The Most Valuable Cards In Rise Of The Floodborn

The Most Valuable Cards In Rise Of The Floodborn
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The first expansion for Disney Lorcana brought over 204 new cards to the card game. As its name implies, Rise of the Floodborn is packed full Floodborn characters that can Shift early and take your opponent by surprise.


Disney Lorcana: The 10 Best Songs In Rise Of The Floodborn

Never underestimate the power of song.

As with The First Chapter, cards in the Enchanted rarity are the rarest and most sought-after cards in the set. There are 12 Enchanted cards in Rise of the Floodborn. Here’s what you can expect to pay for each Enchanted card from Rise of the Floodborn, ranked from least to most expensive.

Prices and market value graphs come from at the time of writing. They are subject to change.

Updated March 10, 2025, by Marissa Fiore: Like with any Trading Card Game, values of the cards themselves can climb or fall as new sets are released, new metas are formed, and interest changes. New entries have been added to this list, the order and values have been adjusted to reflect current value, and the article itself was brought up to current publishing standards.


Belle, Hidden Archer

Not So Lost In The Woods

Disney Lorcana Belle, Hidden Archer card on a blurred background.

When eyes were first clasped on this Belle variant, players felt that she was going to rule the game for a while to come. However, if price has anything to say about it, while she’s not at the bottom of the decklist by any means, Belle didn’t quite meet the expectations that were placed on her.

If you are a collector, not for playing with the cards but for keeping them, this card art is beautiful and shows a powerful version of the Princess from The Beauty And The Beast. She wouldn’t have needed Beast to save her from the wolves if this is the Belle they rolled up on.


Strength Of A Raging Fire

Mysterious As The Values On This List

Strength of a Raging Fire Lorcana Card on a blurred background.

This is the only non-character card on the list, and as you can guess from the title, it’s a Song you can play or have your characters sing on their turn. And if you like playing a lot of characters on your side of the field, you could be looking to purchase this card for your deck.


Disney Lorcana: Every Set’s Enchanted Cards, Ranked

You may have your favorite style of enchanted card, but which Lorcana set has the best of these rare cards?

Collectors, on the other hand, could be choosing to chase this card down due to their love of the song or, more generally, the music of Mulan. Either way, this card won’t set you back too terribly if you know it’s calling your name. Just keep it protected from invading forces with a card sleeve.

To play a Song card, you can either use the ink in your inkwell or use any character card of matching or higher cost, unless a card otherwise states that it cannot.


Beast, Tragic Hero

You Can Hear His Heart Breaking…

Disney Lorcana Beast Tragic Hero on a blurred background.

This is one of those rare cards that grows in strength the more damage is done to it. How fitting for Beast, and this scene in particular. If he has damage on him by the start of your turn, his strength bumps up by a whole four points. If he is unharmed, you can instead draw a card.

If you are capable of healing your cards, through items, actions, or character abilities, and Beast, Tragic Hero has damage on them at the start of your turn, you can let them attack and then heal them, allowing you to still benefit from the increased strength but keeping them healthy enough to stick around.

Players will really have to pick one poison or another if they sit on the opposite side of you and this card. Once again, assuming you are looking to purchase it for playing against friends and foes alike. This art makes it fitting if he is set on a shelf, forever looking longingly into the distance.


Pete, Bad Guy (Enchanted)

Mickey’s Original Villain Makes His Debut

Pete, Bad Guy (Enchanted) is making a fist in anger.

Pete, Bad Guy is the first enchanted we see on this list, which accounts for the price hike. The emerald villain can be useful in an ‘actions matter’ deck and could be a great compliment for Alice, but he also has some stiff competition in the Emerald five-cost slot thanks to Kuzco, Temperamental Emporer and Ray, Easygoing Firefly.


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While one of Disney’s most classic characters, this Enchanted card is currently priced at the low end. While values change, this could be due to the viability of the card. How much cards are getting played are not always a big factor in their value, it can sink a card.


Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice (Enchanted)

The Peak Of Bounce Synergy

Disney Lorcana Arthur, Wizards Apprentice is using purple magic in this enchanted card.

Falling quite a bit is Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice, which was at the core of every aggro-bounce deck within the Rise of the Floodborn set. Arthur is an incredibly powerful card that allows you to earn lore with your weak questers like Lilo, Making a Wish and Pinnochio, Star Attraction, then bounce them back to your hand to keep them safe from challenges – while also rewarding you with two lore for doing it.

While aggro decks will always struggle against Steel, this card fits in an inexpensive deck that can help you grab some quick wins from unprepared players. Plus, it just looks awesome and can signal to players how serious your young Arthur is.


Namaari, Morning Mist (Enchanted)

The Princess of Fang

Namaari, Morning Mist (Enchanted) shows Namaari riding on her cat.

Namaari, Morning Mist is a four-cost character with a 2/4 stat line, the Bodyguard keyword, and the ability to challenge ready characters. Unfortunately, her low Strength has kept her from making a splash in the meta so far, but it’s possible that a support-focused deck will find a way to make use of her.

This Enchanted card has been underappreciated, just like Namaari’s was in the Disney movie, Raya and the Last Dragon. And, just as in the film, she has had to rise above and prove herself. Both in play and in value. But if you’re very much a fan of this Princess, you might both be happy she’s more affordable than some other cards, while sad and wanting this card to be worth much more.



Madam Mim, Purple Dragon (Enchanted)

Big Bad Mim is A Menace On The Field

Madam Mim, Purple Dragon (Enchanted) is a valuable Disney Lorcana card.

Madam Mim, Purple Dragon was severely undervalued at the start of the Rise of the Floodborn era as players struggled to find a place for it in their existing Amethyst decks. And while she’s not at the bottom of this list, she’s had to claw part others who had previously been priced higher than her.


