How Proficiency Works In Marvel Rivals

How Proficiency Works In Marvel Rivals
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Over time, most people who play Marvel Rivals start to gravitate toward one character, or a few different characters, pretty regularly. Most people do (or should) have one or two characters that they’re comfortable playing in every class, and it means they’re going to get hyper familiar with all the ins-and-outs of those characters.


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Another byproduct of playing a group of characters regularly is that you’re going to gain quite a bit of proficiency with those characters in a pretty quick amount of time. But, there are some ways to maximize that proficiency gain, ensuring those rewards come even faster.

What Is Proficiency?

Rocket gives a snarling smile as he wields his gigantic weapon in Marvel Rivals.

Proficiency is representative of how much you’ve played a particular character, and to a lesser extent, how effective you’ve been at using them in that time. The latter is not true across the board; proficiency isn’t a ranking. But, you can earn more proficiency in the same amount of time as someone else by playing in a particular way.

To find your proficiency with each particular character, navigate to Heroes > Specific Hero > Proficiency.

How To Earn Proficiency Quickly

Proficiency challenges for Rocket in Marvel Rivals.

Proficiency is going to be earned over time no matter what you do with a character. However, each character has specific ways in which you earn proficiency, and targeting those challenges while playing can ensure you earn proficiency quicker than you otherwise would.

Proficiency Challenges

There’s one proficiency challenge that every character shares, and then three proficiency challenges that are unique to every character.

  • Using a hero for one hour earns you proficiency.
  • Heal/Block/Deal a certain amount of damage, depending on the role of the hero in question, earning you a varying amount of proficiency.
  • Earn KOs/Assists/Final Hits, again depending on the role of the hero, earning you a varying amount of proficiency.
  • One challenge relating to a specific ability, different for each hero, and again earning you a varying amount of proficiency.

These hero proficiency challenges are infinitely repeatable, and they are automatically completed and refreshed, applying their proficiency without you needing to manage anything.

You can earn an incredible amount of proficiency in a short amount of time by doing your job particularly well. Healing, dealing damage, and eliminating, or contributing to the elimination of enemies, is going to earn you proficiency quickly for the second and third challenges for each character.

The fourth proficiency challenge is going to depend on the character; using Rocket as an example, he’ll need to revive allies with his B.R.B. ability. That ability has an extremely high cooldown, making it a difficult challenge to finish quickly.

But, Moon Knight’s challenge is to bounce his weapon off enemies while using Ankhs. He can accomplish this in a relatively short amount of time with smart placement of his Ankhs. Play smart, and play efficiently, and these challenges are going to come quickly.

Best Mode For Earning Proficiency

Details on the Competitive game mode in Marvel Rivals.

In general, Competitive is going to be your most valuable mode for earning proficiency, because it’s the most with the least amount of downtime. On average, Competitive matches last longer than the alternatives, because competition is often better, and Escort-style mode has two rounds.

Less time queuing for matches and more time actually playing in matches means you’re not only going to earn that playtime hero challenge quicker, but it means you’re going to be racking up stats for the other three proficiency challenges quicker, too.

Every Proficiency Rank And What You Earn

The proficiency rewards for Rocket in Marvel Rivals.

Every character shares the same five proficiency ranks.

  • Agent
  • Knight
  • Captain
  • Centurion
  • Lord

You’ll need to gain increasing amounts of proficiency for each level, starting at 500 proficiency to progress from Agent to Knight. Then, you’ll need 2,400 to progress from Centurion to Lord.

Every level of proficiency earns you new rewards.




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While proficiency challenges are automatically completed and refreshed, you will need to manually claim and equip proficiency rewards, should you want them equipped.

Proficiency Challenge Increases

While the task you’ll be required to complete the proficiency challenge is always going to be the same, the higher your proficiency level you are with each character, the more of each stat you’re going to need to earn to complete the challenge.

For example, healing characters start with the task of reaching 10,000 healing in order to complete the challenge at the Agent level. But at the Centurion level, that number is going to climb to 54,000 healing, taking quite a lot longer to complete.

On the bright side, while the challenges get more difficult to complete as you level further, your rewards are going to increase considerably.

This means that, overall, you’re going to be making less consistent progress towards level the further you go, but the progress that you do make is going to come in larger chunks at a time.


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