How To Build A Dialga ex And Yanmega ex Deck In Pokemon TCG Pocket

How To Build A Dialga ex And Yanmega ex Deck In Pokemon TCG Pocket
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Legendary Pokemon within the Pokemon universe are the strongest you can hold as your own. With Pokemon Pocket rapidly evolving, more of these are added to the game with each new deck type. For Space-Time Smackdown, theese were the representations of space and time, Palkia and Dialga.


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With its strong Energy acceleration and its hefty 150 HP, Dialga ex is a splendid tank that also functions as a battery for other hard-hitters. If you’ve been searching for the best Dialga ex deck, pairing Dialga ex with Yanmega ex is the way to go.

Dialga Ex And Yanmega Ex Deck Sample Decklist

Dialga ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

Dialga ex And Yanmega ex Deck

The Dialga ex card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
The Yanmega ex card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
The Yanma card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Mew EX Mythical Island

Dialga ex x2

Yanmega ex x2

Yanma x2

Mew x1

The Skarmory card, from Space-Time Smackdown.
Sabrina two star card is shown in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.
PokeBall Item card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Professor's Research Supporter card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Skarmory x1

Sabrina x2

Poke Ball x2

Professor’s Research x2

The Giant Cape card, from Space-Time Smackdown in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Rocky Helmet Pocket
Leaf, from Pokemon TCG Pocket's Mythical Island expansion.
The Cyrus card, from Space-Time Smackdown.

Giant Cape x2

Rocky Helmet x1

Leaf x2

Cyrus x1

Dialga Ex

Gold Rare Dialga ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

Dialga ex is the theme card for the deck, functioning as pretty much half the roles the decklist needs. Dialga makes a splendid opener tank with 150 HP, which is higher than any other opener in the game.

This 150 HP protects Dialga ex from many strong burst attacks, including Pikachu ex’s 120 damage.

However, Dialga is not just a tank. The main reason you run Dialga ex is for its ability to grant Energy, Metallic Turbo.

immersive rare Dialga ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

While Steel-Type Pokemon themselves aren’t the most popular, this ability is the single strongest Energy-acceleration one in the game, granting two Steel-Type Energy to any benched Pokemon.

Since Steel-Type decks don’t have their own Charizard ex or Mewtwo ex, there aren’t many Pokemon who can make full use of this.

Dialga ex has another strong attack in Heavy Impact, though. This isn’t the strongest in the game, but it can KO many Pokemon in a single turn and can knock out most in two with its 100 damage.

This isn’t your main game plan, but if Yanmega ex fails or if you need to end the game without having access to it, Dialga ex’s Heavy Impact can be a fine finisher.

Yanmega Ex

Yanmega ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

We mentioned earlier how despite Dialga ex having one of the strongest Energy-batterying attacks in the game, it doesn’t see as much use because of the lack of strong Steel-Type attacks in the game.

However, there are plenty of Pokemon that only need Colorless-Type Energy to enable their strong attacks, and these can make full use of Dialga ex’s Metallic Turbo.

Yanmega ex, despite being a heavy hitter, can retreat for just one Energy. This lets you move it back even without any X-Speed or Leaf in hand.

Of these, the best option is Yanmega ex with its Air Slash attack dealing 120 damage on just three Energy.

The two-star rarity Yanmega ex card from Pokemon TCG Pocket.

This has the added condition that Yanmega ex loses one Energy each time you use the attack, but just the usual one Energy you gain each round can continue to enable this without any external sources.

Yanmega ex is a direct counter to many other meta decks from Space-Time Smackdown, including the top performing Darkrai ex decks.

While the 120 damage attack cannot compare to Mewtwo ex’s 150 damage or Celebi ex’s damage, it’s still enough to one-shot most squishier Pokemon, especially with how early on you can start using the attack.

Mew Ex

The Pokemon TCG Pocket card Mew ex two star by PLANTEA CG Works.

Dialga ex and Yanmega ex make up a strong two-Pokemon core, but they can struggle against certain matchups, or if you don’t draw your Yanmega ex early on. Mew ex works as an alternative to these.

Mew ex is a good way to gain an advantage over Darkrai decks or Darkness-Type ones in general since you can use the Psychic-Type advantage to deal 20 more damage on each of Mew ex’s hits.

Mew ex brings a few things to the table. First, Mew ex is another target for Dialga ex’s Metallic Turbo since it also needs Colorless-Type Energy, meaning it can make use of Steel-Type ones as well.

Mew ex Mythical Island Pokemon TCG Pocket Card Art.

