Goals of Every Shichibukai In One Piece

Goals of Every Shichibukai In One Piece
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  • Shichibukai were elite pirates working with the government. However, they abused their power and led to the group’s dissolution.
  • Former members like Mihawk, Crocodile, and Moria have personal goals and affiliations beyond their Shichibukai status.
  • Each former Shichibukai, like Buggy and Law, has distinct ambitions ranging from becoming the King of the Pirates to defeating the Blackbeard Pirates.

The Shichibukai, or Seven Warlords of the Sea, were a government-affiliated organization consisting entirely of pirates. They were made up of particularly strong pirates, who the government could utilize to help them fight off major threats. In exchange, their bounties were frozen, and they were largely unhindered when it came to committing crimes.


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These pirates were typically bemoaned by others as government lapdogs, yet in truth, most of them had little care for the government or their orders, and often heavily abused their positions, leading to the group’s dissolution. Despite not being government-affiliated anymore, these characters still play a major part in the story, and each has goals of their own they hope to accomplish.


Dracule Mihawk

Find Strong Opponents / Strengthen Cross Guild

  • Affiliation: Cross Guild, Shichibukai (Formerly)

Dracule Mihawk is the world’s strongest swordsman, a title Roronoa Zoro wishes to claim for himself. His power is such that most foes don’t particularly excite him anymore. He has a particular hatred of marines and became infamous for attacking them before becoming a warlord. Yet beyond any pain or grudge of his, what Mihawk really wants is an opponent who can match, if not overpower him. He previously found a worthy challenger in Shanks, but refused to duel him after he sacrificed his arm to save Luffy.

During the Summit War, he faced many strong opponents, including the likes of Crocodile and a couple of division commanders from the Whitebeard Pirates, namely Vista and Jozu. He has since set his sights on Roronoa Zoro, whom he previously defeated with little effort. After discovering that Zoro had defeated several humandrills, especially intelligent and powerful mandrills who mimic humans, Mihawk agreed to train him for roughly two years. Part of Mihawk’s training included teaching Zoro to imbue Armament Haki with his swords. He notably forced the alcoholic swordsman to remain sober until he could master this feat.

Since the Shichibukai’s abolition, Crocodile has invited Mihawk to join Cross Guild, a mercenary organization that hunts marines. Mihawk is now one of two leaders of the group, and seems to want its influence to grow. This is likely due to his previously established vendetta against the marines, but could also play into his desire to fight stronger foes.



Strengthen Cross Guild

  • Affiliation: Cross Guild, Baroque Works (Formerly), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Crocodile was a longtime member of the Shichibukai, who previously held designs for the throne of Alabasta. To this end, he founded Baroque Works, a secretive organization that carried out various missions to secure the throne for him. However, after being defeated by Luffy and having his goals revealed to the public, he was stripped of his rank and imprisoned in Impel Down. After breaking out of the prison with aid from Luffy and others, he participated in the Summit War on the side of the pirates, due to his established hatred of the government.

He has since traveled alongside Daz Bonez, his most loyal subordinate from Baroque Works, and founded Cross Guild. This mercenary organization puts bounties on marines. Much like Baroque Works, he has downplayed his involvement with this group. But instead of attempting to remain anonymous, he has simply turned Buggy, another ex-Shichibukai, into his patsy. Crocodile’s personal goal at present seems to be revenge against the government, which Cross Guild has certainly helped him with.


Gecko Moria

Revenge Against Kaido & Blackbeard

  • Affiliation: Thriller Bark Pirates, Gecko Pirates (Formerly), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Gecko Moria was once a pirate of some renown, alongside his crewmates. However, after being the sole survivor of the Gecko Pirates, in a battle against Kaido, he was traumatized. He was at a loss, wondering how he and his reputable crew could have been defeated, with the latter losing their lives. He has since decided to become lazy, using his zombifying Devil Fruit powers and a fairly small crew of living pirates to make the ultimate pirate crew, rather than building one through his strength. He partially rationalizes this by saying that the crew’s loss was so devastating for him because he was too attached to his human crewmates. Yet the loss of his edge resulted in repeated failures, leading him to be dismissed from the Shichibukai for incompetence. He was to be executed by Doflamingo during the Summit War, yet he survived and managed to escape.

However, he experienced further tragedy upon discovering Absalom, one of his few human crewmates, lost his life to the Blackbeard Pirates on Hachinosu. He was then imprisoned by the pirates, alongside his crewmate, Perona, but the latter pair managed to escape the island. One of Moria’s greatest grudges is held against Kaido, who wiped out his former crewmates, so it stands to reason he may have a similar dislike of Blackbeard’s crew. Kaido himself is thought to have been killed after the battle at Onigashima, so it seems unlikely, for the moment, that Moria could enact revenge. It is unknown where Moria’s goals will take him, but he will likely need to join or resurrect a powerful organization if he hopes to act on his feelings, as he is, at present, not physically capable of defeating either pirate or their crew.


