RDR2: All Gang Hideout Locations

RDR2: All Gang Hideout Locations

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There are 10 gang hideouts in Red Dead Redemption 2, so for players who are seeking to make sure the Van der Linde gang is the only gang left in 1899, or to those who just want to find easy animals for them to complete challenges on, then knowing all gang hideout locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 will be essential.


Red Dead Redemption 2: All Van der Linde Gang Camps, Ranked

The Van der Linde gang makes camp at quite a few spots across Red Dead Redemption 2’s map, but what’s the nicest spot of teh bunch?

There are some truly sinister gangs in Red Dead Redemption 2, so heading to their hideouts armed to the teeth to kill them all is definitely the right way to go, especially if it’s time to try out a new weapon or just flex Arthur’s Dead Eye abilities.


Hanging Dog Ranch

A Ranch Containing a Small Army of O’Driscolls

  • Location: North of Little Creek River in West Elizabeth
  • Gang: O’Driscoll Boys (Chapters 1-6), Laramie Gang (Epilogue)

Hanging Dog Ranch contains quite a few deadly O’Driscoll Boys, including one mounted on a Gatling gun in the barn’s window. Hanging Dog Ranch is a deadly place to visit alone, and while the gang hideout does feature in a story mission in Chapter 6, Arthur can still venture here and take them all out as he sees fit, which makes for a perfect open area for Weapon Expert challenges.

The openness of Hanging Dog Ranch makes for easy Tomahawk and Scoped Rifle kills, along with a geniunly good place to kill and loot up against the rival gangs of Dutch Van der Linde in 1899 to make those green colors bleed.

This Gang Hideout is O’Driscoll territory from Chapter 2 to Chapter 6, and in the Epilogue, it becomes Laramie Gang territory.


Six Point Cabin

The Cabin That Holds a Party of O’Driscolls

  • Location: North East of Valentine in Cumberland Forest, New Hanover
  • Gang: O’Driscoll Boys

Six Point Cabin is relatively small when it comes to gang hideouts, but it contains plenty of O’Driscolls, which can be pretty therapeutic for Arthur Morgan to take out his rival gang. Six Point Cabin has nothing of note outside of a Double-Barrel Shotgun above the mantle in the cabin itself, but the easy kills are why you should come here.

Its location deep in Cumberland Forest and away from Valentine means Arthur can venture here and kill O’Driscolls without the law getting involved, which also makes a good looting source for bodies to find jewelry and other valuables.

This Gang Hideout is only available from Chapter 2 to Chapter 6.


Beaver Hollow

The Twisted Caves of the Murfree Brood

  • Location: West of Annesburg in Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover
  • Gang: Murfree Brood

The Murfree Brood are scattered around New Hanover’s Roanoke Ridge region, believing themselves to be the rightful owners of this land. While they can ambush players from trees or even from camping spots that they would assume safe, players can hit them back by heading directly into their territory at Beaver Hollow.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Most Evil Gangs, Ranked

With over 6 gangs found across the states of Red Dead Redemption 2, it’s worth looking at which of them has the most diabolically evil streak.

Beaver Hollow is dangerous, as the outside is riddled with warnings through mangled corpses, and inside, is a cave system that is easy to get lost in, and even easier to get killed in considering the Murfree Brood love to use shotguns and machetes for close-quarter fights.


Shady Belle

The Explosive Base of Operations for the Lemoyne Raiders

  • Location: East of Braithwaite Manor in Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne
  • Gang: Lemoyne Raiders

Shady Belle was an old plantation house that was taken over by the Lemoyne Raiders. For whatever reason, they keep coming back to this place, perhaps hoping that by owning a plantation house they can make-believe about their side losing the Civil War. Either way, heading to Shady Belle will see Arthur fight off a small army of Lemoyne Raiders.

