Where To Find Magma Blooms In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find Magma Blooms In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

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With all the materials available for you to gather in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, it can be easy to forget about collecting some of them each day. One item that you may struggle to get enough of is the elusive Magma Bloom. Only a few of these spawn each day, but the location can vary.


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In this guide, we will take a look at how to find Magma Blooms in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Finding them around Mount Hothead is the primary way to obtain this resource, but through a minigame in the area, you’ll be able to pretty much get an endless supply of them (if you have enough Game Tickets).

Where To Find Magma Blooms

As mentioned above, Magma Blooms are found around Mount Hothead. While running around the area, you may see little blue leaf clusters. These are where Magma Blooms can spawn, but it’s not guaranteed.

Magma Bloom locations on a map in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Each day, seven Magma Blooms will appear in these leafy spots. Of course, there are more than seven blue leaf spots, so it will take a bit of searching. We’ve marked these locations on the map above. These spots are concentrated around the base of Mount Hothead, on the side closest to Gemstone Mountain, but there are also two possible spawn locations in the Caldera.

After completing Fire Up The Volcano, the eastern side of Mount Hothead will have lava flowing down to the water. This won’t cover up any Magma Bloom spots, so you can still see the blue leaf areas.

Collect Magma Blooms With Nul

A player standing selecting the Nul collection item as a Magma Bloom in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Collecting your own Magma Blooms can be tedious, so we highly recommend sending out a Collector Nul to gather the daily seven for you. A Collector Nul will unlock when you complete the Terra Nul quest chain. This begins with the quest Meet the Island Beings, which will be available after reaching friendship level three with My Melody and completing Gudatama Snap.

With a Collector Nul set up, you can request them to gather the seven Magma Blooms for you. This will remove the seven blooms from the map, which means you can’t collect them yourself. The following day, the seven Magma Blooms will be in the chest next to the Nul.

This is a great way to obtain Magma Blooms if you really don’t feel like running around Mount Hothead just to find seven little flowers.

Magma Blooms In Red Hot Rampage

Red Hot Rampage is a minigame that you can find in Mount Hothead. The goal of this minigame is to navigate a 2D platform area in order to gather a total of 14 Magma Blooms. The minigame itself is quite hard and requires a lot of practice in order to get all 14 Magma Blooms.

Regardless of how good you actually do in the minigame, you’ll receive all the Magma Blooms that you gathered. For example, if you only managed to get six Magma Blooms, you get to keep them! If you have the Game Tickets to spare, this is a great way to get even more Magma Blooms.


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