The Best Cards In Archazia’s Island

The Best Cards In Archazia's Island

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  • Archazia’s Island expansion introduces impactful cards like Bagheera, Tamatoa, and Scrooge McDuck.
  • Unique abilities like item recursion, resourceful play, and deck manipulation stand out in the new set.
  • Character like Mulan, Donald Duck, and Mickey Mouse offer strategic advantages and power plays.

Disney Lorcana explores uncharted territory in the Archazia’s Island expansion. With more than 200 cards to collect, some entries entice collectors while others are sought out for the synergy they bring to the table. A deck upgrade is just what the doctor ordered, it’s only a matter of which cards have the most impact.


Disney Lorcana: The 10 Best Cards In Azurite Sea

Some unique cards and mechanics made their way to Lorcana as we sail the Azurite sea, but which cards stand out as the best?

From cards that can be used to unleash powerful effects to others that force players to get creative with their deck building, there are just some that manage to tick all the right boxes. So whether you want to play offensively or make your deck capable of recycling resurces easily, here are the cards to look out for.


Bagheera, Guardian Jaguar

A Fearsome Protector

Bagheera - Guardian Jaguar Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

Bagheera, Guardian Jaguar is a card you want protecting you in a Steel deck. It has a strength of four and a willpower of three. It also comes with the Bodyguard keyword to keep all your other characters from being challenged.

Whenever Bagheera is banished, whether it be through a card effect or through a challenge, every opposing character takes two damage. This not only weakens everything on the board but can often be enough to take out whatever took down Bagheera in the first place.


Tamatoa, Happy as a Clam

Item Recursion

Tamatoa is a fan-favorite character from the Moana series. While previously having another printing in Lorcana, Achazia’s Island gives it another one that is even better with items. If you have items you want back in your hand, Tamatoa can fetch two of them from the discard when you play it.


Disney Lorcana: 9 Best Decks In Azurite Sea

Disney Lorcana’s sixth set, the Azurite Sea, has created new opportunities for players to refine their strategies and deck compositions.

Questing with Tamatoa not only gets you two lore, but allows you to play an item from your hand for free. This can be one that you had waiting already or one that you just got back from the discard.


Scrooge McDuck, Resourceful Miser

For Free?

Scrooge McDuck - Resourceful Miser Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

Scrooge McDuck knows how to make a good deal. If you’re willing to exert four items, you can bring him out for free. Across any TCG, an option to bring something out for free is not to be underestimated. Especially when you can get immediate value when you play it.

When you play it, you can look at the top four cards of your deck and put an item that you find there into your hand. This is great for item-focused decks that want even more ways to fetch the essentials without drawing into them.


Mulan, Imperial General

To Quest Or Not To Quest?

Mulan - Imperial General Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

You have a choice of what to do with your characters. You can quest to gain lore, or you can keep them ready to challenge your opponent’s characters while they are exhausted. Mulan, Imperial General, on the other hand, allows your characters to ignore this rule.


Disney Lorcana: Best Sets Of 2024

With several sets released in 2024, which had the biggest impact on the Lorcana scene? Let’s take a look at what had the biggest impact on the game.

Once you attack with Mulan, all your characters can challenge your opponent’s readied characters. This means no one is safe as long as you have Mulan leading the charge. So let’s get down to business and secure the victory.


Donald Duck, Flustered Sorcerer

Making Your Opponent Work Harder

The rules of Lorcana are simple. Find a way to generate enough lore until you can hit 20 before your opponent does. Donald Duck, Flustered Sorcerer can turn this rule on its head by forcing your opponents to aim even higher before they can take home the win.

This can be great for buying yourself some extra turns. It also doesn’t raise your own lore goal, so only your opponents have to deal with this new roadblock. With good stats and three lore generated when questing, this is a decent card all around.


Ink Geyser

Inkwells Beware

Ink Geyser Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

Ink Geyser utilizes the dual-ink mechanic for card colors. This Emerald Sapphire action gives you additional control of your opponent’s inkwell. At the cost of three ink, you can exert every player’s inkwell and start bouncing cards back to the hand.


Disney Lorcana: Every Set’s Enchanted Cards, Ranked

You may have your favorite style of enchanted card, but which Lorcana set has the best of these rare cards?

This has multiple uses, such as diminishing your opponent’s resources, retrieving cards that you previously inked back to your hand, and being able to control the board. Once played, every player will need to work their inkwell back to full strength.


Iago, Giant Spectral Parrot

An Early-Game Beater

Lago - Giant Spectral Parrot Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

This four Ink cost character has decent stats at four strength and six willpower. It also has Evasive, which prevents it from being challenged in most circumstances. This character can go toe-to-toe with whatever your opponent throws on the board at such a low cost.

The only downside is that it sports one of the keywords introduced in this set, Vanish. Essentially, whenever Iago is chosen for any effect, it gets banished. This is Iago’s weakness, but if your opponent doesn’t have the cards or the inkwell resources to out it, it becomes a massive threat.


The Return Of Hercules

Free Characters

The Return of Hercules is a pure Emerald card. This makes it a flexible action that any Emerald deck can play. Costing five ink to use, this action lets you and your opponent reveal a character in the hand and play it for free.


Disney Lorcana: The 10 Best Cards Of 2024

2024 was an amazing year for Disney Lorcana players, with some of the best cards in the game dropping throughout the year.

This can let you get some high-cost characters out for a reduced price. You can also ink the card so it won’t be a complete brick if you have it in your hand early on in the game. Since the effect for your opponent is not a requirement to play the card, there are times when you will get to play a character even if your opponent has nothing in their hand to send out.


Mushu, Majestic Dragon

Strengthen Your Defenses And Push For Game

Mushu- Majestic Dragon Disney Lorcana Archazia's Island card art.

Mushi, Majestic Dragon is a Ruby Steel card that not only protects your characters but can also help you ramp up your lore generation the more aggressively you play. Giving your other characters Resist +2 during the challenge can allow them to hit without taking as much damage themselves.

This is a great incentive to play aggressively since you don’t need to worry as much about having your characters banished after a scuffle. You also get to generate two lore whenever one of your characters prevails.


Mickey Mouse, Inspirational Warrior

Small Strike, Giant Gains

Mickey Mouse is a flexible Steel card that can be played early in the game to get some massive advantages. With a cost of two ink, and both a strength and willpower of one, Mickey Mouse may not seem too powerful at first glance.

However, Stirring Spirit lets you play a character for free if you manage to banish another character using this card. This can get you strong cards onto the field to start overwhelming your opponent. Once again, playing cards for free is a great reward.

Lorcana Cover

Disney Lorcana

Original Release Date

September 1, 2023

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