Scariest Monsters In The Series, Ranked

Scariest Monsters In The Series, Ranked
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  • Leechgrave in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days offers a frightening coffin with barbed tentacles under the covers late at night.
  • Stealth Sneak in Tarzan world terrifies players with chameleon-like enemy Clayton as a final boss under very lucky conditions.
  • Dark Hide’s creepy design and eerie presence in Kingdom Hearts forces players to see through its perspective in a blood-tinged battle.

By all accounts, the Kingdom Hearts franchise is as wholesome and family-friendly as it gets. Few modern gaming series have juggled Disney’s vast IP so effectively while also carving out their own unique identity, let alone with this many installments. But what might surprise some players — especially younger fans — is how many unsettling and even downright terrifying moments the series has to offer.

So buckle up, because this list is sure to have Kingdom Hearts players shouting, “Jiminy Cricket!” And for those patting themselves on the back for never being scared by a children’s game — congratulations, that is one mighty achievement.


10 Best Kingdom Hearts Bosses, Ranked

The Kingdom Hearts series is known for its great combat, so naturally, these games feature some fantastic boss battles loaded with spectacle.


The Leechgrave

Better Left to the Imagination

The Leechgrave Boss

The Leechgrave isn’t the most terrifying thing people will encounter in gaming. But for younger Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days players, seeing a coffin come at them with barbed tentacles is a whole different story. Especially when playing late at night under the covers, with the brightness cranked up to max on their DS, it made for a frightening image.

What’s inside the coffin? Only imaginations can provide an answer. Players can occasionally catch glimpses of two large, pale green, clawed hands peeking out, but the rest remains a mystery better left undisturbed.


Stealth Sneak

Chameleon Owners May Disagree

Stealth Sneak Boss

For players who find chameleons a bit freaky, this enemy is just for them. For those who don’t… well, just move along.


Kingdom Hearts: Every Game’s Story, Ranked

Not all Kingdom Hearts plots are equally good. Here’s how all of them rank up from worst to best.

Enter the Stealth Sneak, one of the first game’s creepiest and most difficult bosses (especially for under-leveled players). He can be found as the final boss of Deep Jungle, the world based on Disney’s 1999 Tarzan. To make matters worse, he’s also ridden by Clayton, Tarzan’s arch-nemesis, complete with his double-barreled rifle. This enemy may not be exactly terrifying, but it’s definitely not the cuddly type either.


Dark Hide

One Cute, Terrifying Puppy

Dark Hide Boss

Some fans find it cute, others find it downright creepy. The jury’s still out on this one. But what everyone can agree on is that it’s a striking design, packed with jagged edges and writhing tentacles that wouldn’t feel out of place in an H.P. Lovecraft nightmare.

The boss fight only amplifies its eerie presence. It can shroud itself in darkness, leaving only its glowing red eyes visible, stalking players through the void. And if that wasn’t unsettling enough, the fight kicks off from its perspective, forcing players to see through its blood-tinged eyes as they scramble around in fear like headless chickens.


The Experiment

Another Nightmare Creature

The Experiment

Fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas have to hand it to Square Enix for crafting this eerie original character. It’s stitched together from various props that appeared throughout the 1993 film — including its right arm, which Oogie Boogie once used to torment poor old Santa Claus.

Despite being an original creation, it fits seamlessly into the world brought to life by Henry Selick and Tim Burton. Plus, it has a skull for a crotch. What could possibly be scarier? (Actually, don’t answer that.)



Frozen in Fear


Frozen and “scary” aren’t usually used in the same sentence. But the final boss of the world Arendelle in Kingdom Hearts 3 is one heck of an encounter. Players are constantly on the run from a relentless, towering foe, making for one of the game’s most pulse-pounding battles.


Kingdom Hearts: 10 Most Powerful Heartless In The Series, Ranked

The Kingdom Hearts franchise has witnessed several powerful Heartless, as the following examples illustrate.

Some players might be questioning why Prince Hans’ Heartless is a ghostly ice wolf. It’s a question that no doubt keeps a lot of us awake at night. While Arendelle itself wasn’t exactly what Kingdom Hearts world fans were hoping for, this boss fight at least left a lasting impression.


Oogie’s Manor

Halloweentown’s Scariest Residential Building

Oogie's Manor

Fans expecting Oogie Boogie to appear on this list should be prepared to be disappointed — but not that disappointed. Instead, the final form of this Nightmare Before Christmas villain deserves a highlight. He has melded together with his not-so-humble abode, resulting in a towering monstrosity straight out of a Cronenberg film.

It’s honestly impressive that they somehow made Oogie Boogie even creepier, and who knew it would take turning him into a kaiju-level threat to achieve that? Luckily for players, he’s a relatively easy boss to defeat, despite how scary he is.


World of Chaos

Titanic Battleship From the Endless Abyss

World of Chaos

Some players might need to tilt their heads and squint to even begin making sense of this thing. As the final boss of the first game, its horror comes not just from its unsettling design, but from how mind-numbingly frustrating it is to fight. And if size matters, this towering, trippy mess of pink and purple is easily the biggest nightmare on this list.


11 Times Kingdom Hearts Made Absolutely No Sense

Confusing and at times incomprehensible, Kingdom Hearts has had plenty of absolutely bananas moments that made us wonder: does this make sense?

The most unsettling part is the way it’s grotesquely tethered to Ansem, with tentacle-like appendages pouring from his back. It’s less of a nightmare and more like something conjured from a bad acid trip — one that overstays its welcome.



One of the Series Mainstays


Its name might not be the most imaginative, but what it lacks in creativity, it more than makes up for with its eerie, minimalistic design. Square Enix was clearly a big fan of this creation, as this unsettling foe appears in multiple installments throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Much as most players wish it wouldn’t.


6 Kingdom Hearts Characters Who Ended Up Being Surprisingly Weak

Although they may look intimidating, these Kingdom Hearts characters turned out to be pushovers.

Some credit is due here: it manages to be genuinely creepy despite sporting a giant love heart on its belly. This isn’t your average Care Bear.


The Phantom

Hidden for a Reason


The Phantom is one of the first game’s hidden bosses, and to be honest, most players would be happier if it stayed hidden. This cloaked figure strikes an unnerving resemblance to the Grim Reaper. It’s certainly not someone gamers would expect to encounter in a game featuring Goofy and Tinker Bell.

It seems this mysterious, faceless creature is actually inspired by Lord Ombra. For those not versed in Peter Pan lore, he is a chilling villain who appears in several of the book’s sequels, much to the dismay of fans.



The Scariest Disney Villain


When Disney decided to translate Satan onto the screen in their masterpiece Fantasia, they didn’t give him adorably big eyes, a high-pitched voice, or gloves for hands. No, they presented one of the most terrifying portrayals of pure evil ever captured on film.

It’s no wonder that Square Enix immediately put him to use in the first Kingdom Hearts as well as using the iconic Bald Mountain as the location for his boss battle. The moment his notoriously epic theme begins, most players can’t help but gulp like Goofy.


10 Best Kingdom Hearts Bosses, Ranked

The Kingdom Hearts series is known for its great combat, so naturally, these games feature some fantastic boss battles loaded with spectacle.

Kingdom Hearts Tag Page Cover Art



September 17, 2002


E for Everyone: Violence

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