5 Secrets You Don’t Want To Miss In Dynasty Warriors: Origins

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A screenshot from Dynasty Warriors: Origins. The character Bailuan is looking to the left of the camera

Screenshot: Koei Temco / Kotaku

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is, all told, a pretty straightforward game. Talk to some guys on the overworld map, get into a battle, fight all the soldiers and capture all the bases, rinse and repeat until the game is done. Even the postgame lays a clear path forward for those who want to see and do everything the game offers. With that said, you can imagine my surprise once I realized that, with over 100 hours put into the game, I found some pretty huge secrets that I totally missed as I played.

It’s a shame, as some of these hidden scenes and battles are pretty awesome! So whether you’re aiming for total completion yourself, or you just want to pick the game up again, here are five secrets that you don’t want to miss.

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