Report – Gears of War Collection Is PS5 Pro Enhanced, Doesn’t Have Multiplayer

Report - Gears of War Collection Is PS5 Pro Enhanced, Doesn't Have Multiplayer

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Obscure_Observer1022d ago

“Yeah, MS needs to do something. Quite frankly there’s not a whole lot they can do really.”

I don´t think MS needs to do anything other than micro-manage their studios and better adjust their release dates and overall game output to achieve consistent first party releases throughout the year.

Yes, delays suck and to have both Starfield and Redfall delayed to 2023 was a hard blow on us, Xbox gamers. But between rushed games and quality games I chose the latter.

Many studios are having a hard time adjusting to multiple factors at XGS, some are recently created like The Initiative and Playground´s RPG Team, which, both are working on new/reboots to beloved franchises. Some are experiencing the transition from small/indie studios to full grown AAA studios like: Compulsion Games, Undead Labs, InXile and Ninja Theory, not to mention the transition to next gen technology/engines like UE5 and the new Forzatech, so I´m all for MS giving those teams time and the resources they need to shine.

Besides, MS would not release more than 2 first party games for the rest of the year, anyway. Maybe the new Forza and surprise announcement, since we don´t know nothing about the development stages of so many games been produced at XGS right now.

All will become clear after June 12th (yes, I tired of waiting) and hopefully more games with more solid and realistic release dates will be revealed.

Apparently 2022 is gonna be an easy win for Sony. They should take advantage of Xbox and Nintendo´s apparently dry year regarding big first party games and let Ragnarok do its magic this holyday.

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