Beginner Tips And Tricks For Roblox: Dead Rails

Beginner Tips And Tricks For Roblox: Dead Rails
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In Dead Rails on Roblox, you’ll be hitching a train ride to Mexico, which is about 80km away from the spawnpoint. On your way there, you’ll be riding through the desert of the Wild West, passing by abandoned houses and towns which have been infected with a zombie outbreak.


Roblox: Dead Rails – How To Get Money Fast

You can’t go to the General Store and the Gunsmith with your hands empty in Roblox: Dead Rails. Check out some tips to make some money.

The game isn’t forgiving, and you’ll need to prepare for a very long and hard journey to the end. For this reason, we’ve compiled 9 tips and tricks for you to use on your way there, so let’s dive into the first one right away.

Don’t Play Alone

Having friends to help you out is crucial to Dead Rails on Roblox.

This game isn’t easy. If you’ve got friends to play with, we highly recommend it, as this game allows for a group of up to four players to band together and finish the game quickly.

Playing together also lets you assign roles to all your party members, which is very useful. Here’s how those roles could look:

  • Gunslinger – You need someone who’s going to jump in and take out all the enemies using firearms, and this is especially useful in the beginning as your whole group will most likely only rely on one firearm.
  • Medic – Have someone on board who isn’t in the line of fire, but can still defend themselves if need be. This player should be kitted out with bandages to help out their downed teammates.
  • Conductor – If you can entirely seal off the driver’s seat, you can have one player who’s in charge of refueling the train and driving and stopping. This player will be your last line of defense if everyone else is downed.

Depending on your party size, you could have more players in a certain role, but if you’re playing with only one other person, then you should aim for both of you to have guns and bandages ready to go.

Newspapers In Spawn Are Useful

The Newspapers stand in the spawn are of Dead Rails on Roblox.

In the Fort surrounding the spawnpoint, there’s a stand with newspapers. Instead of buying coal in the beginning, you could use these newspapers as fuel. They won’t fill up your tank a lot, but it will be enough for you to reach the first house, and to stock up on fuel there (whether it be Zombie corpses or other fuel sources).

This would leave you with more money to spend on other useful things, such as a shotgun in the beginning, making your run far easier.

Another use for these newspapers is as makeshift barricades. You can use them to block the entrance to the driver’s seat of the train, making it easier to ride it at night.

The Shotgun Is Your Best Friend

The Shotgun, which can be found in the store, in Dead Rails on Roblox.

By far, the best weapon for the majority of the game is going to be your shotgun. If you land headshots, you can one-shot most enemies, and so you should focus on always having one of these by your side.

If you followed the tip before this one, having one at the very beginning of the game means you’d be able to raid the towns without much worry, and already by the first checkpoint you would have a couple hundred dollars to work with.

Apart from the shotgun, the rifle is also a useful weapon, though it’s more of a late-game firearm as its good at picking enemies at a distance. The revolver is just not worth the money, and you are far better off buying the shotgun right away instead.

Don’t Loot If You’re Unprepared

A Bandage, which can be bought in the store, in Dead Rails on Roblox.

The most important resources for surviving are ammo and meds. If you have none of these, raiding a town can be very risky, especially if you aren’t at full health to begin with.

Always have at least two bandages ready before looting a place, and at least enough ammo for a shot at each Zombie you can see. If you’re very close to a Checkpoint, and you find a town, maybe pass on it for the time being, and then come back to it on horseback once you’ve sold your stuff and prepared.

Checkpoints Every Ten Kilometers

A checkpoint, with the train already docked inside it, in Dead Rails on Roblox.

Every 10,000 meters (ten kilometers), there will be a Checkpoint. This Checkpoint will look exactly like the Fort you spawn in, and will always have the same kinds of shops in it as well.

The shop’s stock rotates, so each time you reach a new Checkpoint, you can expect to find some items you didn’t have in the beginning. Use these opportunities to stock up on things you need first, then look for convenience such as armor and ordnance.

Use Checkpoint Turrets

A Checkpoint Turret, which is mounted on the walls of a Checkpoint in Dead Rails on Roblox.

A very sneaky tactic you can use is to wait a while at Checkpoints for nightfall. If it’s a Full Moon, or a Blood Moon, Vampires and Werewolves will spawn, and then be immediately shot down by the turrets mounted on the walls of the Checkpoint. Their corpses can then be sold for a ton of money, and kit you out right at the beginning of the game.

The downside is that you’ll have to wait a while for this to be profitable, and if you don’t get lucky and get a regular night instead, you may not earn any money at all – that all said, if you need money very desperately, this is an option.

Don’t Burn All Corpses

Vampire Corpses holding hands on the train in Dead Rails on Roblox.

Zombie, Wolf, and Horse corpses can’t be sold, so these are safe to be used as fuel. All other corpses can instead be sold for a lot of money, and those prices go as follows:








35$ at Sherrif

Captian Prescott

150$ at Sherrif

Weld these to the train after the night passes, and take them to the next Checkpoint to sell them. If you need fuel, you can stock up on junk items such as Barrels and Wheels, or just look for the aforementioned non-sellable corpses to use as fuel.

Find The Banker

A Bank with an opened vault, in Dead Rails on Roblox.

In towns, you may stumble upon Banks. These have a vault that requires a code to be opened, and the Banker Zombie holds this code. Finding him is very important, as the vault can contain gold and silver bars, which usually net you a couple of hundred dollars alone.

In these vaults, you can also occasionally find Bonds, which will be permanently added to your account even if you end up losing the run.

Save Up Bonds For Classes

The Tailor, where you can purchase Classes for Bonds in Dead Rails on Roblox.

Bonds can be used for many different things, though all of them are temporary. Classes are the only things you can buy with Bonds that are permanent, and the buffs they give you are very useful for future runs. Even the weakest Class is better than no Class at all.


Roblox: Dead Rails – Complete Guide To Classes

Classes change up the way you play in Dead Rails, here’s a complete guide to each class!

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