Throat Chop is a Dark-type, physical move introduced back in Gen VII of Pokemon. This proved to be a useful attack in battle thanks to its secondary ability, which prevents the opponent from using sound-based moves for two turns. While not sought-out for movesets in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Throat Chop can be ideal if you’re expected to battle a Pokemon that relies on sound-based moves such as Liquid Voice. In Scarlet & Violet, Throat Chop can be very useful in Tera Raids, such as the 7-star Skeledirge.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Release Seven-Star Tera Raid Against Popular Starter
Following the Meowscarada Tera Raids, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players have another Seven-Star Tera Raid boss to take on.
Every Pokemon That Learns Throat Chop
Leveling and TM Learning
As mentioned, Throat Chop is a Dark-type physical move that prevents the target from using sound-based moves for two turns. It has 80 Power, 100% Accuracy, and 15 PP, which can be expanded to 24 PP via PP Max or PP UP.
The following Pokemon learn Throat Chop through leveling or remembering in Scarlet & Violet:
Name |
Type |
Level |
Heracross |
Bug/Fighting |
40 |
Slakoth |
Normal |
25 |
Vigoroth |
Normal |
27 |
Slaking |
Normal |
Remember |
Baraskewda |
Water |
Remember |
Tarountula |
Bug |
40 |
Spidops |
Bug |
45 |
Lokix |
Bug/Dark |
36 |
Wiglett |
Water |
36 |
Wugtrio |
Water |
48 |
Flamigo |
Flying/Fighting |
48 |
Chien-Pao |
Dark/Ice |
70 |
Ting-Lu |
Dark/Ground |
55 |
Ogerpon |
Grass |
36 |
Roaring Moon |
Dragon/Dark |
77 |
Incineroar |
Fire/Dark |
Remember |
Lokix, Incineroar, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Roaring Moon all get Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) from Throat Chop.
How to Get Throat Chop TM in Indigo Disk
Savanna Biome
If you purchased the Scarlet & Violet expansion pack (Hidden Treasure of Area Zero), then you can find TM221, Throat Chop, in Terarium. Specifically, the TM Is found in the Savanna Zone. You won’t be able to go to Terarium until you’ve started the Teal Mask story and paired up with Kieran for your assignment. However, Indigo Disk’s contents are meant for postgame, and you’ll be locked out of completing the DLC story until you’ve finished Teal Mask and “The Way Home” in Paldea.
Enter the Savanna Biome, and look at your map. There’s a wall between Savanna Plaza (where you’ll battle Crispin) and Savanna Rest Area 1. On the side facing the mud wallows (Savanna Rest Area 1), there’s an entrance to a cave that has the Throat Chop TM.
Refer to the objective flag on the image above for the exact location.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The 14 Strongest Pokemon in the Paldea Pokedex (& Where to Find Them)
As one might expect, the strongest Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet are mostly Dragon-types, but there are one or two surprises thrown in there as well.
How to Craft Throat Chop TM
Which Pokemon Can Use TM221?
With the Indigo Disk DLC, you’ll be able to craft TM221/Throat Chop. This will allow you to teach Throat Chop to Pokemon that can’t learn the move via leveling/remembering. You need the following to craft TM221:
- 5000 LP
- x2 Scraggy Sweat
- x3 Zorua Fur
You can find wild Scraggy in the Canyon Biome in Terarium. You can also get Scraggy Sweat by defeating/catching its evolved form: Scrafty. As for Zorua, you’ll want to search Tagtree Thicket. Zorua, like Ditto, disguises itself as other Pokemon. Thus, it’ll be easier for you to farm Zorua Fur via Auto-Battle.
These Pokemon can use TM221:
Pokemon that learn Throat Chop via leveling can also learn it via TM221.
