Red Dead Redemption 2: Items to Sell ASAP

Red Dead Redemption 2: Items to Sell ASAP
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If Arthur Morgan is going to get rich in 1899 to survive the outlaw’s life, then he is going to need to sell a whole lot of valuables. Not every cent can be made through robbing stagecoaches, trains, and banks. Sometimes, all it takes is a good Fence for Arthur to sell his illegal goods to get rich quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Most Terrifying Secrets, Ranked

Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled to the brim with terrifying secrets that will make even the most hardened of cowboys tremble in their spurs.

There are plenty of easy ways for Arthur Morgan to make money in Red Dead Redemption 2, and one of the more important (and perhaps not-so-honest) ways is to sell valuables, to which there are countless variations of them in the game that players will want to seek out for easy cash in hand.


Gold Bars

Found Across Various Treasure Maps, Gold Bars Provide the Most Money

gold bars in rdr2
  • Valued at: $300 per Gold Ingot, $500 per Gold Bar

Gold Ingots are perhaps the rarest valuable in Red Dead Redemption 2, but while they are scarce and hard to find, they will always have a guaranteed spawn. There are quite a few joyous spots to find Gold Bars, from within cave puzzles to treasure maps themselves, and each Gold Ingot is worth a whopping $300.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Every Treasure Map & Where To Find Them

Red Dead Redemption 2 features a number of treasure maps (including a couple of PC exclusives) that fans can track down to increase their gold.

While it might be nice to have a stash of valuable Gold Bars in Arthur’s satchel, it’s probably not a good idea to carry his weight in literal gold, so why not head to a Fence and sell these beautiful chunks of metal for the easiest cash ever.



Earrings, Necklaces, Buckles & Watches Are Common and Expensive

bundle of jewelry in rdr2

Jewelry comes in many shapes, sizes, and prices in Red Dead Redemption 2. Whether it’s a valuable watch, a beautiful set of earrings, a belt buckle, or more – each of these items is easily looted off of the corpses of Arthur Morgan’s victims (or would-be attackers) and they can provide a valuable set of easy income for the outlaw.

All jewelry can be sold to a Fence, and depending on the rarity of the item, players can earn anywhere from $5 to $150. It’s always worth looting bodies to see if they have anything valuable because if it’s shiny, it can be sold for some cash.


Animal Materials, Carcasses & Pelts

Go Hunting for Some Honest Cash and Loot

arthur sells a deer carcass

Every animal has its own price, and while it’s not the most sensible or ethical idea for Arthur to roam the plains of New Hanover and try and personally make the bison go extinct just so he can sell their horns and pelts, it’s not a bad idea for those in need of some cash. Animals are an easy source of wealth in Red Dead Redemption 2, especially when Trappers, Butchers, and Fences require their materials.


The 16 Most Difficult Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animals To Hunt

With 16 Legendary Animals to find and hunt in Red Dead Redemption 2, some hunters might find themselves being hunted by these ferocious beasts.

Players can easily hunt good or perfect pelt animals to kill them with the right weapon and skin them to obtain all their valuable materials. Players can get good and honest pay from some easy-to-find animals like deer, but they can also earn more from predators like cougars, panthers, and alligators.


Rare Valuables

One-of-a-Kind Expensive Items

arthur loots the gold shield

On top of the abundance of jewelry found across the many bastions of civilization and lockboxes, Arthur can also find a set of rare valuables that are only obtained through exclusive and guaranteed methods. Whether it’s looting specific areas, helping specific people, or completing specific missions – these rare valuables can only be obtained through one way, and selling them will see them gone forever.

Yet, Arthur isn’t exactly sentimental about things outside of his mother’s favorite flower and his dad’s leather hat, so why not sell these rare valuables? Arthur can find rare minerals, ancient items, family heirlooms, and even a gifted fountain pen – all of which can be sold for well over $25 each.


Egret Plumes

Common Birds Around Bayou Nwa Provide Easy Money

arthur plucks an egret

The Bayou Nwa has a wealth of money-making opportunities, especially when it comes to poultry. Around the swamps of Lemoyne, players will find plenty of variations of the egret bird – whether reddish, little, or snowy, and each of them has a valuable set of plumes that can be easily plucked from their dead bodies.

It might be bloody work, but obtaining plumes is easy cash, especially when bird meat and flight feathers are added to the list alongside these plumes, making an easy bundle of money off of just a few birds.


Repeating Cigarette Cards

Common Cigarette Cards Sell Cheap But Are Easy to Find

cigarette cards in rdr2

There are 12 cigarette card sets in Red Dead Redemption 2, totaling 144 cards that need to be collected to be sold in a specific set. However, obtaining a set for $100 isn’t easy unless players are in the habit of smoking a pack of cigarettes or more a day, and while there are guaranteed spots for cigarette cards, it’s more often than not that players will have a few repeatable cards in their decks.


Red Dead Redemption 2: How to Get Every Cigarette Card Set

There are 12 Cigarette Card Sets in Red Dead Redemption 2, with a total of 144 cards to be collected overall, so here’s how to find every single one.

For players who have already sold a set or have the same card twice or more, head to a Fence and sell the card. While it’s only going to be worth $1 or $2, players who loot bodies and smoke cigarettes for Dead Eye gain are going to definitely have a few identical cards to sell to clear out their inventory.


Wagons & Coaches

Give Alden a Tip For Valuable Stagecoaches, Then Sell Them

arthur sells a wagon

It’s a two-birds-one-stone situation here, as once players meet Seamus at Emerald Ranch and Alden at the Rhodes Station, they will not only be able to sell any stagecoach and wagon that they find to Seamus but they will always be given tips as to where valuable ones are located thanks to Alden.

This synergy of stealing valuables from a wagon and then selling said wagon is a perfect crime, and although it might not be harmless, it does provide a good bit of cash for a side business. While some wagons are purchased for higher worth than others, it’s worth noting that players can get between $15 and $50!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tag Page Cover Art


October 26, 2018

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