How To Get And Use Fangs In Hades 2

How To Get And Use Fangs In Hades 2
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Hades 2’s Warsong Update brought with it the Summit, the newest and final region on the surface route, and with it a little bundle of new collectible resources and reagents. With such delights such as Plankton, Scales, and Fangs, how can you do anything but scour each and every corner in order to fill your pockets? Surely the boss at the end can wait.


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Before you get to the boss, you’ll need to go through the tail.

Fangs are the Summit’s “Flora” collectible, though its status as Flora is a bit questionable. Here, we’ll go over where and how to find Fangs, and what to use them for.

Hades 2 is still in Early Access at the point of writing, so some information in this guide may change over time. Expect more uses for Fangs and other resources to continue to crop up.

How To Get Fangs

Melinoë gathering a Fang in the Summit. The +1 popup appears above her head when gathered.

Throughout the Underworld and the surface routes, Melinoë’s been picking resources by hand—assortments of flowers, mushrooms, driftwood. In the Summit, you will be gathering teeth. Fangs sprout out of the ground here, which Melinoë can pick up and take along with her on her adventure.

The fifth and final Familiar, Gale the Polecat, can assist Melinoë in collecting Fangs. With the Warsong Update’s changes to gathering, you no longer prioritize a Gathering Tool to increase chances of finding specific resources; rather, the associated Familiar will do that.

Bringing Gale along increases Melinoë’s chances of finding Flora, such as Moly, Driftwood, Iris, and, yes, Fangs.

Though they aren’t Flora—or at least, hopefully—Fangs fall under the Flora category when it comes to how they’re collected.

Fangs are tall, curved, and ivory-colored–they look exactly how you’d expect. The incantation Reagent Sensing will help point them out, if they ever get lost in the busy backgrounds of the Summit. One of the earliest and easiest incantations to get, you should have it long before reaching the Summit–it only requires five Silver to unlock, and one Moly to cast.

How To Use Fangs

The Shuffling of Noted Ballads in the Cauldron. It requires 2 ? Seed, 1 Shaderot, and 1 Fang.

Fangs are described as being used for incantations involving blood and turmoil. Very befitting both Typhon and Ares, who were both added in the Warsong Update.

Currently, Fangs are used for the incantation Shuffling of Noted Ballads, which allows the Music Maker to choose which songs to play. In other words–Mel’s putting her playlist on shuffle.




Shuffling of Noted Ballads Incantation

Induce the Music Maker to optionally choose which melodies to play based on whim alone.

2 ? Seed, 1 Shaderot, 1 Fang

The seeds required here are specifically the ? Seeds–seeds that when planted, grow a random plant. They can be purchased from a Well of Charon or Shrine of Hermes, or gained from Demeter’s Plentiful Forage boon.

You’ll need to have at least some music purchased from the Music Maker to get this incantation. The exact number is unclear, but at this point you should have a good amount of materials to trade back to the Broker for the Prestige required to buy music, so go wild. You will also, of course, need the Music Maker in the first place, who can be summoned with the Summoning of Musical Rhapsody incantation. It requires one Tear and one Lotus.


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Have something nice to come back to.

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