How To Pull From Older Packs In Pokemon TCG Pocket

How To Pull From Older Packs In Pokemon TCG Pocket
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One of the great things about using Pokemon TCG Pocket is that card packs are always right at your fingertips. No need to head down to your local store of choice to see if they have what you’re looking for. Especially if the packs you want to pull from aren’t what’s currently being sold.


Pokemon Pocket: How To Add Cards To Your Wishlist

Being able to add unowned cards to your wishlist in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket makes scrounging through Wonder Picks far more manageable.

With the digital trading card game, you can seamlessly transition from the current expansion or packs to past ones, even after they’ve left your homepage. While you may have found it on your own already, this guide will walk you through how to select whichever expansion you’re interested in pulling from.

How To Pull From Past Expansions

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Homescreen with Mythical Island and Space-Time Smackdown expansion packs highlighted by square, indicating where to tap..

When you first open up Pokemon Pocket and you do not have a pack waiting to be opened, then you will end up on the homepage, which shows you the line-up of current packs, the Wonder Pick section, the Shop, and more.

You’ll want to tap on any of the current packs. Don’t worry, you won’t be locked into pulling from them. This will bring you to that all-familiar card pack screen.

If you do already have a pack that you can pull from for free, your game will skip past the homepage. You do not need to go back to the homepage.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket booster pack screen with arrow pointing to the select other booster packs option to tap on.

In the bottom right corner, you will see a tab that says “Select other booster packs” with an arrow. Tap on that.

From there, a separate screen will pop up, showing all your current expansion choices. From there, it’s as simple as tapping the previous expansion you want to pull from.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Expansion pack selection screen showing Space-Time Smackdown, Mythical Island, and Genetic Apex and their booster packs.

Once you do, the screen will refresh, showing each of the packs available from your selected expansion, allowing you to pick which of the themed packs, if more than one is available, you’d like to pull from.

Some expansions, such as Mythical Island, have only one pack to pull from. However, it still brings you to the same selection screen, requiring those additional taps to confirm that’s what you want to draw from.

The expansion shown will always default back to the most current, no matter which expansion you had been pulling from last. It does mean you’ll have to repeat this process each time you want to pull from a previous expansion.


Pokemon Pocket: How To Buy Cards Through The Pack Point Exchange

Here’s everything you need to know about the Pack Point Exchange in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

All Current Expansions Available

Pokémon TCG Pocket_ Space-Time Smackdown palkia on a phone

It remains to be seen if expansion packs will ever be retired in the digital version of the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Here is each expansion available, as well as the themed booster packs that you can pull from.


Expansion Name

Booster Packs


Genetic Apex (A1)


Mythical Island (A1a)


Space-Time Smackdown (A2)

Many of the cards can only be found in one of the booster packs. That’s why the booster pack you’re pulling from carries importance.


Pokemon Pocket: FAQ Guide

Here are the most frequently asked questions about Pokemon TCG Pocket!

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