How to Get a Tattoo Removed in The Sims 4

How to Get a Tattoo Removed in The Sims 4
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Sims have always had the option to flaunt some ink through the

Create-A-Sim (CAS) feature
, but with the introduction of the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack, tattooing has reached a whole new level. Thanks to the Free Paint option, players can now unleash their creativity and design practically limitless tattoo styles! However, even the coolest designs can get old—as the player or Sim might be feeling a bit restless and ready for a change.


The Sims 4: How to Create a Custom Tattoo

Learn how to give Sims the tattoos of their dreams with the Business and Hobbies tattoo tool for The Sims 4.

While players who own the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack will have access to more options to be able to remove tattoos, it’s certainly possible even without this expansion pack, and here’s how.

Removing Tattoo Through Create-A-Sim (CAS)

TS4 Remove Tattoo CAS

Removing the tattoos through CAS is only possible if players enable CAS full edit mode, as otherwise in-game many of the features or genetics are not possible to be changed. In order to enable this, players

will need to use cheats
as follows:

  • Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C (or Cmd + Shift + C on Mac).
  • Type testingcheats true and press Enter.
  • Then type cas.fulleditmode and press Enter.

Afterwards, players can simply use any Mirror for Change Sim interaction, and head to Tattoo section. Here players can press the cross to remove all tattoos, or otherwise go to the correct body part to adjust or remove a specific tattoo.

Removing Tattoo Through a Tattoo Table

How To Get Tattoo Removal TS4

This method is currently exclusive to the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack. If players own this pack, they can simply click on a Tattoo Table that is being tended and select the Request Tattoo Removal service under the Request Tattoo section. This service costs 280 Simoleons and allows players to choose whether to remove all tattoos or just a specific one on the Sim’s body.

“If a Sim has at least level 4 in the Tattooing skill, they can offer tattoo removal services to other Sims. However, generally speaking, unless the Sim is running a

Tattoo Parlor business
or has a Tattoo Table at home that another Sim can tend, this ability won’t be particularly useful for removing their own tattoos. In such cases, Sims will still need to rely on cheats or pay Simoleons for tattoo removal services.

The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies Tag Page Cover Art

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