You can raise your very own animal family in Tiny Pasture. The gameplay is rather simple, and you can leave it on your screen while you work. These animals will be your companions while you handle your important tasks on your device.

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They will be roaming around having a great time in the pasture you created for them. However, you can’t just leave your animal friends unattended. Your meetings and paperwork might be important, but so is taking the time to care for them at regular intervals. They need food and cleanliness around them, but you can also build some facilities to make their home great.
Feed Your Animals
Your animals need food regularly to stay at their best health. As you keep feeding them, they will eventually grow into healthy adults. You can put as much food as you want, however, be careful not to put too much food around, as it will disappear after a while if all your animals are full.
All animals will eat any food, but some animals have specific favorites. If you continue playing, you will unlock more food options that the late-game animals may like. Food options after cheese will cost you over 20 coins, which is more than the amount of coins your animals can generate in a minute.
If you have trouble affording food, we recommend not getting too many animals at the start.
Collect Coins Occasionally
Your animals are generating coins every minute, but don’t forget to collect them. You can do that by petting them regularly while they roam around under your screen. You can quickly pick up the fallen coins by hovering your mouse over them. Be sure to do this occasionally after every minute to earn a decent amount of cash.
Check Unlocking Requirements In The Shop
If you are stuck not knowing what to do next, check out the shop and see the options to unlock more animals. There are a few requirements you need to complete to get the entire roster of animals in your pasture.
These tasks are fairly simple at the beginning as you only need to raise a few animals to adulthood. However, they gradually get complex as you need to accumulate massive amounts of cash and clean enough poop. The animals that you unlock much later are also costly.
Let The Game Run In The Background
The animals in your pasture are fairly low-maintenance, so you don’t need to tend to them continuously. In fact, you can leave the game running in the background without major consequences. So, go ahead and play it while you are in an important meeting.
You can check up on them once every two to three minutes and do all the necessary simple chores needed to get the game going. If you are finding it a bit harder, you can keep fewer animals at the start till you get used to it. If the screen is bothering you, you can press the lamp icon to hide it while it continues to run.
You will also find your animals sleeping peacefully, so let them be.
Get High-Quality Animals
High-quality animals have a great coin generation rate, letting you gather money quickly to buy late-game items from the shop. You will need a lot of bucks throughout your gameplay considering how expensive things can get. To get any animal in higher quality, you need to purchase them multiple times before you get your desired rarity.
While buying multiple animals from the shop, you should always target higher-rarity when you are prompted. You can sell your lower-quality animals to save yourself some extra slots.
You can decline the animal if the shop doesn’t generate the quality you wanted, and continue on purchasing till you get a high-quality animal.
Get The Warehouse
The number of animals you can have at your pasture is limited. You can unlock more animal slots using your coins, but it will cost you a hefty amount of money to unlock all slots completely as the late slots cost 300,000 coins. So, we recommend purchasing a warehouse instead, as it will cost you 10,000 coins.
The warehouse will help you store extra animals that you don’t require in your pasture. You should send your animals with low coin generation rates there. This will also give you space to raise more animals to adults.
Purchase Useful Facilities
There are some great facilities you can purchase from the shop to make your gameplay much easier and automated. This will allow you to leave your animals unattended for a longer time.
For starters, we recommend purchasing the Money Beehive, which will automatically accumulate money from animals when their money storage is full. You can also get the Magic Broom and Cuckoo House which will take care of your animal’s needs. That said, these facilities do not function that well on a bigger pasture unless you upgrade them.
Decorations will make your animal pasture much more pleasing to look at. So, you should place a few to make it appear livelier and visually pleasing. However, money is a scarce resource in the game, so you should only afford these luxuries when you have extra cash at hand.
Some decorations are more useful than their visual effect, like you can find some plants to grow on your pasture. We recommend getting fruit trees, which will automatically grow food for your animals. The Redfruit tree costs 500 coins and keeps generating food on your pasture.
Breed Animals
Breeding animals require you to first build a Mystery Curtain on your pasture. You then need to select two animals of the opposite sex to breed together from the pasture menu.
Breeding saves you from spending money on animals in the shop, and you are also guaranteed to get more rare animals this way. You can upgrade the Mystery Curtain, so animals will take less time to finish creating offspring. For instance, a fox will cost you 2,500 coins, and buying IT multiple times, it will get much more expensive. Still breeding animals will save you extra cash.

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