your friends can send you through instead.


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