The Sins Of New Wells

The Sins Of New Wells
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The final challenge that the first DLC of The Rise of the Golden Idol presents is one of the most difficult that we’ve seen in the Golden Idol duology. Unraveling starts off with a very bizarre sight that must be deciphered piece by piece, and it only gets more complicated from there.


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This is another non-standard case for the game that doesn’t have you looking for the words that you’ll use to break the case wide open. Instead, you’re tasked with solving some very peculiar mysteries from the off, with the memory disarranger from previous episodes not being very helpful at all.

All Attack Solutions

The scrambled memory in the final scenario of The Rise of the Golden Idol The Sins of New Wells.

You begin this scenario with only one small scene to analyse, though it’s obviously one warped and transformed by the Disarranger. It’s up to you to nail down exactly what’s happening before you – though in the observer’s eyes. Don’t worry about truth just yet.

  • You know that there’s a pair of robots – what could those be referring to in this image? Analyse all the speech you can see to help parse any orders.
  • The snake has been shot by a crossbow, what had the snake been told to do? That will inform you of the crossbow wielder’s purpose.
  • What the heck is the reason this scene looks like this?

All Memory Match Solutions

Hildegard and her gang in the final scenario of The Rise of the Golden Idol The Sins of New Wells.

Solving the previous panel will unlock the next two, as well as a new area to explore. We’ll first look at the Memory Match panel, which has you deciphering what the objects and features of the first scene actually correlate to.

  • Take note of the actual times of the two scenes you can witness. The scrambled memory occurs after the second scene you unlocked does.
  • The face on the balloon should be familiar to you. Where would this person be that could help you decipher the rest of the scene?
  • One robot is sending little bugs to another. Are these people or machines?
  • A big pair of lips is one of the things you need to identify – do lips denote its identity or its function? Similarly, what might a big scroll denote when looking at the words available to use?
  • The monstrous thing has one eye. Who might this be?
  • A crowd of featureless eyes and ears makes a pretty good metaphor for a certain group of people.
  • We’ve learned that certain devices can be very dangerous. Identify the location of the scene in question and the identity of the dangerous snake in the scrambled memory should become clear.
  • No one uses a crossbow in reality, but some people use something that does a similar thing. This should narrow down who the crossbow wielder is.
    • As a very big hint: who is the hero of this DLC?

All Conference Solutions

Secunda and Roy in the store in the final scenario of The Rise of the Golden Idol The Sins of New Wells.

There are four paragraphs to solve in the Conference panel, all dealing with the events that lead from the earlier time to the later time.

  • What was the reason behind the press conference in the first place? Look at the person who was to speak at the conference for clues.
  • The Heritage Project is relevant here – who is linked to it, and what might be the controversy here? Remember the involvement of gangs.
  • The memory scrambling weapon is of great importance throughout this entire scenario. Who developed it, and why might they use it, and against whom? Who speaks of the flaws of killing?
  • Someone plays the hero, obviously. Trace their steps throughout this story to see that they didn’t just save the balloon from the snake.
  • The snake was shot, but why? What happened to the snake to make it so deadly, and how did this happen? Think back to the person responsible for the weapon.

Completing this panel, along with Memory Match, will unlock the next panels and the third and final time. This will lead you to a scene between Echo Secunda and Roy Samson.

All Echo Secunda Memory Solutions

The arrest of Hildegard in the final scenario of The Rise of the Golden Idol The Sins of New Wells.

Examining Echo Secunda, who you should recognise from the main game, will let you put his scrambled memories in order.

  • This story tells the story of Echo Secunda’s journey that begins during the events of the main game. Head back to the prologue to remember what happened there.
  • The events that follow on from the prologue hit the following events that are important to Secunda’s story: his discovery of the I.D.O.L., the final moments where we saw the I.D.O.L. at the TV station, and then the events of this DLC’s scenarios.
  • We learned what horses represent in the previous scenario.
  • A sword is a weapon, even if it’s broken, yes? What is the weapon in this game?
  • Sometimes a chicken leg is just a chicken leg. What could this denote here?
  • Many of the scenes depicted here will correlate very closely to a previous episode. Secunda is a bearded man – maybe he’s the bearded man who was missing from a certain car chase.

Once you’ve solved the pictorial sequence of events, you’ll be able to decipher what those events actually depict.

  • Where did Secunda escape from?
  • What do the sword and castle represent? A weapon getting broken is something that happens at the climax of the main game’s narrative.
  • The broken sword is still a weapon, what does this imply for Secunda’s actions?
  • One of the tigers is missing a hand. Who else in the DLC is missing a hand? Check the dog track!
  • Secunda went from prisoner to accomplice. What could have been said to secure this upgrade?

All Roy Samson Memory Solutions

A detective talking about Roy in the final scenario of The Rise of the Golden Idol The Sins of New Wells.

Just like in the previous section, this one deals with Roy Samson’s memories, which have now been scrambled.

  • The scenes in Roy’s memory have a few things that can help you put things in order. First, he begins with glasses on and they get knocked off. Second, he begins with a gun and then doesn’t have it.
  • The green monster doesn’t seem to represent a person. What could it be representing?
  • Compare the gap between the two buildings in reality – does anything look like this in the scrambled memory? Does this give you any information as to chronology?
  • Both Secunda and Roy are currently in disarray. Why might this be?
  • The real life scene has two pairs of earmuffs on the ground. This is incredibly relevant. Look at what else is on the ground, too.

As before, this sequence of events should be quite clear once you’ve worked out what’s being represented here.

  • This sequence of events is clearly depicting what happened right before the scene in reality.
  • What sort of building do the pair appear to be inside?
  • What were both men wearing that they are no longer wearing? Why might this be important?
  • The two men fought – what was the exact series of events?
  • What is the current state of the Disarranger?


The Rise Of The Golden Idol Offers More Top-Tier Puzzling With Better Storytelling

The sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol has chapter puzzles that make figuring out the series’ conspiracy so much sweeter.

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