Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 offers an expansive list of skills and perks that offer unique playstyle options depending on the order you build your perks and what skills you level. While some perks add useful buffs, others can add a new mechanic that changes the game for you or how you interact with the world.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 9 Best Weapons
These are the best weapons to use in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Perks also build on each other, either offering upgraded versions of itself later on or pairing with other perks from separate skills that have little to do with each other. When chosen carefully, these various perks can be used to create incredibly powerful combinations that are far stronger than any one perk alone.
Multiple Powerful And Valuable Potions
Secret of Secrets, Secret Of Matter II, Potion Seller
Most likely unknown to you until you made one yourself, there is a hidden potion quality known as Henry’s potions. These potions can only be obtained with the Secret of Secrets Alchemy perk or a small handful of locations and provide potions with the best buffs in the game while unlocking new effects.
With this perk, you will want to make sure you get both Secret of Matter perks, which can give you up to five potions per brew, depending on your alchemy level. Finally, Potion Seller makes these high-quality potions sell for as much as possible, giving you hundreds of groschen worth of potions with only a couple of brews.
Permanent Stealth Boost
Leshy II, Wild Man, Stamping Ground
With a handful of perks, you can get a permanent +3 to +4 to stealth on top of your maximum value, depending on where you are. With both Leshy perks and Wild Man combined, you get a permanent +4 to Stealth anywhere outside established settlements.
With Stamping Ground, you get a permanent +3 to Stealth anywhere inside these settlements, meaning you will always have one or the other. With Leshy, you also get a Strength and Agility boost, which is useful when you run into ambushes or bandits on the road.
One-Hit Ranged Kills From Stealth
Hal Shot First II, Steady Aim II, Heartseeker II
- Marksmanship 16
- Survival 18
One of the hardest things to achieve in KCD2 is setting up the right situation that lets you kill enemies with one shot from a bow or crossbow while remaining in stealth. These perks allow you to clear entire camps without ever getting caught or even having to approach enemies.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Best Speech Perks
Talk your way out of the damnedest of situations with these Speech perks.
Both Hal Shot First perks make your initial shot outside of combat especially strong, but will force you to wait one minute between shots if you stay out of combat successfully. Both Steady Aim perks and Heartseeker perks also increase the damage to your shots but require you to stand still for at least two seconds and to aim for the torso.
The Reinforced Heavy Crossbow with Fine Bolts has the highest damage combination while remaining stealthy.
Best Sword Possible
Martin’s Secret, Razor-Sharp, Swordmaker’s Wisdom
- Craftsmanship 16
- Swords 10
One of the goals you will want to give yourself in KCD2 is acquiring the strongest weapon in the game, which can only be achieved by making one yourself. To start, you will need the Martin’s Secret perk, which allows you to craft level four quality swords, which you can only obtain through blacksmithing.
The Swordmaker’s Wisdom perk in the Swords skill can make achieving a level four sword easier while allowing them to stay sharp for longer. This is important as the Razor-Sharp skill requires your sword to be a minimum of 75 percent condition after sharpening it yourself to get an additional boost to damage.
Massive Buff While Fighting Multiple Enemies
Driven By Vengeance, Against All Odds, One Man Army
A frequent problem you will find yourself having while traveling and across many quests is having to fight off multiple enemies alone, which can easily lead to a death screen. Against All Odds and One Man Army perks both give you a buff to damage and various skills while facing multiple enemies, giving you a much-needed edge.
Driven By Vengeance rewards you for thinning the enemies’ numbers, giving you a buff to stamina and even more damage after each kill. With all of these perks, fighting against multiple opponents no longer becomes a threat and will actually make you more dangerous than when only fighting a single opponent.
Silent Indoor Thieving
- Stealth 10
- Drinking 8
- Thievery 6
Especially early on, with low skill levels, you will find thieving as an incredibly risky way to gain groschen. This is especially true when looting people’s homes, as they seem to have supersonic hearing and will even wake up to even the slightest sounds from your lockpicks or opening doors.

7 Changes To Make Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Go From Good To Great
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is already pretty great, but these little tweaks could make it even better.
Silent Fiddler is a crucial skill for looting homes at night, especially in the narrow halls of Kuttenberg, even allowing you to lockpick chests at the foot of occupied beds. Both Beerfoot and Rodent make sneaking indoors essentially dead silent, giving you the opportunity to clear out buildings without ever being noticed, as long as you are slightly drunk.
Pickpocket Anyone, Anywhere
Quickhand, Inconspicuous, Rapid Flight
Next to picking the locks of chests, getting sticky fingers for people’s pouches is a quick way to get groschen, albeit the riskiest in terms of getting caught. Luckily, a handful of perks make doing so in a way that almost breaks immersion entirely because of how obvious it makes you seem.
The Quickhand and Inconspicuous perks are required for this, both making it impossible for your victim and onlookers to notice you pickpocketing, even in broad daylight or when standing directly in front of them. Rapid Flight gives you an easy out should you choose an especially vigilant victim, eliminating the risk of pickpocketing entirely.
Infinite Sprint
Seven-League Boots II, Marathon Runner, Ranger Run
- Craftsmanship 16
- Vitality 12
- Agility 10
While you can’t sprint forever without the aid of potions and a handful of various buffs, you can get close with just a handful of perks. This is useful when exploring the wilds or for certain quests in which you have limited use of your horse.
This requires you to have a cobblers kit and a sufficient Craftmanship level, as both the Seven-League Boots perks make boots repaired by you drop your stamina cost by a whopping 50 percent. Marathon Runner increases this to a total of 70 percent, and Ranger Run boosts this even further while rapidly regenerating your stamina as soon as you stop running.
Adding the Herme’s Haste perk from the Vitality skill will increase your sprint speed on top of your stamina reduction.
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