How To Unlock Every Palico Support Move In Monster Hunter Wilds

How To Unlock Every Palico Support Move In Monster Hunter Wilds
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What’s the one way to make cats even better? To bring them into battle alongside you, obviously. Monster Hunter lets you live out that fantasy, and these Palicos are assuredly fearless. They return once again in Monster Hunter Wilds, just as helpful as ever. Aside from being a constant companion, they can also deply some powerful skills.


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These are a Palico’s Support Moves, and they sure do have a lot of them. Unlike earlier entries though, you don’t have to choose which ones are equipped to your Palico, you just have to unlock them. So let’s see just how there are, what each of them does, and how to unlock them all so you have the strongest Palico you can.

What Are Palico Support Moves?

A Palico takes food from Olivia in Monster Hunter Wilds

In combat, you Palico can use a great variety of moves. This can be simple things, like attacking the monster and placing small traps for you, though their real talent shows when they start whipping out their Support Moves. These encompass your Palicos natural talents, as well as the many gadgets and tools they have accumulated.

These included things like bringing out a Vigorwasp to heal you during a tense moment, or whipping out a gadget to grab a monster’s attention so you have time to prepare. There are 12 support moves in total, though the majority of them come with cooldowns so your Palico isn’t too overpowered. You only come with seven of these moves by default, with the rest unlocked through quests.

You can check your Palico’s level and known Support moves by checking the Palico Info tab in the pause menu.

Every Palico Skill And What It Does

Each of these 12 skills are all incredibly helpful, especially when you’re taking on a hunt solo. You have no manual control over when your Palico will use any of their moves, so don’t depend on them as though they’re a given. Your Palico is usually very good at knowing when you need a helping paw, but do try not to rely on them for everything.

Here are all 12 of your Palico’s Support Moves, as well as what they do once they’re upgraded:



Upgraded effect

Vigorwasp Delivery

Your Palico uses a Vigorwasp on you when your HP is low.

Vigorwasps restore more HP and can be delivered more frequently.

Purewasp Delivery

Your Palico uses a Purewasp to cure any blights or ailments you have.

Two Purewasps can be used at a time.


Your Palico will draw a monster’s attention away from you for a brief while.

Provoke lasts longer and Palico can counterattack.

Place Paracorn

Your Palico places a trap that acts as a Shock Trap. This paralyses the monster and lets you capture them.

Paracorn can be used more frequently.


Your Palico fires at the monster at range, which has a chance to create a Wound.

Move lasts even longer.

Sporenet: Song o’ Power

Your Palico plays a song that boosts your attack power.

Attack boost is more powerful.

Sporenet: Song ‘ Purrtection

Your Palico plays a song that boosts your defence after a monster defeats you.

Defence boost is even stronger if a monster defeats you twice in a single hunt.

Attract Vigorwasps

Your Palico will summon Vigorwasps so that you can use them when you’re in need of them rather than relying on your Palico bringing them to you directly.

Your Palico can now summon Giant Vigorwasps.

Flashfly Cage

Your Palico will place a cage filled with Flashflies that you can use to blind any nearby monster temporarily.

Flashfly Cages can be deployed more often.


Your Palico will hope into a miniature airship and fire from above. This even has a chance to knock down flying monsters.

Palico will perform a final powerful attack just as Rath-from-Above is about to end.


Your Palico will use a small boomerang that can steal materials from monsters in the middle of combat.

Plunderang can acquire even more materials.

Vigorwasp Revival

In the event that you are defeated, your Palico will use a Vigorwasp to revive you right where you died. This restores very little health, so make sure to heal up afterwards.

More HP is restored once you are revived.

Your Palico leaves the hunt if enough other hunters join, whether they are humans or NPCs. Keep this in mind so you’re not too reliant on your Palico’s Support Moves.

Some of the strongest abilities here, such as Vigorwasp Revival, are unlocked from Side Quests that are only available in High Rank, though the essential are available from the beginning. Vigorwasp Delivery will be the skill you’ll likely get the most help of of since some of these monsters really pack a punch. The less hunters are with you, the more likely you are to see your Palico’s full set of moves.

Unlocking And Upgrading Palico Skills

A hunter with two palicos in monster hunter wilds.

Now that we know what every move does, we should go about unlocking the five you don’t have yet. These are all from side quests, and all of them in the High Rank section of the game. That means you’ll need to have made quite a bit of progress through the game to even start to unlock these. Thankfully, they’re all pretty simple quests.

After you’ve unlocked these moves though, it’s great to know that your Palico’s Support Moves can also be upgraded. Unlike the quests that unlock new moves, your Palico’s moves are upgraded by simply leveling them up, and this is as simple as bringing them along with you on hunts.

After unlocking High Rank, your Palico can be brought all the way up to level 30, with your Support Moves upgrading periodically along the way. There’s no real trick to it. Just bring them out on the hunt, and you’ll have them all upgraded before long.


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