The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Daybreak games are the start of a new chapter within the larger overarching narrative that explores a myriad of themes, from political and cataclysmic to posing the question of following free will or defying fate within different countries of the continent of Zemuria.

10 Best Games In The Legend of Heroes: Trails Series
Like long JRPGs? These games are the best of the best.
Since this is a sequel, a lot of your friends from the first game return to join you on your dimension-hopping journey, and while some familiar faces from other games show up and will even join your party temporarily, the focus here is going to be the ones who are willing to ride-or-die for you from beginning to end.
While there may be small mentions of Trails of Daybreak here and there, this list will focus primarily on Trails of Daybreak 2 to avoid confusion and skill overlap.
Quatre Salision
Preferring Science To Socializing Is Valid, Too
After the events of the first game, it’s no wonder that all Quatre wants to do is research inside his lab and be away from the rest of the world. Science is moving faster than research can keep up, so it will take the greatest of minds to try and keep the gap as small as possible. This peace is short-lived, of course, but what can you do when the people you care about need you?
Quatre’s crafts have probably been expanded the most, considering he only had five total in the last game, and that includes his S-Class craft, Digamma Driver, which creates a lance made of light. He heals, he damages, and he buffs, but there are characters, such as Risette or Feri, that can do both with higher potency. Still, it doesn’t hurt to have a jack-of-all-trades in your party, just in case.
Risette Twinings
Combat, Served With A Smile
When you are rebuilt almost from the ground up as the ultimate weapon, where can you go from there in terms of improvement? Even among her peers within the Marduk Security Company, her combat skills are considered to be nigh untouchable. A dangerous job, but one you can tell she loves and takes pride in.
Interestingly, her crafts haven’t evolved in the same way other characters have. Risette gains upgraded versions of abilities that quickly attack foes with lighting and boost allies’ attacks, but her shiny new ability, Mystic Vision, lets her summon a clone that attacks any enemies on sight. Why mess with perfection?
Aaron Wei
Don’t Let The Smile Distract You From The Blades
Aaron is a performer. Whether it’s on the stage, on tin battle, or for anyone who catches his flirtatious attention. If he is in the mood, he will put on a show! If you’re unlucky enough to be one of those folks who catch him on the battlefield, however, not only will it be the last performance you catch, but it’ll be over so fast that you won’t even get a chance to defend yourself.

26 Best Turn-Based JRPGs Of All Time, Ranked
A lot of great turn-based RPGs came from Japan. Here is a look at just a few of the best, ranked!
Aaron’s craft set is about what you’d expect from a dual-wielding sword fighter with an affinity for fire: Blazing Slash and his S-Class craft Phoenix Dance cover the enemy in flames, for example. However, his new craft, Scarlet Dance, stands out not because it’s an offensive attack but because he takes his charisma and flirts with any enemy on the field to throw them off their game. Hey, if it works, it works, right?
Judith Lanster
The Worst Kept Secret Returns!
Superstar Actress by day and a feline hero thief by night, Judith has no qualms about taking to the shadows to get the job done. It’s hard to say whether she prefers her acting life or the Grimcat persona. She touches the hearts of many through her films as Judith the actress, but she can let loose and give back to those in need as Grimcat. That’s what’s most important to her.
Her crafts highlight her thieving nature, as it utilizes the shadow. She can summon shadow clones to deal damage to enemies with Shadow Acceleration, and her S-Class craft, Grimnight Waltz, has her leap into the cover of night and strike the enemy down before they realize it has happened. You wouldn’t want to be caught slipping in a dark alley with her.
Agnes Claudel
Part-Time Assistant, Full-Time Support
The biggest misconception about timid people is that they are not brave or they’re easily frightened. Well, Agnes stands here as proof that bravery comes in all forms. Even as a young girl, she always stood for what was right, even at the cost of her safety, a trait that’s followed her to the present day.
Her craft set hits all the markers for that of a typical healer: she can heal HP and cast regenerative spells for both HP and EP, and her S-Class skill fully heals both. That’s not all! She comes equipped with a powerful ray that shoots all enemies in a straight line and a physical hammer that deals damage and turns that into health for her to recover. She’s essential to have in your party for your survival.
Elaine Auclair
More Than Just The Beauty’s Blade
A woman with her nose to the grindstone, she means business when she’s on the clock and probably when she’s off the clock as well. Elaine prefers to work hard and doesn’t want to bask in the opinions of others, even if they are showering her with compliments about her accomplishments. Instead, she prefers to hone her skills.

16 Best Healers In JRPGs
If you’re down, these characters are the best of the best at their job; bringing you back and healing your wounds is second nature.
Elaine’s crafts, at first glance, look to be a jack-of-all-trades type of deal. Upon closer inspection, however, you’ll see that she can mitigate some damage by healing. However, she prefers to weaken enemies with Silvery Cross, a magic attack that seals and mutes anyone caught within conical range. Weakened enemies make for quick battles, after all.
Van Arkride
He May Grumble About It, But He Always Gets The Job Done
A good guy with great taste in dessert and who can take hits just as well as give them out? What’s not to like? The head Spriggan in charge has once again found himself embroiled in a mystery that puts his freedom and reputation on the chopping block. Luckily, he’s a man who will clear his name, no matter the dimension.
His skill set between the two games is similar at first glance, but Daybreak 2 cleans some of these skills up by giving them new names, such as changing Stun Slash to Magna Slash or upgrading other skills like Coin Bullets by giving them a stronger version of them. Even his Grendle form gets a nice boost in skills, including his S-Class Craft, Radiant Sunray.
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