Instead of having an attack of its own, though, Mew ex can make use of Genetic Hacking to steal an enemy Pokemon’s attack.

This makes it an extremely strong counter to many meta decks, such as Charizard ex or Pikachu ex ones.


Skarmory Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

In most scenarios, opening with Dialga ex is fine. The high HP paired with Giant Cape lets you tank plenty of hits without risking your Dialga ex dying, and just a single Metallic Turbo can get your Yanmega ex going.

However, this can be risky against certain strong opening matchups, especially if you go first. This is because your opponent gets the chance to hit Dialga ex three separate times before you can ever retreat it.

You don’t have to force yourself to switch an important card out for a Pokemon Tool to enable Skarmory in this deck since you have a lot more freedom with deck space.

Because of this, you either risk giving out two points for free, or swapping out without using Metallic Turbo.

The Skarmory promo, from Pokemon TCG Pocket.

To deal with aggressive decks like these, you can add a copy of Skarmory to the deck to open up with. It might not be a tank, but an aggressive opener can keep your opponent from comfortably finding their combo.

So long as you have a Pokemon Tool to equip on Skarmory, it’s the single strongest offensive opener in the game, dealing as much damage as Kangaskhan’s 60 without relying on coinflips.

Other Card Options

The Supporter Leaf in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

We’ve talked about the main pieces you’d need to use the deck effectively, but the core aside, you’ll need many more cards to have a complete deck.

These may be pieces that let you enable your combo better or utility cards to counter your opponent’s hand. We’ve mentioned a few of these below.


Druddigon Pokemon TCG Pocket card art.

Druddigon is another safe option that you can start the game with. While often not the best option, it lets you protect Dialga ex from taking hits early on.

This, in turn, lets you invest Energy into your other pieces without risking any of them dying before a full board.


Leaf Mythical Island Pokemon TCG Pocket Full Card Art.

Leaf is usually used in mono Leaf-Type decks to let you make full use of its effect whenever the chance arises.

However, even with only Yanma and Yanmega ex being able to utilize the healing from Leaf, she can be a strong option to keep your Yanmega ex alive and healthy.

Dialga Ex And Yanmega Ex Deck Strategy

Full Art Dialga ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

Your ideal opening hand would include any of your important Pokemon, be it Dialga ex, Yanmega ex, Mew ex, or any other opener you’ve put in the deck.

You should also have a Yanma to eventually evolve into Yanmega ex the moment Dialga ex’s Metallic Turbo hits.

If you’re starting second or are playing a variation where you don’t have a dedicated opener, put Dialga ex on the active spot.

With Dialga ex as the opener, aim to find your Yanmega ex, Mew ex, or even your second Dialga ex and put them on your bench.

Rainbow bordered Yanmega ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

After the first Dialga, you don’t need to save up bench space, since any of the three Pokemon can be solid to lead into.

Attach an item card to your Dialga ex to keep it healthy, either Giant Cape to increase its health or Rocky Helmet to discourage enemies from hitting you again and again.

Once any of your other pieces are online, you can either use up Dialga’s ex’s Energies to retreat it back if it’s too low, or use a Leaf to retreat it for free if you plan on using Heavy Impact later on.

Once your Dialga ex has hit a Metallic Turbo on your Yanmega ex (or even Mew ex), your deck is now fully online, and you can unleash Yanmega ex’s Air Slash each turn to KO opposing Pokemon.

The Pokemon TCG Pocket card Mew ex by HYOGONOSUKE.

While 120 damage isn’t the most in the game, it can one-shot many meta cards, including Darkrai ex and Weavile ex with the +20 damage due to its type advantage.

If Yamnega gets dangerously low, you can use its cheap one-Energy retreat cost to swap out to either Dialga ex or Mew ex (or another Yanmega ex) and then use their attacks to wipe out whatever remains of the enemy.

There isn’t a strict situation where you’ll want to use your Sabrina or Cyrus, but keep these cards in hand to confirm knockouts or to save your own Pokemon in emergencies.

The deck has a large variety of options, and while it is still combo-based, those with more experience can pilot it a lot better than those starting anew.

Alternative Opening

The Chansey promo card from the Wonder Pick Event Part 1.

If you’re starting first or against an enemy that can put pressure on your Dialga ex, you can use another opener to stall until Dialga ex has enough Energy invested to use Metallic Turbo.

Ideally, you should retreat the tank before it dies to stop your opponent from getting a point, but giving up on the tank can be fine as well, if your Dialga ex can gain one back afterward.

From then on, the opening is the same: use Metallic Turbo to feed any of your hard-hitters, and then swap to them whenever you can.


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