Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Guide For Pokemon Go

Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Guide For Pokemon Go

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Pokemon Go recently added the Dynamax feature to the game, allowing you to use and battle against unique Pokemon with massively increased power. So far, only a select number of Pokemon are available in their Dynamax forms, requiring you to defeat them in a Max Battle for a chance to catch them.


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Raikou has been chosen as one of these few Pokemon, bringing Dynamax Raikou to Pokemon Go with its own debut event. Below you can find our complete guide on Dynamax Raikou in Pokemon Go, including information on both its debut event and on how to defeat and obtain them.

Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend

Image of Dynamax Raikou with a Power Spot and a cloudy sky behind.

Dynamax Raikou will make its Pokemon Go debut with its own limited-time event, the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend. This will be a two-day event, taking place from Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 6am local time to Sunday, March 16, 2025, at 9pm local time.

During this Max Battle Weekend, Dynamax Raikou will be available to battle against for the first time in its own Five-Star Max Battle. Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to complete these Max Battles, rewarding you with an opportunity to catch Dynamax Raikou when successfully completed.

Additionally, there will be a handful of bonuses that will be active during the two days of this event. These bonuses include:

  • Collect up to 1,600 Max Particles.
  • Travel 1/4 distance to receive Max Particles.
  • Obtain eight times the Max Particles from Power Spots.
  • Reduced time for Power Spots to refresh.
  • Unlocking and powering up Max Moves will require 3/4 the Max Particles (from Monday, March 10, at 6am local time to Sunday, March 16, at 9pm local time).

Dynamax Raikou Timed Research

Professor Willow with Pikachu on his shoulder, with Mew and the Pokemon Go logo on the right.

There will be free Timed Research available to claim and complete in the days leading up to Dynamax Raikou’s debut. All players who log into Pokemon Go between Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6am local time and Sunday, March 16, 2025, at 9pm local time will receive this Timed Research.

Completing the different tasks for this Timed Research will reward you with:

  • Dynamax Drilbur encounter
  • Drilbur Candy
  • Max Particles

You will only have until the end of the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend to complete tasks and claim rewards for this Timed Research.


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Image of Gigantamax Kingler with several people pointing their phones in its direction.

When challenging Dynamax Raikou in its Five-Star Max Battle, it’s important that you go into it with the recommended team size. In the case of this Max Battle, you will want to use the maximum number of players in your group, recommending that it is attempted with four players.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure each member of your group has a designated role in the Max Battle, increasing your odds of successfully completing it. You will want to make sure that one to two players in your group focus on using Max Moves that either shield or heal your group, ensuring that Dynamax Raikou doesn’t defeat all of your group’s Pokemon.

You can use the Max Mushroom item in Max Battles to increase the damage that both Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokemon deal.

Dynamax Raikou: Strengths And Weaknesses

Image of Dynamax Drilbur with a Power Spot in the background.

Just like Raid battles, you will want to make sure you’re using Pokemon that specifically counter Dynamax Raikou. Being a pure Electric-type Pokemon, you will want to use Pokemon with Ground-type attacks when possible, dealing more damage than any other attack type.

Additionally, Dynamax Raikou will have different resistances in battle, reducing the damage of specific types of attacks. In the case of Dynamax Raikou, this includes Electric, Flying, and Steel-type attacks, all dealing less damage than other attack types.


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Dynamax Raikou: Best Counter Picks

Image of Giganatamax Venusaur with several people pointing their phones in its direction.

You will want to make sure you are putting together a strong team of three Pokemon to take into this Max Battle. Your options for this are limited, requiring that all Pokemon used have the ability to either Dynamax or Gigantamax.

With this in mind, there is a lot of type variety when it comes to the best counters for Dynamax Raikou, with the majority of top choices possessing Ground-type attacks. Below you can find the top Dynamax Raikou counters currently available in Pokemon Go, including the best moves to have equipped for this specific battle.

Recommended Pokemon

Recommended Moves


Fast Attack: Mud Shot

Charged Attack: Earthquake


Fast Attack: Razor Leaf

Charged Attack: Earth Power

Gigantamax Venusaur

Fast Attack: Vine Whip

Charged Attack: Sludge Bomb


Fast Attack: Zen Headbutt

Charged Attack: Earthquake


Fast Attack: Mud Shot

Charged Attack: None

Gigantax Gengar

Fast Attack: Shadow Claw

Charged Attack: None


Fast Attack: Counter

Charged Attack: Cross Chop

Gigantamax Toxtricity

Fast Attack: Poison Jab

Charged Attack: Power-Up Punch


Fast Attack: Thunder Shock

Charged Attack: Wild Charge

Gigantamax Kingler

Fast Attack: Mud Shot

Charged Attack: None

Gigantamax Lapras

Fast Attack: Water Gun

Charged Attack: Skull Bash


Fast Attack: Tackle

Charged Attack: Focus Blast

Gigantamax Charizard

Fast Attack: Dragon Breath

Charged Attack: None

Gigantamax Blastoise

Fast Attack: Water Gun

Charged Attack: Skull Bash


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