Shady Belle does have a few interesting spots outside of its highly killable Lemoyne Raiders, as there are plenty of red TNT crates to shoot and explode, along with a few graves worthy of note like that of Agnes Dowd, the ghost girl who lurks in the Bluewater Marsh at night.


Fort Mercer

An Abandoned Military Fort That Houses Del Lobos

  • Location: South of Armadillo, near Rio Bravo, New Austin
  • Gang: Del Lobo Gang

The future base of operations for Bill Williamson in 1911, the Del Lobo Gang held this fort for themselves and used it as a safeguarding place filled with plenty of guns and money stashes. If players are brave enough to attack this well-guarded fort, they can find a stash of money on the tables, along with plenty of Del Lobos ready to fight.

Fort Mercer is surrounded by impenetrable walls and a dry desert, so if players are daring enough to attack, it’s going to need to be loud and aggressive, as there’s no way to sneak past the guards that lurk on the top platform to stop intruders.


Gaptooth Breach

An Abandoned Mining Colony Now Holds Del Lobos

  • Location: West of Tumbleweed in Gaptooth Ridge, New Austin
  • Gang: Del Lobo Gang

Gaptooth Breach has become yet another hub for the Del Lobos, and it’s an expansive area with plenty of ground together. From up high, down low, and within the mined caverns, Gaptooth Breach is a large area that the Del Lobos fester in, so do try and be careful when taking on this large gang hideout, especially when the sheriff of Tumbleweed isn’t one to give out prizes for good deeds.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Every Van der Linde Gang Member and What Happens to Them

Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn’t work out well for the Van der Linde gang’s plans, but what exactly happens to each of the gang’s members?

Gaptooth Breach has plenty of enemies, along with a secret collectible underneath the stairs of the main house with the Turtle Shell Trinket to boost the refill speed of the Health Bar. While the mines of Gaptooth Breach are caved off, there’s still an interior to glitch into for further exploration.


Solomon’s Folly

A Small Barn With a Guarded Basement

  • Location: South of Benedict Point, New Austin
  • Gang: Del Lobo Gang

While Solomon’s Folly doesn’t look like the most interesting place for a gang to hold up, it’s actually brimming with loot thanks to the gang’s well-guarded secrets. From within Solomon’s Folly, players can find plenty of cash stashes, jewelry bags, and a couple of Gold Nuggets to forever encounter these respawning enemies and loot.

Solomon’s Folly is small, lootable, and respawning so that there’s always an opportunity to kill more Del Lobo gang members and bring more money home, so long as players can survive the journey through New Austin to get back in one piece.


Thieves’ Landing

A Bog Town Filled with Criminals

  • Location: South of Blackwater in the crossing between New Austin and West Elizabeth
  • Gang: Del Lobo Gang

Thieves’ Landing isn’t an attractive place to be, and this small settlement has been entirely overtaken by Del Lobos, a gang of Mexican outlaws and killers that use Thieves’ Landing as a central base for their criminal activities. With an area crawling with gang members, players should be very careful coming here unless they’re armed and ready for a deadly fight.

Thieves Landing has quite a lot of enemies and even a ferry boat that contains Del Lobo members with rifles for long-range engagements. This territory isn’t friendly, so loiter too long or act aggressively, and the Del Lobos are going to start blasting.


Twin Rocks

A Small Settlement Harboring Del Lobos

  • Location: North of Armadillo in Cholla Springs, New Austin
  • Gang: Del Lobo Gang

The Del Lobo Gang seems to have territory all over New Austin, and one such territory is the small gang hideout of Twin Rocks. Stationed at Twin Rocks are plenty of Mexican outlaws that protect what’s theirs, even if it isn’t exactly a lot to protect, nor is it anything worth dying for.

Twin Rocks hold a few Del Lobo guards along with a building that can be entered, so maybe bring a rifle and a shotgun to deal with the outlaws at this spot that need taking out. This New Austin territory isn’t one of the more deadly settlements, but it’s still worth clearing them out all the same.

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October 26, 2018

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