First Battlefield 6 Gameplay Details Have Leaked Thanks To Battlefield Labs Playtest, Fans Think It Looks “Promising”

First Battlefield 6 Gameplay Details Have Leaked Thanks To Battlefield Labs Playtest, Fans Think It Looks "Promising"

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  • Earlier this week, it was revealed that Battlefield 6 playtests were going to start via Battlefield Labs.
  • EA has been pretty open about the test being active, but that’s been taken one step further thanks to leaks.
  • Gameplay from the test has already started popping up, and it seems that the general consensus so far is very positive.

In news that should surprise absolutely no one, Battlefield 6‘s first playtest through Battlefield Labs is already being leaked and shared around, with fans calling the footage “promising”.

After the undeniably rough launch that Battlefield 2042 had all the way back in 2021, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we haven’t heard all that much from the series since. While 2042 did eventually recover into a decent game, EA and DICE have still clearly been trying to be a bit more careful with the next game in the series.


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While they’ve remained quiet on Battlefield 6 for most of the past few years, more details were finally shared last month when it was announced that the next game would soon start playtests through Battlefield Labs. That process was supposed to be a fairly quiet and secretive one, but it seems that isn’t going to be the case at all.

Battlefield 6 Is Already Leaking Everywhere

Earlier today, the first playtest for Battlefield 6 went live, which the official account sharing that the test would be focused on gunplay and movement primarily. EA decided to share a bit of concept art to tide fans over, but there wasn’t really any need since gameplay from the test has already started leaking out.

Over on the Battlefield subreddit, a gameplay clip from the test was shared that showcases a snippet of the gunplay and destruction from Battlefield 6. The footage shows a game that’s clearly still in the works and not close to release yet, but it was enough to garner some surprisingly positive reactions.

Redditor Albake21 said, “This legit looks like BF3, BFV, and 2042 had a baby. And I mean that in a good way”, while Laretus noted that the destruction looks “promising”. The general consensus so far is that Battlefield 6 seems to be lining up nicely with Battlefield 3 and 4, which is a nice surprise after the overwhelmingly negative response to 2042.

ResetEra user SpottieO pointed out some of the gameplay details that could be spotted in the leaked gameplay, including in-round perks from Battlefield 4, individual class loadouts, and ammo and health coming from the same pouch. It’s a small round of reveals in the grand scheme of things, but it’s still nice to see some details finally.


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