Best Whispering Hillock Choice in The Witcher 3 (Save or Kill Tree Spirit?)

Best Whispering Hillock Choice in The Witcher 3 (Save or Kill Tree Spirit?)
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers players a wide world with tons of different dangerous creatures for them to take on and interesting contracts to solve. In their playthrough, players will have to make really tough choices, including whether to save Anna, the Bloody Baron’s wife, or leave her to her fate in some way or another.

If you’re at the beginning of the game, you’ve probably already encountered one of these choices, which relates to a mysterious Tree Spirit and its fate, which will be up to you to decide. Here’s whether you should save the Tree Spirit or kill it in The Whispering Hillock quest.


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Should You Save Or Kill The Tree Spirit In The Witcher 3?

At some point during your playthrough, you’ll encounter a large, ancient oak tree, which will start speaking to Geralt. You’ll have to make your way inside the tree to reach its heart, where you can talk to the spirit that’s possessing it. Depending on how you started this quest, you might have the chance to talk to the tree about the Crones of Crookback Bog, and the orphans they hold captive. You should also keep in mind that the choice that you make in this mission will greatly impact the Bloody Baron’s quest and the fate of his family. Should you choose to save the spirit, it will task you with gathering three ingredients: a raven feather, the spirit’s bones, and a black horse.

Once you have all the necessary ingredients, you can either choose to save the spirit, trick it to let it die, or kill it. The decision that you make will determine whether Anna, the Bloody Baron’s wife, turns into a Grave Hag and dies or goes mad from grief. If you choose to save the spirit after the ealdorman tasks you with it, Anna will be turned into a Grave Hag as a punishment for the Crones’ orphans escaping, which you can reverse, but she will ultimately die. On the other hand, if you kill the spirit either by facing it directly or tricking it, Anna will survive and stay human, but she will be traumatized by the grief of the orphans being eaten by the Crones. So, if you’re interested in the fate of Anna, the Bloody Baron’s wife and want her to survive despite her mental health, you should kill the Tree Spirit at all costs.


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Should You Choose To Save Anna?

This poses a very interesting moral dilemma, as saving Anna and preventing her from dying means letting the orphans of Crookback Bog be eaten by the Crones. Many would argue that letting her turn into a Grave Hag, saving her, and letting her peacefully die in the arms of her family without any guilt is the more humane choice. However, other than Anna’s fate, choosing the latter will also have other consequences for both the Bloody Baron and his daughter Tamara. The Witcher 3 has several choices like this, including one during the quest Count Reuven’s Treasure, which will force you to choose between letting Triss be tortured to avoid blowing your cover, or interfering and triggering a challenging fight where Geralt will be greatly outnumbered.

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