Bartholomew Kuma

Protect Bonney

  • Affiliation: Revolutionary Army (Formerly), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Bartholomew Kuma belongs to the Buccaneer race, a near-extinct group of humanoids with giant blood. He was in a lengthy relationship with Ginny, who, like him, was a child slave turned revolutionary. However, Ginny was captured and forcibly married off to a World Noble. She died of a rare disease known as sapphire scales, but not before bearing a child with the noble. This girl, Bonney, became a surrogate daughter to Kuma, who put her protection above everything else.


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However, Bonney had inherited sapphire scales, and Kuma consulted Dr. Vegapunk to aid in the cure. Unfortunately, Jaygarcia Saturn, who initially inflicted Ginny with the disease, used his influence over Vegapunk to make Kuma lose his autonomy and become a Shichibukai in exchange for the cure. This resulted in Bonney becoming a pirate herself to discover what exactly happened to Kuma. In secret, Kuma had designs of his own, aiding the revolutionaries and even the Straw Hat Pirates to further his agenda. After a period of enslavement, he was broken out by the Revolutionary Army, and dedicated his focus to protecting Bonney.

The pair reunited at Egghead, where Bonney learned the truth of her father’s tragic past, and they ended up fighting against the likes of the Five Elders. Ultimately, the pair survived, and have made plans to settle in Elbaf, yet it is unclear if they will remain unchanged by the arc’s conclusion.


Boa Hancock

Protect Amazon Lily / Court Luffy

  • Affiliation: Kuja Pirates, Shichibukai (Formerly)

Hancock was once a slave alongside her sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia. After Fisher Tiger led a mass slave revolt, Hancock and her sisters were able to return to their home, Amazon Lily, where they eventually became rulers. Despite her utter hatred of the government, she became a Shichibukai, so the island would be protected. After Kuma forcibly transported the Straw Hats to various islands that would aid in their training, Monkey D. Luffy met Hancock on Amazon Lily. Due to her past as a slave giving her extreme prejudice against men, Luffy was hated by her at first. However, after discovering Luffy’s true kindness, she instead becomes intensely affectionate towards the pirate and saw fit to aid him over the government.

Despite practically changing sides for Luffy’s sake during the Summit War, she remained a member of the Shichibukai until its dissolution. After both the marines and Blackbeard Pirates attacked the now defenseless Amazon Lily, they were fought off by Silvers Rayleigh, who used his vast strength to help Hancock negotiate the exit of each group. Beyond protecting the island, Hancock expressed a continued desire to marry Luffy. Where this objective will lead her remains to be seen, but some speculate she may even join the Straw Hat Pirates, or another adjacent organization, for the sake of getting close to him.



Improve Fish-Man-Human Relations/ Make Luffy King of the Pirates

  • Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates, Sun Pirates (Formerly), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Like Hancock, Jimbei’s ascension to Shichibukai was motivated by the protection of his home turf, in his case, Fish-Man Island. However, he resigned from the position before the Summit War, refusing to fight his longtime friend, Whitebeard. He was imprisoned in Impel Down, where he was first acquainted with Luffy, after having previously known his foster brother, Portgas D. Ace. Their time spent together led Jimbei to become impressed with Luffy, and helped develop a rapport between the pair.


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Luffy later helped quell a rebellion on Fish-Man island alongside his crew. Jimbei mentioned he’d like to join, when asked, but said he had other objectives to fulfill first. This seemed to mostly mean helping keep his previous crew, the Sun Pirates, safe from the wrath of Big Mom, who previously kept them under her thumb. When he confronted Big Mom, he maintained his belief that Luffy would become King of the Pirates. After his objectives were accomplished, he properly joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and has traveled with them since Wano. In addition to his desire to help build bridges between fish-men and humans, he maintains a genuine enthusiasm towards the Straw Hat Pirates, and is happy to be a member of their crew.


Donquixote Doflamingo

Deprive the World Nobles of Their Power

  • Affiliation: Donquixote Pirates, Shichibukai (Formerly)

Doflamingo was once a World Noble, yet that life was taken away from him by his father, Homing. Homing noticed Doflamingo was becoming a spoiled brat and hoped to reform him. However, after their dismissal they were left in squalor and targeted by lynch mobs for their former status. Doflamingo ended up coming across a gang, who declared him their leader after discovering his Conqueror’s Haki. From there, he was encouraged to kill his father and become a powerful pirate. He took over Dressrosa, the same country his ancestors ceded control over to live as World Nobles. However, he was defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates and their many allies in Dressrosa, causing him to be imprisoned in Impel Down. Even when imprisoned, he relishes the chance that other World Nobles will suffer as he did. If he does break out, his goals may take shape around this intense desire.