Name |
Type |
Arbok |
Poison |
Sandshrew (Kanto) |
Ground |
Sandshrew (Alola) |
Ice/Steel |
Sandslash (Kanto) |
Ground |
Sandslash (Alola) |
Ice/Steel |
Diglett (Kanto) |
Ground |
Dugtrio (Kanto) |
Ground |
Dugtrio (Alola) |
Ground/Steel |
Meowth (Kanto) |
Normal |
Meowth (Alola) |
Dark |
Meowth (Galar) |
Steel |
Persian (Kanto) |
Normal |
Persian (Alola) |
Dark |
Perrserker |
Steel |
Mankey |
Fighting |
Primeape |
Fighting |
Annihilape |
Fighting/Ghost |
Poliwrath |
Water/Fighting |
Tentacool |
Normal/Flying |
Tentacruel |
Water/Poison |
Dodrio |
Normal/Flying |
Doduo |
Normal/Flying |
Hitmonlee |
Fighting |
Hitmonchan |
Fighting |
Tauros (Kanto) |
Normal |
Tauros (Paldea) |
Fighting (Combat Breed), Fighting/Fire (Blaze Breed), Fighting/Water (Aqua Breed) |
Zapdos (Galar) |
Fighting/Flying |
Mew |
Psychic |
Typholosion (Johto) |
Fire |
Ariados |
Bug/Poison |
Aipom |
Normal |
Umbreon |
Dark |
Gligar |
Ground/Flying |
Gliscor |
Ground/Flying |
Qwilfish (Johto) |
Water/Poison |
Qwilfish (Hisui) |
Dark/Poison |
Overqwil |
Dark/Poison |
Sneasel |
Dark/Ice |
Sneasel (Hisui) |
Fighting/Poison |
Weavile |
Dark/Ice |
Sneasler |
Fighting/Poison |
Ursaring |
Normal |
Piloswine |
Ice/Ground |
Mamoswine |
Ice/Ground |
Houndoom |
Dark/Fire |
Donphan |
Ground |
Stantler |
Normal |
Raikou |
Electric |
Sceptile |
Grass |
Mightyena |
Dark |
Shiftry |
Grass/Dark |
Hariyama |
Fighting |
Sableye |
Dark/Ghost |
Vibrava |
Ground/Dragon |
Flygon |
Ground/Dragon |
Cacnea |
Grass |
Cacturne |
Grass/Dark |
Zangoose |
Normal |
Seviper |
Poison |
Banette |
Ghost |
Deoxys |
Psychic |
Infernape |
Fire/Fighting |
Empoleon |
Water/Steel |
Kricketune |
Bug |
Luxray |
Electric |
Ambipom |
Normal |
Stunky |
Poison/Dark |
Skuntank |
Poison/Dark |
Toxicroak |
Poison/Fighting |
Gallade |
Psychic/Fighting |
Darkrai |
Dark |
Samurott (Hisui) |
Water/Dark |
Excadrill |
Ground/Steel |
Leavanny |
Bug/Grass |
Krookodile |
Ground/Dark |
Scraggy |
Dark/Fighting |
Scrafty |
Dark/Fighting |
Zoroark (Unova) |
Dark |
Zoroark (Hisui) |
Normal/Ghost |
Sawsbuck |
Normal/Grass |
Galvantula |
Bug/Electric |
Eelektrik |
Electric |
Eelektross |
Electric |
Beartic |
Ice |
Bisharp |
Dark/Steel |
Vullaby |
Dark/Flying |
Mandibuzz |
Dark/Flying |
Hydreigon |
Dark/Dragon |
Gogoat |
Grass |
Malamar |
Dark/Psychic |
Hawlucha |
Fighting/Flying |
Hoopa |
Psychic/Ghost |
Toucannon |
Normal/Flying |
Lycanroc (Midnight Form) |
Rock |
Lycanroc (Dusk Form) |
Rock |
Hakamo-o |
Dragon/Fighting |
Kommo-o |
Dragon/Fighting |
Drednaw |
Water/Rock |
Cramorant |
Flying/Water |
Arrokuda |
Water |
Toxtricity |
Electric/Poison |
Impidimp |
Dark/Fairy |
Morgrem |
Dark/Fairy |
Grimmsnarl |
Dark/Fairy |
Falinks |
Fighting |
Pincurchin |
Electric |
Urshifu (Single Strike Style) |
Fighting/Dark |
Zarude |
Dark/Grass |
Glastrier |
Ice |
Calyrex (Ice Rider) |
Psychic/Ice |
Wyrdeer |
Normal/Psychic |
Ursaluna |
Ground/Normal |
Meowscarada |
Grass/Dark |
Pawmot |
Electric/Fighting |
Ceruledge |
Fire/Ghost |
Shroodle |
Poison/Normal |
Grafaiai |
Poison/Normal |
Klawf |
Rock |
Palafin |
Water |
Flamigo |
Flying/Fighting |
Dudunsparce |
Normal |
Kingambit |
Dark/Steel |
Ground/Fighting |
Iron Jugulis |
Dark/Flying |
Iron Valiant |
Fairy/Fighting |
Iron Leaves |
Grass/Psychic |
Okidogi |
Poison/Fighting |
Iron Boulder |
Rock/Psychic |
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