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The normal version of this card has been on an upward swing as people discover its utility in and out of bounce decks, and it’s likely we’ll see this one break $200 once the meta is more established. A cheaper Mickey Mouse, Brave Little Tailor that synergizes with bounce archetypes has a lot of potential for the future of Lorcana.


Sisu, Divine Water Dragon (Enchanted)

The Answer To Sapphire’s Prayers?

Sisu, Divine Water Dragon hold a glowing ball of magic.

Aside from being one of the most beautiful Enchanted cards in the set, Sisu, Divine Water Dragon has a powerful card draw effect that can solve one of Sapphire’s biggest problems in The First Chapter. Not to mention she’ll be pulling in lore while providing this solution.

Decks that make use of Belle, Strange But Special rely on strong card draws to stop from burning out, and Sisu can provide multiple cards as long as you can keep her safe. The early meta is focused on using Sapphire to control and generate lots of cards quickly with Pawpsickle and Hiram Flaversham, Toymaker, but we may see more Sisu sooner rather than later.


Hercules, Divine Hero (Enchanted)

The Floodborn Herc We’ve Been Waiting For

Herclues, Divine Hero breaks a pillar.

Hercules, Divine Hero is our first Floodborn Hercules, and he has two great targets in Steel with Hercules, True Hero and Hercules, Hero in Training. The six-cost card is struggling to find its place among the likes of Tinker Bell, Giant Fairy; Beast, Selfless Protector, and Kronk, Junion Chipmunk. With so many viable high-cost options in Steel, it’s likely this character’s true potential hasn’t been unlocked yet.


Disney Lorcana: The 10 Best Items In Rise Of The Floodborn

Items can come in handy, especially when the stakes are high.

When it comes to Enchanted values, so much revolves around the popularity of the character and the uniqueness of the art. While it may not cost you a fortune, it’s still a fantastic-looking card.


Beast, Relentless (Enchanted)

A Simple Ability With Untold Potential

Beast, Relentless roars in a storm.

Beast, Relentless ignited the community when it was first revealed. The card’s unique ability to ready and quest multiple times if you continue to deal damage to your opponent’s characters makes it a great tool for Emerald/Steel decks, but it has yet to find its niche in the meta.

This card may see a spike if it ever becomes a big player in the meta, considering the popularity of the character. At current, the price of this card has stayed relatively consistent, only be cents off while others can rise or fall by dozens of dollars.


Shere Khan, Menacing Predator (Enchanted)

Lorcana’s First Infinite Loop Card

Shere Khan, Menacing Predator shows the tiger inspecting his claws.

Shere Khan, Menacing Predator got a lot of attention ahead of launch because it, along with Lefou, Bumbler and Madam Mim, Rival of Merlin, set up an infinite loop combo that allows you to win the game in one turn under the right conditions. As the game grows, solutions can be found, but Shere Khan’s uses have not seen an end.


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Shere Khan is a powerful card that rewards control decks for challenging, but like many cards on this list, its true power is still to be discovered. After all, with each set launch, it produces more cards that you can use to bolster, or hinder, the strength of this card.


Snow White, Well Wisher (Enchanted)

A Dwarf’s Best Friend

Snow White, Well Wisher is singing in the forest.

The first Enchanted RotF card to break the $200 mark was, unsurprisingly, a Disney Princess. However, the fairest of them all has fallen away in terms of value. Snow White, Well Wisher is a Floodborn character that acts like a repeatable Hades, Lord of the Underworld.

It seems like Hades is still preferable in the new meta thanks to his instant effect and lower cost, but Snow White could see play if Seven Dwarfs decks ever become popular. Princess collectors won’t be dissuaded by her iffy playability though, hence the high asking price.


Lady Tremaine, Imperious Queen

The Wicked Stepmother Is In Her Game Of Thrones Era

Lady Tremaine, Imperious Queen is wearing a red dress.

Lady Tremaine, Imperious Queen is a Floodborn character that reimagines the wicked stepmother as the royal she thinks she deserves to be. This card had seen a lot of play in both Ruby/Amethyst control and the Ruby/Sapphire ‘Pawp Patrol’ deck.


Disney Lorcana: The 10 Best Characters In Rise Of The Floodborn

Rise of the Floodborn introduces powerful new characters.

She can force your opponent to remove their own characters with Ward, and she gets incredible value in multiplayer since she forces each opponent to banish one of their own characters. It seems like villains are struggling to compete with heroes in the Enchanted set, but this is a great card to add to your collection.


Alice, Growing Girl (Enchanted)

This Set’s Belle Has A Lot Of Potential

Alice, Growing Girl shows Alice growing larger in Wonderland.

Alice may not be a princess, but Alice, Growing Girl is certainly getting the princess treatment in the secondary market. Like Belle, Strange But Special, this is a ‘build around’ card that can close out games quickly if she has the right support on the board.

Even though we haven’t seen Alice show her true potential yet, it hasn’t stopped players from valuing this card extremely highly. It’s easy to see why; look at how stunning the artwork is.


Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation (Enchanted)

The Top Princess Of The Set

Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation shows Cinderella in a shining dress.

It won’t surprise anyone to see Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation topping the list. Though this is the only Enchanted that isn’t based on a Super Rare or Legendary card, Cinderella has everything going for it. It’s a beloved character and a Disney Princess depicted in her classic form, and it’s also the only Enchanted card that instantly became a meta staple the moment it was introduced.

The already-dominant Amber/Steel ‘Steelsong’ deck slotted this card in quite easily, as it allows you to sing low-cost songs like Be Our Guest and Let the Storm Rage On as early as turn two. Like Elsa, Spirit of Winter, this Enchanted is all but guaranteed to remain the top card in the Rise of the Floodborn expansion.

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