How To Earn The Champ Title In Destiny 2

How To Earn The Champ Title In Destiny 2
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Destiny 2’s Season of Defiance is wrapping things up with the Guardian Games, a yearly spring event where all three classes compete to see which one is best. Outside the new playlist activities, Guardians can work towards earning some new weapons and this year’s Champ title. If you’re someone who wants a fairly easy title in their collection, Champ should be on your radar.


Destiny 2: Guardian Games 2025 – Earning Medallions, Score, And Rushdown Explained

Represent your class in this year’s Guardian Games event to earn some exclusive rewards.

So long as you’re willing to play some Guardian Games activities, Champ is easily one of Destiny 2’s most accessible titles to date. Complete Guardian Games playlist activities, collect Crests, and deposit medals to get your hands on this Guardian Games’ unique title.

Updated March 12, 2025, by Charles Burgar: The Champ title has been updated with a few new challenges this year, all of which require you to complete Rushdown boss rushes. We’ve updated this guide to include all new challenges, including exact numbers for each Triumph.

In It To Win It

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 Medal Deposit Hunter Flag

In It to Win It: Earn a Medallion from activity completions and bank it at the podium in the Tower for rewards and class points.

You likely have this finished already. This Triumph requires you to bank a Medallion. That’s it. You have to turn in this Triumph to complete the Guardian Games introductory quest, so there’s zero chance that someone will miss this challenge.

Medallion Triumphs

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 Tower Podium

Medallion Triumphs: Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower. Higher-rank Medallions contribute more points.

There are four Triumphs that require you to bank Medallions during the Guardian Games event. Those Triumphs are as follows:

  • Bronze: Bank 100 points worth of medals.
  • Silver: Bank 200 points worth of medals.
  • Gold: Bank 300 points worth of medals.
  • Platinum: Bank 400 points worth of medals.

Despite the name of each Triumph, all medals contribute progress to each Triumph. Bronze medals are worth the least, and Platinum medals are worth the most. We recommend farming Platinum Cards at Eva Levante to get this done quickly. Neptune Contender Cards seem to be the fastest. Complete a card, farm the Guardian Games playlists until you get a few Bronze and Silver medals, then deposit all of your medals at the Tower podium. Rinse and repeat until you’ve earned 400 points. Points are account bound, so feel free to switch characters while doing this.

In The Cards

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 Eva Contender Cards

In the Cards: Complete Contender Cards and Platinum Cards, which can be obtained from Eva.

Contender Cards are special bounties you can purchase from Eva Levante during the Guardian Games event. These cards require you to play a specific activity and complete an objective, typically requiring kills with a specific element or weapon type. This Triumph requires you to complete 15 Contender Cards during the event.

Arguably the easiest Contender Card is the Trials of Osiris card. The Guardian Games: Supremacy playlist progresses the Trials card. PvE players can opt to complete seasonal activity cards instead, or you can complete Diamond Cards if you play with a coordinated clan.

Boss Breaker

Destiny 2 Guardian Games Tower Podium

Boss Breaker: Defeat bosses in Guardian Games Rushdown.

This Triumph requires you to defeat bosses in the Rushdown playlist. The practice variant does not count; only the ranked modes do. Since this is a boss rush playlist, you’ll earn a significant amount of progress with each Rushdown clear. Bring a good loadout and a high DPS weapon, and you’ll get this completed in no time.

Elements Of Victory

Destiny 2 Broodweaver Warlock With Strand

Elements of Victory: Defeat enemies with elemental abilities or weapons.

Pull Some Strings requires you to defeat enemies with any elemental damage type during Guardian Games. Bear in mind that any non-Kinetic kills will progress this Triumph, even against enemies that aren’t in one of the Guardian Games playlists. So long as you use an elemental Primary or ability build, this challenge should complete itself.

As for killing enemies with elemental damage, ability builds tend to perform the best in all PvE content. For some great PvE ability builds, check out our build guides below:

Good Games

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 Warlocks Fighting In Supremacy

Good Games: Defeat targets in Supremacy matches or Guardian Games playlist.

Good Games requires you to defeat 800 enemies in the Guardian Games PvE playlist or Supremacy game type. We highly recommend farming Guardian Games Nightfalls to get this done quickly. Equip a good add-clearing weapon like Trinity Ghoul or any gun with Voltshot to get this done quickly.


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These are the best rolls for the Guardian Games weapons in Destiny 2.

Class Pride

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 Skimmer Vehicle

Class Pride: Complete Supremacy or Guardian Games playlist activities with special matchmaking.

Class Pride should complete itself if you’ve participated at all during this event. Class Pride requires you to complete ten Supremacy matches or Guardian Games Nightfalls. All playlists can be found in the Tower map in your Director. We find Supremacy matches to be slightly faster, although feel free to farm any playlist that interests you. You’ll need to play both at some point to earn this title.

Friendly Rivalry

Destiny 2 PvP Supremacy Game Type 6v6

Friendly Rivalry: Complete Crucible, Gambit, or Supremacy matches.

Friendly Rivalry requires you to complete six Crucible, Gambit, or Supremacy matches during the Guardian Games event. You don’t need to win these matches to receive progress. Since you’ll need to earn points in Supremacy for one of this title’s Triumphs, we highly recommend farming Supremacy to get this done.

Worlds Championship Tour

Destiny 2 Altars of Sorrow Moon Activity

Worlds Championship Tour: Complete activities on destinations such as Blind Well, Altars of Sorrow, Empire Hunts, Wellspring, Partition, and Terminal Overload.

This challenge requires you to complete destination activities. Virtually any activity that’s exclusive to a particular destination will award credit. We recommend farming Altars of Sorrow or Terminal Overload to get this done quickly, as these take place in patrol spaces. As you complete the event, other players will naturally spawn in your instance and help with the activity.

If you are a particularly skilled player, you can equip a Strand subclass and speedrun Empire Hunts on Europa. These are functionally identical to Strikes but are slightly shorter. Bring a good loadout to quickly eliminate the boss, and you should be able to complete this Triumph in a few runs.


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Circuit Training

Destiny 2 Dares of Eternity Boss Guessing Room

Circuit Training: Complete Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops playlist activities, or Defiant Battlegrounds.

If you look at the API for this challenge, it states that you need to complete 1,200 playlist matches. It’s much less in-game. Circuit Training requires you to complete Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops, or Defiant Battleground matches. Guardian Games playlist also count for this challenge, so we highly recommend you farm the Guardian Games PvE playlist. Both the Recreational and Competitive Guardian Games playlists count.

Noble Expert

Destiny 2 Rushdown Playlist

Noble Expert: Complete Rushdown on any difficulty.

Noble Expert requires you to complete ten runs of Rushdown, either on Normal or Expert; Practice does not count. You’ll need to fully clear the activity to receive progress, which requires you to defeat five bosses back-to-back. Bring a strong boss DPS weapon like The Queenbreaker

to ensure a smooth clear.

Crest Collector

Destiny 2 Crucible Titan

Crest Collector: Earn points in Supremacy by picking up crests from defeated opponents.

Pick up 50 enemy crests in the Supremacy playlist to finish this Triumph. Allied crests don’t seem to give progress, so you’ll want to grab enemy (red) crests. If you focus on grabbing crests above all else, you should be able to finish this challenge in two or three matches.


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