There’s a fighting game to suit any niche but a handful of major franchises dominate the genre. In 2025, the biggest of these are Tekken and Street Fighter. Two titles that have been incredibly influential in the fighting game genre, but which is better? If we compare Tekken Vs Street Fighter which is the top fighter?
Looking at their history, both have some titles in the best fighters of all time. Even with their current iterations, Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 are both at the pinnacle of modern fighting games. We can break down both fighters though and see which is better though. By looking in the key areas, can we see which is on top in Tekken vs Street Fighter?
Tekken Vs Street Fighter
Which is More Popular? Tekken or Street Fighter?
There are plenty of metrics to compare Tekken Vs Street Fighter, but sheer popularity is a decent one. Both titles have current releases which are still very active, only just beginning their journey.
We can compare the Street Fighter player count to Tekken to see which is more popular right now. While consoles don’t release figures, we have active live player counts for Steam. Both games have sold at a similar ratio in PC against console, so while this isn’t the entire player base it’s a fair point of comparison.
At the moment, the Tekken 8 player count typically peaks daily at around 6,000 players. Its all-time peak was much higher though at 46,000 players. Street Fighter 6 on the other hand is usually at around 20,000 a day, getting up to 50,000 with new character releases. Its all-time peak was around this too at 70,000 players.
In terms of sheer player numbers, Street Fighter 6 might have it beat. That game is older, so it’s had more time to sell copies. Although, games tend to peak in player count earlier with interest decaying over time. In Tekken Vs Street Fighter, this is likely a Street Fighter win. At least for SF 6 versus Tekken 8.
Which Has Better gameplay?

Source: Bandai Namco
This is where we start to get subjective. Some players are going to much prefer the gameplay of Tekken and others Street Fighter.
There isn’t an objective right answer here. Looking at the most recent installments of both games, it’s still hard to call. Even only considering critical reception both games have been pretty widely acclaimed. It seems Street Fighter has been doing better at holding players’ interest in the long term, but Tekken 8 is still gearing up.
Both new releases have innovated while keeping the spirit of their franchises alive. It’s difficult to pick one over the other here though, it’s more different flavors than anything being better or worse. If Tekken 8’s ongoing support can keep up it might end up pushing ahead here. Street Fighter 6’s gameplay is roughly better regarded right now, but it’s had longer to mature.
Which is More Influential?

Source: Capcom
Both Tekken and Street Fighter have been incredibly influential in the world of fighting games. But out of Tekken vs Street Fighter which has been more influential?
It’s hard to argue that Tekken hasn’t had a major impact on more 3D fighters. It was also the first title to run at 60 FPS, thanks to debuting on fairly powerful hardware. Tekken’s influence as a 3D fighter with more dynamic elements has led to a lot of evolution in fighting games.
On the other hand though, as the more OG franchise, Street Fighter probably takes it here. The series far predates Tekken, and without the phenomenon of Street Fighter the genre as a whole might not have gone on long enough to even see a game like Tekken emerge.
More recently, Tekken might have been a bit more evolutionary in how it developed. In this category of Tekken vs Street Fighter though, it’s hard to ignore one franchise’s longevity.
Tekken Vs Street Fighter in Competitive Gaming

Source: Capcom
That’s how the games measure up but what about their impact in competitive gaming? Fighting games as a whole have been a major part of esports for a long time and both SF and Tekken have big followings.
In the most recent cycle, Street Fighter 6 has pushed an entire area of esports to new prominence with the Capcom Pro Tour. Western orgs have largely favored Tekken in their new signings though, seeing the equally boosted Tekken World tour as a more open field to make their mark on fighting games.
Both series have gotten to new heights here. Street Fighter is definitely on top though. Tekken has the potential to grow more. But Street Fighter is the biggest fighting game in esports. The World Tour has its benefits though. There is even the option of Tekken betting which allows you to place wagers on different fights.
Street Fighter is definitely the winner in the world of competitive gaming. It’s gone from strength to strength with Street Fighter 6.
In Tekken vs Street Fighter, your ultimate answer is going to come down to personal preference quite a bit. Trying to be a bit objective in these categories though, SF 6 seems ahead right now. However, Tekken 8 was released nearly a year later. In that time, it has been gaining fast.
Compared to Mortal Kombat Vs Street Fighter, it’s much closer. Tekken 8 has had a fantastic launch. If it can keep up the momentum it could become a stronger game. It’s an exciting time to be into wider fighting games, with these two giant franchises both pushing through to new heights.
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