Five Months Later, Nintendo Finally Has Enough Alarmos For Non-NSO Subscribers

Five Months Later, Nintendo Finally Has Enough Alarmos For Non-NSO Subscribers
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  • Nintendo has revealed plans to make its Alarmo available to customers without an NSO subscription.
  • The clock will release on general sale on May 22, 2025, with pre-orders opening any time from now.
  • Nintendo underestimated how popular the clock would be and had to push prior general sale plans.

Nintendo revealed its Alarmo clock back in October and opened pre-orders to those with Nintendo Switch Online shortly after. Turns out it underestimated just how many of us would want one and it has taken five months to catch up with demand and put the novelty clocks on general sale.

Nintendo initially promised that the Alarmo would be available to buy, both in its stores and online, to those without an NSO subscription in the new year. However, it admitted defeat in Japan before we’d even gotten to the end of 2024, confirming there would not be enough Alarmos to stick to that plan.


Nintendo Alarmo Review: Link Has Been Watching Me Sleep And I Love It

I’ve spent the last week with Nintendo’s fancy new clock, and now I get to tell you all about it.

It quickly became apparent that it wasn’t only Japan where people want to be woken up by the sound of Link being pursued by a Guardian. The delay of a general sale rollout was extended to other parts of the world shortly after and until now, in most countries, you have needed an NSO subscription if you want to own one.

It Will Finally Be Easier To Buy An Alarmo Soon

A Lot Of People Want Nintendo’s $100 Clock

Nintendo shared the good news about the Alarmo on its Japanese support page and its Japanese Twitter account. Yes, that does suggest the Alarmo will only be going on general sale in Japan. If this is a Japan-only development, like the initial delays, a general sale rollout for the clock will presumably follow in other parts of the world soon.

Before you rush to your local Nintendo Store to place a pre-order, there’s a caveat. Even though Nintendo’s Alarmo production is finally catching up with demand, the update notes that the general sale clocks won’t be released until May 22, 2025. Pre-orders will be available before then, but will likely be staggered as Nintendo has kept it vague, revealing pre-orders will be available “as soon as each store is ready”.

There’s some good news for those of you lucky enough to already own an Alarmo too. Since it’s Mario Day (March 10, Mar 10, get it?), Nintendo has rolled out a retro Mario update for the clock. The new theme’s home screen is effectively a screenshot from the original Super Mario Bros, the accompanying numbers given a pixel makeover to match.

As with prior Alarmo themes, the new Super Mario Bros. update brings a few options along with it. There are four – Ground, Underground, Underwater, and Bowser Battle. Each of the new theme’s subsections has its own alarm sound based on those levels, and the theme has a unique hourly chime.

Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo
Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo

Nintendo’s Alarmo is an alarm clock that tracks your movement while you sleep. You can choose from five games from which the clock will play music and sound effects, with each game having seven scenes to choose from. The Alarmo’s alarm will get more intense if you don’t get out of bed, and then stop automatically once you do get up.

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