Tales of the Shire NPC Wish List

Tales of the Shire NPC Wish List

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Cameos have become an expectation of blockbuster franchises. Whether it’s movies, TV shows, comics, or video games, if a new release is part of a major franchise, many fans expect to see at least one or two special guest appearances from previously established characters. A franchise entry certainly doesn’t need a bunch of cameos to be good, but when it’s treated with enough care, cameos can feel like a rewarding and well-deserved bit of fan-service. There’s a possibility the upcoming Tales of the Shire could have its own share of cameos.

According to pre-release trailers and previews, Tales of the Shire is set during the Third Age of Middle-earth. That doesn’t narrow the timeline down too much, however, as the Third Age lasts over 3,000 years, ranging from Isildur’s death all the way up to Frodo and Bilbo crossing into the Undying Lands. It seems likely that Tales of the Shire is set not too long before the main events of The Lord of the Rings, though, as the player’s overarching goal is to get Bywater its official village status, which it has by the start of the LotR trilogy. And with that placement in the timeline, there are plenty of iconic characters who could show up as NPCs in Tales of the Shire.


Regardless of its Success, Tales of the Shire Will Have to Deal with the Albatross Around its Neck

Even if Tales of the Shire proves to be a hit, the recent state of Lord of the Rings game adaptations casts an unfortunate shadow.

Tales of the Shire Cameo Wish List

Gandalf is already confirmed to appear in Tales of the Shire.

Bilbo Baggins

With a game set solely in the homeland of the Hobbits, many fans are expecting a cameo from at least one of The Lord of the Rings‘ named Hobbits. Given Tales of the Shire‘s likely place in the Middle-earth timeline, Bilbo Baggins would probably be the Hobbit most suited to a cameo in the cozy life-sim, given that he’s been around for 111 years by the time Fellowship of the Ring begins.

In Tales of the Shire, it might be nice to see Bilbo act as a sort of reluctant mentor, choosing to break his reclusive routine to help out the new Hobbit in town. Though Bilbo lives in Hobbiton, it’s only a short walk across the river to reach Bywater.


Getting a cameo from most members of the Fellowship seems a little unlikely for Tales of the Shire, given that they’re all miles away from the Shire before the events of Lord of the Rings. However, there are some cameos from those connected with the Fellowship that might make sense. For instance, Gloin, father of Gimli, could feasibly show up in Tales of the Shire.

If Tales of the Shire is set after the events of The Hobbit, it would make some sense to see Gloin visit his former brother-in-arms, Bilbo Baggins. Along the way, he could pass through Bywater, where players would be able to purchase unique wares brought from the Lonely Mountain.

Tom Bombadil

One of the most mysterious characters in Tolkien’s world of Middle-earth, Tom Bombadil was left out of Peter Jackson’s live-action trilogy, but he’s a fan-favorite character. Living at the edge of the Shire, Tom Bombadil has an unexplained power over nature, and he uses that to help Hobbits and other creatures he finds during his lackadaisical jaunts. Bombadil is even completely immune to the One Ring’s corruption.

With Tom Bombadil being such a mysterious character, it would make sense for him to take on the role of an infrequent gift-giver, popping up at random intervals while the player is exploring the world to hand them something useful, before disappearing without a trace for another few weeks.


One of the five Maiar sent to unite the Free Peoples against Sauron’s potential return, Saruman arrived on Middle-earth around 1,000 years into the Third Age. Saruman then spends the next 2,000 years slowly being corrupted by Sauron and the One Ring’s lasting influence, until his journey comes to an end in the Shire, of all places. Desiring to take revenge on Gandalf, Saruman targets the Hobbits, but he’s eventually defeated in the Battle of Bywater. A brief cameo from Saruman in Tales of the Shire would be a fun (albeit slightly grim) nod to his eventual downfall there.

Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of the Rings Game Tag Page Cover Art

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July 29, 2025


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