The fierce beasts found in Monster Hunter Wilds come in all shapes and sizes, from majestic wyverns to strange leviathans and even bug-like creatures known as Temnocerans. They each bring an arsenal of unique challenges for players to overcome and reap rewards.
One such creature in Monster Hunter Wilds is the web-weaving Nerscylla, and if you want to defeat it, you’ll need to know what the battle entails.

Monster Hunter Wilds: How to Block Monster Roars
Roars do not mean the end of a hunt, but they mess up the flow of combat, interrupt abilities, and stun hunters in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Where to Find Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds (Location)
Nerscylla is one of the game’s unique monsters known as Temnocerans, which strongly resemble bugs such as arachnids. Lala Barina is one other prominent example of this type of monster. You first encounter Nerscylla midway through Chapter 2 of the story (‘Hopes of Home’), during the journey through Iceshard Cliffs. It turns out that Rove, the well-spoken Wudwud, has been caught in the monster’s web, and it’s up to your noble hunter to free him.
You’ll also have the chance to fight Nersyclla multiple times later on in the game via various assignments and optional quests, including:
- The Quiet, Cunning Assassin – Assignment (HR4 or higher required)
- Dance of Shadows – Optional Quest (HR4 or higher required)
- The Nerscylla’s Hunting Grounds – Optional Quest (HR9 or higher required)
How to Beat Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds
Similar to Lala Barina’s lair in the Scarlet Forest, Nerscylla makes its web-filled home in the Iceshard Cliffs, and you’ll need to tread carefully. Not only do you have to contend with Nerscylla itself, but also its brood of Nerscylla Hatchlings. Thankfully, they don’t present too much of a problem and can be easily killed and carved for Monster Broth, should you need it.
Best Weapons and Armor for Nerscylla
Nerscylla’s elemental weaknesses function uniquely compared to other monsters in the game up to that point. At the start of the fight, it will be weak to Fire due to the Gypceros hides that it drapes its body with. However, once that hide protection is destroyed, its main elemental weakness will change to Thunder.
It’s up to you whether to bring a weapon imbued with either element, but a Fire weapon can at least make the first half of the fight considerably easier as you wear the monster down. Quematrice in the Windward Plains can provide some reliable fire-imbued weaponry, or Rompopolo in the Oilwell Basin (depending on what’s available to your preferred classes).
As for your gear, pretty much any armor set with sufficient defense stats will do, as Nerscylla’s attacks focus on status ailments rather than elemental damage. To help combat those dangerous debuffs, you should have Gemma craft you a Talisman such as the Poison Charm or Sleep Charm that safeguards you from them. Otherwise, bring items such as Antidotes.
Nerscylla Attacks and Weak Points
Nerscylla’s attacks are largely physical in nature while focusing on inflicting harmful status ailments, namely Poison and Sleep. They can make for a dangerous combination, should Nerscylla manage to poison you and then put you to sleep before landing a devastating blow that could end up with you on the cart.
Nersycylla’s Poison Attacks
The source of Nerscylla’s poisonous attacks comes from two places: the mantle of purple spikes along its back and its extendable fangs. It will attempt to thrash those spikes toward its target or otherwise bind them in webbing before slamming its fangs shut around them.
Nersycylla’s Sleep Attack
Meanwhile, its Sleep attack comes from the stinger on its thorax, and it will raise its body to swing that stinger forward, indicated by a milky blue liquid. Therefore, be careful when unleashing damage along its underside.
Nersycylla’s Weak Points
Nersyclla doesn’t have many weak points on its body, so knowing where to strike is important. Most of its underside is vulnerable enough, while its Pincers are the one notable weak point. Otherwise, breakable points include its Left Claw, the Mantle that’s vulnerable to fire, and the purple stingers along its back near the head.
As with other monsters, inflicting Wounds on Nerscylla is key to accumulating damage more quickly, and destroying those wounds will cause it to stagger and also earn you more rewards afterward.

Monster Hunter Wilds: 8 Hardest Monsters, Ranked
While the game is easier as a whole, these encounters should offer players a significant challenge.
Nerscylla Item Drops
Upon defeating Nerscylla, you can earn either low-rank or high-rank items for your efforts, depending on the difficulty scale that the quest/assignment is set to. These items can in turn be used to craft various weapons and armor sets in Monster Hunter Wilds. Nerscylla armor sets in particular focus on Water and Dragon elemental resistance, along with Bind and/or Poison resistance (depending on their rank).
Low-Rank Item Drops
- Nerscylla Claw (15% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Left Claw; 20% Body Carve Rate)
- Rubbery Hide (8% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Mantle; 38% from Destroyed Wound)
- Nerscylla Shell (20% Drop Rate; 35% Body Carve Rate; 50% from Destroyed Wound)
- Nerscylla Spike (8% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Stinger; 15% Body Carve Rate; 12% from Destroyed Wound)
- Nerscylla Chelicera (20% Drop Rate; 30% Body Carve Rate)
- Sleep Sac (21% Drop Rate)
- Nerscylla Certificate (8% Drop Rate)
High-Rank Item Drops
- Nerscylla Claw+ (15% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Left Claw; 20% Body Carve Rate)
- Nerscylla Carapace (20% Drop Rate; 35% Body Carve Rate; 63% from Destroyed Wound)
- Rubbery Hide+ (8% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Mantle; 12% from Destroyed Wound)
- Nerscylla Spike+ (8% Drop Rate; 100% from Broken Stinger; 15% Body Carve Rate; 25% from Destroyed Wound)
- Nerscylla Shear (20% Drop Rate; 30% Body Carve Rate)
- Coma Sac (21% Drop Rate)
- Nerscylla Certificate S (8% Drop Rate)

- Released
February 28, 2025
T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor
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