Marshall D. Teach

Unclear; Seemingly Gain Endless Power

  • Affiliation: Blackbeard Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates (Formerly), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Marshall D. Teach went from being an obscure pirate to an overnight celebrity among them. However, this was all part of an intense years-long plan, including joining and betraying the Whitebeard Pirates over a Devil Fruit, becoming a Shichibukai, and voluntarily exiting the group to recruit the most hardened of criminals. Since Marineford, Teach has largely supplanted Whitebeard. In addition to killing his former captain via firing squad, Teach stole his Devil Fruit and later many of his territories. Teach also refashioned his captain’s moniker, becoming known as Blackbeard. Teach has mentioned wanting to create a pirate nation, but also has designs on the poneglyphs, ancient weapons, and various other methods of gaining power.

It is possible Teach wishes to emulate the deceased, largely forgotten Rocks D. Xebec. Teach had notably stolen from at least three subordinates of Xebec; namely, everything he took from Whitebeard, the territory he stole from Ochoku, and Big Mom’s daughter, Pudding, who can possibly read poneglyphs through her third eye. Xebec notably studied the Void Century, which is said to be documented in the poneglyphs Teach desires to capture. “Conducting historical research” is also a hobby of Teach’s. The strongest hint is the name of Teach’s primary ship, Saber of Xebec. While the exact position he’ll settle for is unclear, he could very possibly want to become king of the world.



Become The King Of The Pirates

  • Affiliation: Cross Guild, Buggy Pirates/Buggy’s Delivery (Formerly; Absorbed into Cross Guild), Shichibukai (Formerly)

Buggy was previously a member of the Roger Pirates, as an apprentice alongside Shanks. However, Buggy’s sickness prevented the two from going to Laugh Tale, where the One Piece was located, as Shanks stayed behind to help him recover. Buggy has since formed his own crew and has steadily fallen up in the ranks, despite being noticeably weak. Like Luffy, his greatest strength lies in convincing others to aid him, with Buggy’s credentials falsely fostering the idea of him as a much stronger pirate.

He previously sought the treasure of the legendary pirate, Captain John, and was given a map to it by Luffy in Impel Down.

After aiding Luffy in the Impel Down breakout, he was offered the rank of Shichibukai. He used this to form a mercenary guild with money on loan from Crocodile. However, after the Shichibukai was abolished, Crocodile came back to collect. Buggy offered to promote Cross Guild. A miscommunication resulted in him being made its leader, which Crocodile and Mihawk used to turn him into a potential scapegoat. As such, he was undeservingly made Emperor, a rank for the top 4 most threatening pirates to the government. He is not shy about his own goal; becoming the King of the Pirates. The mercenaries, unaware of his true strength, largely agreed to find the One Piece, much to the chagrin of Crocodile and Mihawk.


Trafalgar D. Water Law

Defeat The Blackbeard Pirates

  • Affiliation: Hearts Pirates, Shichibukai (Formerly)

Trafalgar D. Water Law had a tragic past, which included losing his family to Amber Lead Syndrome and his mentor, Rosinante, to the latter’s elder brother, Doflamingo. He subsequently formed the Heart Pirates and became a member of the Worst Generation. He briefly became a Shichibukai after the Rocky Port Incident, an event he caused, which also had him deliver the hearts of a hundred pirates in exchange for that status. He stationed himself on Punk Hazard, but quickly aligned with the Straw Hats to take on Kaido, forfeiting his Shichibukai status. As an extension of this alliance, he also got revenge on Doflamingo, who was a business partner of Kaido’s.

Since the defeat of Kaido, Law dissolved his alliance. But his crew, the Heart Pirates, were seemingly massacred by the Blackbeard Pirates, who also destroyed their submarine, the Polar Tang. Law’s crewmate, Bepo, seemed confident they could survive, but whether they did is unclear. It is possible Law may forge another alliance to take on Teach.


Edward Weevil

Obey His Mother / Escape Imprisonment

  • Affiliation: Shichibukai (Formerly)

Edward Weevil is the alleged son of Whitebeard. While most scoff at the allegation, he imitates his supposed father’s strength and to a lesser extent, his appearance in his prime. Weevil is one of a few warlords not to need any sort of allied fighter, having never had a pirate crew or greater team of any kind. His mother, Miss Buckingham “Buckin” Stussy, was also involved with Whitebeard in some capacity, during their time as members of the Rocks Pirates. Buckin accompanies Weevil but is not shown fighting alongside him, likely owing to her advanced age. Buckin seems mostly focused on reclaiming the “treasure” of her presumed lover, something that has been largely implied not to exist. Whitebeard donated most of his piracy earnings to Sphinx, his island of origin, to aid those still living on it.

Weevil does genuinely seem to believe Whitebeard is his father, expressing interest in getting revenge on Teach and even protecting Sphinx based on this premise. However, Weevil was abducted by Admiral Ryokugyu, who defeated him and subsequently had him jailed. Buckin requested Marco break him out, but what this will result in is unclear. Due to his ambiguous origins, Weevil may be a clone of some sort. Buckin was affiliated with MADS, an illegal research institute, who used her genetics to create Stussy, the first ever human clone. Buckin also told Marco that Vegapunk himself could vouch for Weevil’s genetics, which is notable when one considers he was also involved with MADS.


One Piece

Release Date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

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